changeset 463:bb27c7efcd90

Reading cookies works
author Adam Chlipala <>
date Thu, 06 Nov 2008 12:08:41 -0500 (2008-11-06)
parents 21bb5bbba2e9
children 91914c15a85b
files include/urweb.h src/c/urweb.c src/cjr.sml src/cjr_print.sml src/cjrize.sml src/mono.sml src/mono_print.sml src/mono_reduce.sml src/mono_util.sml src/monoize.sml src/prepare.sml tests/cookie.ur
diffstat 12 files changed, 440 insertions(+), 353 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/include/urweb.h	Thu Nov 06 11:29:16 2008 -0500
+++ b/include/urweb.h	Thu Nov 06 12:08:41 2008 -0500
@@ -100,4 +100,6 @@
 uw_Basis_string uw_Basis_requestHeader(uw_context, uw_Basis_string);
 void uw_write_header(uw_context, uw_Basis_string);
+uw_Basis_string uw_Basis_get_cookie(uw_context, uw_Basis_string);
 uw_unit uw_Basis_set_cookie(uw_context, uw_Basis_string, uw_Basis_string);
--- a/src/c/urweb.c	Thu Nov 06 11:29:16 2008 -0500
+++ b/src/c/urweb.c	Thu Nov 06 12:08:41 2008 -0500
@@ -1143,7 +1143,23 @@
         return NULL;
+uw_Basis_string uw_Basis_get_cookie(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_string c) {
+  int len = strlen(c);
+  char *s = ctx->headers, *p;
+  while (p = strchr(s, ':')) {
+    if (!strncasecmp(s, "Cookie: ", 8) && !strncmp(p + 2, c, len)
+        && p + 2 + len < ctx->headers_end && p[2 + len] == '=') {
+      return p + 3 + len;
+    } else {
+      if ((s = strchr(p, 0)) && s < ctx->headers_end)
+        s += 2;
+      else
+        return NULL;
+    }
+  }
 uw_unit uw_Basis_set_cookie(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_string c, uw_Basis_string v) {
--- a/src/cjr.sml	Thu Nov 06 11:29:16 2008 -0500
+++ b/src/cjr.sml	Thu Nov 06 12:08:41 2008 -0500
@@ -92,6 +92,7 @@
                    prepared : int option }
        | ENextval of { seq : exp,
                        prepared : int option }
+       | EUnurlify of exp * typ
 withtype exp = exp' located
--- a/src/cjr_print.sml	Thu Nov 06 11:29:16 2008 -0500
+++ b/src/cjr_print.sml	Thu Nov 06 12:08:41 2008 -0500
@@ -62,6 +62,12 @@
 val p_ident = string o ident
+fun isUnboxable (t : typ) =
+    case #1 t of
+        TDatatype (Default, _, _) => true
+      | TFfi ("Basis", "string") => true
+      | _ => false
 fun p_typ' par env (t, loc) =
     case t of
         TFun (t1, t2) => parenIf par (box [p_typ' true env t2,
@@ -96,11 +102,11 @@
          handle CjrEnv.UnboundNamed _ => string ("__uwd_UNBOUND__" ^ Int.toString n))
       | TFfi (m, x) => box [string "uw_", p_ident m, string "_", p_ident x]
       | TOption t =>
-        (case #1 t of
-             TDatatype _ => p_typ' par env t
-           | TFfi ("Basis", "string") => p_typ' par env t
-           | _ => box [p_typ' par env t,
-                       string "*"])
+        if isUnboxable t then
+            p_typ' par env t
+        else
+            box [p_typ' par env t,
+                 string "*"]
 and p_typ env = p_typ' false env
@@ -228,13 +234,12 @@
                                                   string "->data.",
                                                   string x]
                                 | Option =>
-                                  case #1 t of
-                                      TDatatype _ => box [string "disc",
-                                                          string (Int.toString depth)]
-                                    | TFfi ("Basis", "string") => box [string "disc",
-                                                                       string (Int.toString depth)]
-                                    | _ => box [string "*disc",
-                                                string (Int.toString depth)],
+                                  if isUnboxable t then
+                                      box [string "disc",
+                                           string (Int.toString depth)]
+                                  else
+                                      box [string "*disc",
+                                           string (Int.toString depth)],
                               string ";",
@@ -335,13 +340,12 @@
                           string "=",
-                          case #1 t of
-                              TDatatype _ => box [string "disc",
-                                                  string (Int.toString depth)]
-                            | TFfi ("Basis", "string") => box [string "disc",
-                                                               string (Int.toString depth)]
-                            | _ => box [string "*disc",
-                                        string (Int.toString depth)],
+                          if isUnboxable t then
+                              box [string "disc",
+                                   string (Int.toString depth)]
+                          else
+                              box [string "*disc",
+                                   string (Int.toString depth)],
                           string ";",
@@ -468,6 +472,288 @@
+fun capitalize s =
+    if s = "" then
+        ""
+    else
+        str (Char.toUpper (String.sub (s, 0))) ^ String.extract (s, 1, NONE)
+fun unurlify env (t, loc) =
+    let
+        fun unurlify' rf t =
+            case t of
+                TFfi ("Basis", "unit") => string ("uw_unit_v")
+              | TFfi (m, t) => string ("uw_" ^ ident m ^ "_unurlify" ^ capitalize t ^ "(ctx, &request)")
+              | TRecord 0 => string "uw_unit_v"
+              | TRecord i =>
+                let
+                    val xts = E.lookupStruct env i
+                in
+                    box [string "({",
+                         newline,
+                         box (map (fn (x, t) =>
+                                      box [p_typ env t,
+                                           space,
+                                           string "uwr_",
+                                           string x,
+                                           space,
+                                           string "=",
+                                           space,
+                                           unurlify' rf (#1 t),
+                                           string ";",
+                                           newline]) xts),
+                         string "struct",
+                         space,
+                         string "__uws_",
+                         string (Int.toString i),
+                         space,
+                         string "tmp",
+                         space,
+                         string "=",
+                         space,
+                         string "{",
+                         space,
+                         p_list_sep (box [string ",", space]) (fn (x, _) => box [string "uwr_",
+                                                                                 string x]) xts,
+                         space,
+                         string "};",
+                         newline,
+                         string "tmp;",
+                         newline,
+                         string "})"]
+                end
+              | TDatatype (Enum, i, _) =>
+                let
+                    val (x, xncs) = E.lookupDatatype env i
+                    fun doEm xncs =
+                        case xncs of
+                            [] => string ("(uw_error(ctx, FATAL, \"Error unurlifying datatype "
+                                          ^ x ^ "\"), (enum __uwe_"
+                                          ^ x ^ "_" ^ Int.toString i ^ ")0)")
+                          | (x', n, to) :: rest =>
+                            box [string "((!strncmp(request, \"",
+                                 string x',
+                                 string "\", ",
+                                 string (Int.toString (size x')),
+                                 string ") && (request[",
+                                 string (Int.toString (size x')),
+                                 string "] == 0 || request[",
+                                 string (Int.toString (size x')),
+                                 string ("] == '/')) ? __uwc_" ^ ident x' ^ "_" ^ Int.toString n),
+                                 space,
+                                 string ":",
+                                 space,
+                                 doEm rest,
+                                 string ")"]
+                in
+                    doEm xncs
+                end
+              | TDatatype (Option, i, xncs) =>
+                if IS.member (rf, i) then
+                    box [string "unurlify_",
+                         string (Int.toString i),
+                         string "()"]
+                else
+                    let
+                        val (x, _) = E.lookupDatatype env i
+                        val (no_arg, has_arg, t) =
+                            case !xncs of
+                                [(no_arg, _, NONE), (has_arg, _, SOME t)] =>
+                                (no_arg, has_arg, t)
+                              | [(has_arg, _, SOME t), (no_arg, _, NONE)] =>
+                                (no_arg, has_arg, t)
+                              | _ => raise Fail "CjrPrint: unfooify misclassified Option datatype"
+                        val rf = IS.add (rf, i)
+                    in
+                        box [string "({",
+                             space,
+                             p_typ env t,
+                             space,
+                             string "*unurlify_",
+                             string (Int.toString i),
+                             string "(void) {",
+                             newline,
+                             box [string "return (request[0] == '/' ? ++request : request,",
+                                  newline,
+                                  string "((!strncmp(request, \"",
+                                  string no_arg,
+                                  string "\", ",
+                                  string (Int.toString (size no_arg)),
+                                  string ") && (request[",
+                                  string (Int.toString (size no_arg)),
+                                  string "] == 0 || request[",
+                                  string (Int.toString (size no_arg)),
+                                  string "] == '/')) ? (request",
+                                  space,
+                                  string "+=",
+                                  space,
+                                  string (Int.toString (size no_arg)),
+                                  string ", NULL) : ((!strncmp(request, \"",
+                                  string has_arg,
+                                  string "\", ",
+                                  string (Int.toString (size has_arg)),
+                                  string ") && (request[",
+                                  string (Int.toString (size has_arg)),
+                                  string "] == 0 || request[",
+                                  string (Int.toString (size has_arg)),
+                                  string "] == '/')) ? (request",
+                                  space,
+                                  string "+=",
+                                  space,
+                                  string (Int.toString (size has_arg)),
+                                  string ", (request[0] == '/' ? ++request : NULL), ",
+                                  newline,
+                                  if isUnboxable  t then
+                                      unurlify' rf (#1 t)
+                                  else
+                                      box [string "({",
+                                           newline,
+                                           p_typ env t,
+                                           space,
+                                           string "*tmp",
+                                           space,
+                                           string "=",
+                                           space,
+                                           string "uw_malloc(ctx, sizeof(",
+                                           p_typ env t,
+                                           string "));",
+                                           newline,
+                                           string "*tmp",
+                                           space,
+                                           string "=",
+                                           space,
+                                           unurlify' rf (#1 t),
+                                           string ";",
+                                           newline,
+                                           string "tmp;",
+                                           newline,
+                                           string "})"],
+                                  string ")",
+                                  newline,
+                                  string ":",
+                                  space,
+                                  string ("(uw_error(ctx, FATAL, \"Error unurlifying datatype " ^ x
+                                          ^ "\"), NULL))));"),
+                                  newline],
+                             string "}",
+                             newline,
+                             newline,
+                             string "unurlify_",
+                             string (Int.toString i),
+                             string "();",
+                             newline,
+                             string "})"]
+                    end
+              | TDatatype (Default, i, _) =>
+                if IS.member (rf, i) then
+                    box [string "unurlify_",
+                         string (Int.toString i),
+                         string "()"]
+                else
+                    let
+                        val (x, xncs) = E.lookupDatatype env i
+                        val rf = IS.add (rf, i)
+                        fun doEm xncs =
+                            case xncs of
+                                [] => string ("(uw_error(ctx, FATAL, \"Error unurlifying datatype "
+                                              ^ x ^ "\"), NULL)")
+                              | (x', n, to) :: rest =>
+                                box [string "((!strncmp(request, \"",
+                                     string x',
+                                     string "\", ",
+                                     string (Int.toString (size x')),
+                                     string ") && (request[",
+                                     string (Int.toString (size x')),
+                                     string "] == 0 || request[",
+                                     string (Int.toString (size x')),
+                                     string "] == '/')) ? ({",
+                                     newline,
+                                     string "struct",
+                                     space,
+                                     string ("__uwd_" ^ ident x ^ "_" ^ Int.toString i),
+                                     space,
+                                     string "*tmp = uw_malloc(ctx, sizeof(struct __uwd_",
+                                     string x,
+                                     string "_",
+                                     string (Int.toString i),
+                                     string "));",
+                                     newline,
+                                     string "tmp->tag",
+                                     space,
+                                     string "=",
+                                     space,
+                                     string ("__uwc_" ^ ident x' ^ "_" ^ Int.toString n),
+                                     string ";",
+                                     newline,
+                                     string "request",
+                                     space,
+                                     string "+=",
+                                     space,
+                                     string (Int.toString (size x')),
+                                     string ";",
+                                     newline,
+                                     string "if (request[0] == '/') ++request;",
+                                     newline,
+                                     case to of
+                                         NONE => box []
+                                       | SOME (t, _) => box [string "tmp->data.uw_",
+                                                             p_ident x',
+                                                             space,
+                                                             string "=",
+                                                             space,
+                                                             unurlify' rf t,
+                                                             string ";",
+                                                             newline],
+                                     string "tmp;",
+                                     newline,
+                                     string "})",
+                                     space,
+                                     string ":",
+                                     space,
+                                     doEm rest,
+                                     string ")"]
+                    in
+                        box [string "({",
+                             space,
+                             p_typ env (t, ErrorMsg.dummySpan),
+                             space,
+                             string "unurlify_",
+                             string (Int.toString i),
+                             string "(void) {",
+                             newline,
+                             box [string "return",
+                                  space,
+                                  doEm xncs,
+                                  string ";",
+                                  newline],
+                             string "}",
+                             newline,
+                             newline,
+                             string "unurlify_",
+                             string (Int.toString i),
+                             string "();",
+                             newline,
+                             string "})"]
+                    end
+              | _ => (ErrorMsg.errorAt loc "Unable to choose a URL decoding function";
+                      space)
+    in
+        unurlify' IS.empty t
+    end
 fun p_exp' par env (e, loc) =
     case e of
         EPrim p => Prim.p_t_GCC p
@@ -485,30 +771,30 @@
                         NONE => raise Fail "CjrPrint: ECon argument status mismatch"
                       | SOME t => t
-            case #1 t of
-                TDatatype _ => p_exp' par env e
-              | TFfi ("Basis", "string") => p_exp' par env e
-              | _ => box [string "({",
-                          newline,
-                          p_typ env t,
-                          space,
-                          string "*tmp",
-                          space,
-                          string "=",
-                          space,
-                          string "uw_malloc(ctx, sizeof(",
-                          p_typ env t,
-                          string "));",
-                          newline,
-                          string "*tmp",
-                          space,
-                          string "=",
-                          p_exp' par env e,
-                          string ";",
-                          newline,
-                          string "tmp;",
-                          newline,
-                          string "})"]
+            if isUnboxable t then
+                p_exp' par env e
+            else
+                box [string "({",
+                     newline,
+                     p_typ env t,
+                     space,
+                     string "*tmp",
+                     space,
+                     string "=",
+                     space,
+                     string "uw_malloc(ctx, sizeof(",
+                     p_typ env t,
+                     string "));",
+                     newline,
+                     string "*tmp",
+                     space,
+                     string "=",
+                     p_exp' par env e,
+                     string ";",
+                     newline,
+                     string "tmp;",
+                     newline,
+                     string "})"]
       | ECon (Default, pc, eo) =>
@@ -551,30 +837,30 @@
       | ENone _ => string "NULL"
       | ESome (t, e) =>
-        (case #1 t of
-             TDatatype _ => p_exp' par env e
-           | TFfi ("Basis", "string") => p_exp' par env e
-           | _ => box [string "({",
-                       newline,
-                       p_typ env t,
-                       space,
-                       string "*tmp",
-                       space,
-                       string "=",
-                       space,
-                       string "uw_malloc(ctx, sizeof(",
-                       p_typ env t,
-                       string "));",
-                       newline,
-                       string "*tmp",
-                       space,
-                       string "=",
-                       p_exp' par env e,
-                       string ";",
-                       newline,
-                       string "tmp;",
-                       newline,
-                       string "})"])
+        if isUnboxable t then
+            p_exp' par env e
+        else
+            box [string "({",
+                 newline,
+                 p_typ env t,
+                 space,
+                 string "*tmp",
+                 space,
+                 string "=",
+                 space,
+                 string "uw_malloc(ctx, sizeof(",
+                 p_typ env t,
+                 string "));",
+                 newline,
+                 string "*tmp",
+                 space,
+                 string "=",
+                 p_exp' par env e,
+                 string ";",
+                 newline,
+                 string "tmp;",
+                 newline,
+                 string "})"]
       | EFfi (m, x) => box [string "uw_", p_ident m, string "_", p_ident x]
       | EError (e, t) =>
@@ -1078,6 +1364,41 @@
                  string "}))"]
+      | EUnurlify (e, t) =>
+        let
+            fun getIt () =
+                if isUnboxable t then
+                    unurlify env t
+                else
+                    box [string "({",
+                         newline,
+                         p_typ env t,
+                         string " *tmp = uw_malloc(ctx, sizeof(",
+                         p_typ env t,
+                         string "));",
+                         newline,
+                         string "*tmp = ",
+                         unurlify env t,
+                         string ";",
+                         newline,
+                         string "tmp;",
+                         newline,
+                         string "})"]
+        in
+            box [string "({",
+                 newline,
+                 string "uw_Basis_string request = ",
+                 p_exp env e,
+                 string ";",
+                 newline,
+                 newline,
+                 string "(request ? ",
+                 getIt (),
+                 string " : NULL);",
+                 newline,
+                 string "})"]
+        end
 and p_exp env = p_exp' false env
 fun p_fun env (fx, n, args, ran, e) =
@@ -1527,288 +1848,6 @@
                              string "}"]
-        fun capitalize s =
-            if s = "" then
-                ""
-            else
-                str (Char.toUpper (String.sub (s, 0))) ^ String.extract (s, 1, NONE)
-        fun unurlify (t, loc) =
-            let
-                fun unurlify' rf t =
-                    case t of
-                        TFfi ("Basis", "unit") => string ("uw_unit_v")
-                      | TFfi (m, t) => string ("uw_" ^ ident m ^ "_unurlify" ^ capitalize t ^ "(ctx, &request)")
-                      | TRecord 0 => string "uw_unit_v"
-                      | TRecord i =>
-                        let
-                            val xts = E.lookupStruct env i
-                        in
-                            box [string "({",
-                                 newline,
-                                 box (map (fn (x, t) =>
-                                              box [p_typ env t,
-                                                   space,
-                                                   string "uwr_",
-                                                   string x,
-                                                   space,
-                                                   string "=",
-                                                   space,
-                                                   unurlify' rf (#1 t),
-                                                   string ";",
-                                                   newline]) xts),
-                                 string "struct",
-                                 space,
-                                 string "__uws_",
-                                 string (Int.toString i),
-                                 space,
-                                 string "tmp",
-                                 space,
-                                 string "=",
-                                 space,
-                                 string "{",
-                                 space,
-                                 p_list_sep (box [string ",", space]) (fn (x, _) => box [string "uwr_",
-                                                                                         string x]) xts,
-                                 space,
-                                 string "};",
-                                 newline,
-                                 string "tmp;",
-                                 newline,
-                                 string "})"]
-                        end
-                      | TDatatype (Enum, i, _) =>
-                        let
-                            val (x, xncs) = E.lookupDatatype env i
-                            fun doEm xncs =
-                                case xncs of
-                                    [] => string ("(uw_error(ctx, FATAL, \"Error unurlifying datatype "
-                                                  ^ x ^ "\"), (enum __uwe_"
-                                                  ^ x ^ "_" ^ Int.toString i ^ ")0)")
-                                  | (x', n, to) :: rest =>
-                                    box [string "((!strncmp(request, \"",
-                                         string x',
-                                         string "\", ",
-                                         string (Int.toString (size x')),
-                                         string ") && (request[",
-                                         string (Int.toString (size x')),
-                                         string "] == 0 || request[",
-                                         string (Int.toString (size x')),
-                                         string ("] == '/')) ? __uwc_" ^ ident x' ^ "_" ^ Int.toString n),
-                                         space,
-                                         string ":",
-                                         space,
-                                         doEm rest,
-                                         string ")"]
-                        in
-                            doEm xncs
-                        end
-                      | TDatatype (Option, i, xncs) =>
-                        if IS.member (rf, i) then
-                            box [string "unurlify_",
-                                 string (Int.toString i),
-                                 string "()"]
-                        else
-                            let
-                                val (x, _) = E.lookupDatatype env i
-                                val (no_arg, has_arg, t) =
-                                    case !xncs of
-                                        [(no_arg, _, NONE), (has_arg, _, SOME t)] =>
-                                        (no_arg, has_arg, t)
-                                      | [(has_arg, _, SOME t), (no_arg, _, NONE)] =>
-                                        (no_arg, has_arg, t)
-                                      | _ => raise Fail "CjrPrint: unfooify misclassified Option datatype"
-                                val rf = IS.add (rf, i)
-                            in
-                                box [string "({",
-                                     space,
-                                     p_typ env t,
-                                     space,
-                                     string "*unurlify_",
-                                     string (Int.toString i),
-                                     string "(void) {",
-                                     newline,
-                                     box [string "return (request[0] == '/' ? ++request : request,",
-                                          newline,
-                                          string "((!strncmp(request, \"",
-                                          string no_arg,
-                                          string "\", ",
-                                          string (Int.toString (size no_arg)),
-                                          string ") && (request[",
-                                          string (Int.toString (size no_arg)),
-                                          string "] == 0 || request[",
-                                          string (Int.toString (size no_arg)),
-                                          string "] == '/')) ? (request",
-                                          space,
-                                          string "+=",
-                                          space,
-                                          string (Int.toString (size no_arg)),
-                                          string ", NULL) : ((!strncmp(request, \"",
-                                          string has_arg,
-                                          string "\", ",
-                                          string (Int.toString (size has_arg)),
-                                          string ") && (request[",
-                                          string (Int.toString (size has_arg)),
-                                          string "] == 0 || request[",
-                                          string (Int.toString (size has_arg)),
-                                          string "] == '/')) ? (request",
-                                          space,
-                                          string "+=",
-                                          space,
-                                          string (Int.toString (size has_arg)),
-                                          string ", (request[0] == '/' ? ++request : NULL), ",
-                                          newline,
-                                          case #1 t of
-                                              TDatatype _ => unurlify' rf (#1 t)
-                                            | TFfi ("Basis", "string") => unurlify' rf (#1 t)
-                                            | _ => box [string "({",
-                                                        newline,
-                                                        p_typ env t,
-                                                        space,
-                                                        string "*tmp",
-                                                        space,
-                                                        string "=",
-                                                        space,
-                                                        string "uw_malloc(ctx, sizeof(",
-                                                        p_typ env t,
-                                                        string "));",
-                                                        newline,
-                                                        string "*tmp",
-                                                        space,
-                                                        string "=",
-                                                        space,
-                                                        unurlify' rf (#1 t),
-                                                        string ";",
-                                                        newline,
-                                                        string "tmp;",
-                                                        newline,
-                                                        string "})"],
-                                          string ")",
-                                          newline,
-                                          string ":",
-                                          space,
-                                          string ("(uw_error(ctx, FATAL, \"Error unurlifying datatype " ^ x
-                                                  ^ "\"), NULL))));"),
-                                          newline],
-                                     string "}",
-                                     newline,
-                                     newline,
-                                     string "unurlify_",
-                                     string (Int.toString i),
-                                     string "();",
-                                     newline,
-                                     string "})"]
-                            end
-                      | TDatatype (Default, i, _) =>
-                        if IS.member (rf, i) then
-                            box [string "unurlify_",
-                                 string (Int.toString i),
-                                 string "()"]
-                        else
-                            let
-                                val (x, xncs) = E.lookupDatatype env i
-                                val rf = IS.add (rf, i)
-                                fun doEm xncs =
-                                    case xncs of
-                                        [] => string ("(uw_error(ctx, FATAL, \"Error unurlifying datatype "
-                                                      ^ x ^ "\"), NULL)")
-                                      | (x', n, to) :: rest =>
-                                        box [string "((!strncmp(request, \"",
-                                             string x',
-                                             string "\", ",
-                                             string (Int.toString (size x')),
-                                             string ") && (request[",
-                                             string (Int.toString (size x')),
-                                             string "] == 0 || request[",
-                                             string (Int.toString (size x')),
-                                             string "] == '/')) ? ({",
-                                             newline,
-                                             string "struct",
-                                             space,
-                                             string ("__uwd_" ^ ident x ^ "_" ^ Int.toString i),
-                                             space,
-                                             string "*tmp = uw_malloc(ctx, sizeof(struct __uwd_",
-                                             string x,
-                                             string "_",
-                                             string (Int.toString i),
-                                             string "));",
-                                             newline,
-                                             string "tmp->tag",
-                                             space,
-                                             string "=",
-                                             space,
-                                             string ("__uwc_" ^ ident x' ^ "_" ^ Int.toString n),
-                                             string ";",
-                                             newline,
-                                             string "request",
-                                             space,
-                                             string "+=",
-                                             space,
-                                             string (Int.toString (size x')),
-                                             string ";",
-                                             newline,
-                                             string "if (request[0] == '/') ++request;",
-                                             newline,
-                                             case to of
-                                                 NONE => box []
-                                               | SOME (t, _) => box [string "tmp->data.uw_",
-                                                                     p_ident x',
-                                                                     space,
-                                                                     string "=",
-                                                                     space,
-                                                                     unurlify' rf t,
-                                                                     string ";",
-                                                                     newline],
-                                             string "tmp;",
-                                             newline,
-                                             string "})",
-                                             space,
-                                             string ":",
-                                             space,
-                                             doEm rest,
-                                             string ")"]
-                            in
-                                box [string "({",
-                                     space,
-                                     p_typ env (t, ErrorMsg.dummySpan),
-                                     space,
-                                     string "unurlify_",
-                                     string (Int.toString i),
-                                     string "(void) {",
-                                     newline,
-                                     box [string "return",
-                                          space,
-                                          doEm xncs,
-                                          string ";",
-                                          newline],
-                                     string "}",
-                                     newline,
-                                     newline,
-                                     string "unurlify_",
-                                     string (Int.toString i),
-                                     string "();",
-                                     newline,
-                                     string "})"]
-                            end
-                      | _ => (ErrorMsg.errorAt loc "Unable to choose a URL decoding function";
-                              space)
-            in
-                unurlify' IS.empty t
-            end
         fun p_page (ek, s, n, ts) =
                 val (ts, defInputs, inputsVar) =
@@ -1855,7 +1894,7 @@
                                                             string "=",
-                                                            unurlify t,
+                                                            unurlify env t,
                                                             string ";",
                                                    end) xts),
@@ -1904,7 +1943,7 @@
                                                                 string "=",
-                                                                unurlify t,
+                                                                unurlify env t,
                                                                 string ";",
                                                                 newline]) ts),
--- a/src/cjrize.sml	Thu Nov 06 11:29:16 2008 -0500
+++ b/src/cjrize.sml	Thu Nov 06 12:08:41 2008 -0500
@@ -412,6 +412,13 @@
             ((L'.ENextval {seq = e, prepared = NONE}, loc), sm)
+      | L.EUnurlify (e, t) =>
+        let
+            val (e, sm) = cifyExp (e, sm)
+            val (t, sm) = cifyTyp (t, sm)
+        in
+            ((L'.EUnurlify (e, t), loc), sm)
+        end
 fun cifyDecl ((d, loc), sm) =
     case d of
--- a/src/mono.sml	Thu Nov 06 11:29:16 2008 -0500
+++ b/src/mono.sml	Thu Nov 06 12:08:41 2008 -0500
@@ -94,6 +94,8 @@
        | EDml of exp
        | ENextval of exp
+       | EUnurlify of exp * typ
 withtype exp = exp' located
--- a/src/mono_print.sml	Thu Nov 06 11:29:16 2008 -0500
+++ b/src/mono_print.sml	Thu Nov 06 12:08:41 2008 -0500
@@ -272,6 +272,9 @@
       | ENextval e => box [string "nextval(",
                            p_exp env e,
                            string ")"]
+      | EUnurlify (e, _) => box [string "unurlify(",
+                                 p_exp env e,
+                                 string ")"]
 and p_exp env = p_exp' false env
--- a/src/mono_reduce.sml	Thu Nov 06 11:29:16 2008 -0500
+++ b/src/mono_reduce.sml	Thu Nov 06 12:08:41 2008 -0500
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@
       | EQuery _ => true
       | EDml _ => true
       | ENextval _ => true
+      | EUnurlify _ => true
       | EAbs _ => false
       | EPrim _ => false
@@ -275,6 +276,7 @@
       | EDml e => summarize d e @ [WriteDb]
       | ENextval e => summarize d e @ [WriteDb]
+      | EUnurlify (e, _) => summarize d e
 fun exp env e =
--- a/src/mono_util.sml	Thu Nov 06 11:29:16 2008 -0500
+++ b/src/mono_util.sml	Thu Nov 06 12:08:41 2008 -0500
@@ -305,6 +305,12 @@
                 S.map2 (mfe ctx e,
                      fn e' =>
                         (ENextval e', loc))
+              | EUnurlify (e, t) =>
+                S.bind2 (mfe ctx e,
+                     fn e' =>
+                        S.map2 (mft t,
+                                fn t' =>
+                                   (EUnurlify (e', t'), loc)))
--- a/src/monoize.sml	Thu Nov 06 11:29:16 2008 -0500
+++ b/src/monoize.sml	Thu Nov 06 12:08:41 2008 -0500
@@ -955,7 +955,9 @@
                 ((L'.EAbs ("c", s, (L'.TFun (un, s), loc),
                            (L'.EAbs ("_", un, s,
-                                     (L'.EPrim (Prim.String "Cookie!"), loc)), loc)), loc),
+                                     (L'.EUnurlify ((L'.EFfiApp ("Basis", "get_cookie", [(L'.ERel 1, loc)]), loc),
+                                                    t),
+                                      loc)), loc)), loc),
--- a/src/prepare.sml	Thu Nov 06 11:29:16 2008 -0500
+++ b/src/prepare.sml	Thu Nov 06 12:08:41 2008 -0500
@@ -191,6 +191,13 @@
                  ((String.concat (rev ss), n) :: #1 sns, #2 sns + 1))
+      | EUnurlify (e, t) =>
+        let
+            val (e, sns) = prepExp (e, sns)
+        in
+            ((EUnurlify (e, t), loc), sns)
+        end
 fun prepDecl (d as (_, loc), sns) =
     case #1 d of
         DStruct _ => (d, sns)
--- a/tests/cookie.ur	Thu Nov 06 11:29:16 2008 -0500
+++ b/tests/cookie.ur	Thu Nov 06 12:08:41 2008 -0500
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 fun main () : transaction page =
     setCookie c "Hi";
-    so <- requestHeader "Cookie";
+    so <- getCookie c;
     case so of
         None => return <xml>No cookie</xml>
       | Some s => return <xml>Cookie: {[s]}</xml>