changeset 92:1a4c51fa615c

XML tags with contents
author Adam Chlipala <>
date Thu, 03 Jul 2008 17:02:42 -0400 (2008-07-03)
parents 4327abd52997
children 94afff1ff7f6
files src/elaborate.sml src/lacweb.grm src/source_print.sig tests/html.lac
diffstat 4 files changed, 55 insertions(+), 32 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/src/elaborate.sml	Thu Jul 03 16:26:28 2008 -0400
+++ b/src/elaborate.sml	Thu Jul 03 17:02:42 2008 -0400
@@ -548,8 +548,13 @@
 fun unifyRecordCons (env, denv) (c1, c2) =
-        val k1 = kindof env c1
-        val k2 = kindof env c2
+        fun rkindof c =
+            case kindof env c of
+                (L'.KRecord k, _) => k
+              | _ => raise CUnify' (CKindof c)
+        val k1 = rkindof c1
+        val k2 = rkindof c2
         val (r1, gs1) = recordSummary (env, denv) c1
         val (r2, gs2) = recordSummary (env, denv) c2
@@ -697,6 +702,9 @@
         fun isRecord () = unifyRecordCons (env, denv) (c1All, c2All)
+        (*eprefaces "unifyCons''" [("c1All", p_con env c1All),
+                                 ("c2All", p_con env c2All)];*)
         case (c1, c2) of
             (L'.CUnit, L'.CUnit) => []
@@ -744,8 +752,12 @@
           | (L'.CError, _) => []
           | (_, L'.CError) => []
-          | (L'.CUnif (_, _, _, ref (SOME c1All)), _) => unifyCons' (env, denv) c1All c2All
-          | (_, L'.CUnif (_, _, _, ref (SOME c2All))) => unifyCons' (env, denv) c1All c2All
+          | (L'.CRecord _, _) => isRecord ()
+          | (_, L'.CRecord _) => isRecord ()
+          | (L'.CConcat _, _) => isRecord ()
+          | (_, L'.CConcat _) => isRecord ()
+          (*| (L'.CUnif (_, (L'.KRecord _, _), _, _), _) => isRecord ()
+          | (_, L'.CUnif (_, (L'.KRecord _, _), _, _)) => isRecord ()*)
           | (L'.CUnif (_, k1, _, r1), L'.CUnif (_, k2, _, r2)) =>
             if r1 = r2 then
@@ -768,10 +780,6 @@
                 (r := SOME c1All;
-          | (L'.CRecord _, _) => isRecord ()
-          | (_, L'.CRecord _) => isRecord ()
-          | (L'.CConcat _, _) => isRecord ()
-          | (_, L'.CConcat _) => isRecord ()
           | (L'.CFold (dom1, ran1), L'.CFold (dom2, ran2)) =>
             (unifyKinds dom1 dom2;
@@ -792,6 +800,7 @@
      | Unify of L'.exp * L'.con * L'.con * cunify_error
      | Unif of string * L'.con
      | WrongForm of string * L'.exp * L'.con
+     | IncompatibleCons of L'.con * L'.con
 fun expError env err =
     case err of
@@ -812,6 +821,10 @@
         (ErrorMsg.errorAt (#2 e) ("Expression is not a " ^ variety);
          eprefaces' [("Expression", p_exp env e),
                      ("Type", p_con env t)])
+      | IncompatibleCons (c1, c2) =>
+        (ErrorMsg.errorAt (#2 c1) "Incompatible constructors";
+         eprefaces' [("Con 1", p_con env c1),
+                     ("Con 2", p_con env c2)])
 fun checkCon (env, denv) e c1 c2 =
     unifyCons (env, denv) c1 c2
@@ -905,24 +918,12 @@
         unravel (t, e)
-fun elabExp (env, denv) (e, loc) =
+fun elabExp (env, denv) (eAll as (e, loc)) =
-        fun doApp (e1, e2) =
-            let
-                val (e1', t1, gs1) = elabExp (env, denv) e1
-                val (e1', t1, gs2) = elabHead (env, denv) e1' t1
-                val (e2', t2, gs3) = elabExp (env, denv) e2
+    in
+        (*eprefaces "elabExp" [("eAll", SourcePrint.p_exp eAll)];*)
-                val dom = cunif (loc, ktype)
-                val ran = cunif (loc, ktype)
-                val t = (L'.TFun (dom, ran), dummy)
-                val gs4 = checkCon (env, denv) e1' t1 t
-                val gs5 = checkCon (env, denv) e2' t2 dom
-            in
-                ((L'.EApp (e1', e2'), loc), ran, gs1 @ gs2 @ gs3 @ gs4 @ gs5)
-            end
-    in
         case e of
             L.EAnnot (e, t) =>
@@ -1040,7 +1041,8 @@
                         val gs3 = unifyCons (env, denv) ns ns'
                         gs1 @ gs2 @ gs3
-                    end
+                    end handle CUnify _ => (expError env (IncompatibleCons (ns, ns'));
+                                            [])
                 val gs7 = doUnify (ns1, ns1')
                 val gs8 = doUnify (ns2, ns2')
--- a/src/lacweb.grm	Thu Jul 03 16:26:28 2008 -0400
+++ b/src/lacweb.grm	Thu Jul 03 17:02:42 2008 -0400
@@ -298,9 +298,27 @@
 xmlOne : NOTAGS                      (EApp ((EVar (["Basis"], "cdata"), s (NOTAGSleft, NOTAGSright)),
                                             (EPrim (Prim.String NOTAGS), s (NOTAGSleft, NOTAGSright))),
                                       s (NOTAGSleft, NOTAGSright))
-       | BEGIN_TAG DIVIDE GT         (EApp ((EApp ((EVar (["Basis"], "tag"), s (BEGIN_TAGleft, GTright)),
-                                                   (EVar ([], BEGIN_TAG), s (BEGIN_TAGleft, GTright))),
-                                             s (BEGIN_TAGleft, GTright)),
-                                            (EApp ((EVar (["Basis"], "cdata"), s (BEGIN_TAGleft, GTright)),
-                                                   (EPrim (Prim.String ""), s (BEGIN_TAGleft, GTright))),
-                                             s (BEGIN_TAGleft, GTright))), s (BEGIN_TAGleft, GTright))
+       | BEGIN_TAG DIVIDE GT         (let
+                                          val pos = s (BEGIN_TAGleft, GTright)
+                                      in
+                                          (EApp ((EApp ((EVar (["Basis"], "tag"), pos),
+                                                        (EVar ([], BEGIN_TAG), pos)),
+                                                  pos),
+                                                 (EApp ((EVar (["Basis"], "cdata"), pos),
+                                                        (EPrim (Prim.String ""), pos)),
+                                                  pos)), pos)
+                                      end)
+       | BEGIN_TAG GT xml END_TAG    (let
+                                          val pos = s (BEGIN_TAGleft, GTright)
+                                      in
+                                          if BEGIN_TAG = END_TAG then
+                                              (EApp ((EApp ((EVar (["Basis"], "tag"), pos),
+                                                            (EVar ([], BEGIN_TAG), pos)),
+                                                      pos),
+                                                     xml), pos)
+                                          else
+                                              (ErrorMsg.errorAt pos "Begin and end tags don't match.";
+                                               (EFold, pos))
+                                      end)
--- a/src/source_print.sig	Thu Jul 03 16:26:28 2008 -0400
+++ b/src/source_print.sig	Thu Jul 03 17:02:42 2008 -0400
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
     val p_kind : Source.kind Print.printer
     val p_explicitness : Source.explicitness Print.printer
     val p_con : Source.con Print.printer
+    val p_exp : Source.exp Print.printer
     val p_decl : Source.decl Print.printer
     val p_sgn_item : Source.sgn_item Print.printer
     val p_file : Source.file Print.printer
--- a/tests/html.lac	Thu Jul 03 16:26:28 2008 -0400
+++ b/tests/html.lac	Thu Jul 03 17:02:42 2008 -0400
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
 val text : xml[Html] = <html>
-        <head/>
+        <head>
+                <title>Hello World!</title>
+        </head>