changeset 1953:0992323fa264

noMangleSql .urp directive
author Adam Chlipala <>
date Sat, 04 Jan 2014 19:02:14 -0500 (2014-01-05)
parents cf7f7e51b0a2
children 1802eb00a0ae
files doc/manual.tex src/compiler.sml src/monoize.sml src/mysql.sml src/postgres.sml src/settings.sig src/settings.sml
diffstat 7 files changed, 111 insertions(+), 64 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/doc/manual.tex	Wed Jan 01 10:51:47 2014 -0500
+++ b/doc/manual.tex	Sat Jan 04 19:02:14 2014 -0500
@@ -170,6 +170,7 @@
 \item \texttt{linker CMD} sets \texttt{CMD} as the command line prefix to use for linking C object files.  The command line will be completed with a space-separated list of \texttt{.o} and \texttt{.a} files, \texttt{-L} and \texttt{-l} flags, and finally with a \texttt{-o} flag to set the location where the executable should be written.
 \item \texttt{minHeap NUMBYTES} sets the initial size for thread-local heaps used in handling requests.  These heaps grow automatically as needed (up to any maximum set with \texttt{limit}), but each regrow requires restarting the request handling process.
 \item \texttt{monoInline TREESIZE} sets how many nodes the AST of a function definition may have before the optimizer stops trying hard to inline calls to that function.  (This is one of two options for one of two intermediate languages within the compiler.)
+\item \texttt{noMangleSql} avoids adding a \texttt{uw\_} prefix in front of each identifier in SQL.  With this experimental feature, the burden is on the programmer to avoid naming tables or columns after SQL keywords!
 \item \texttt{noXsrfProtection URIPREFIX} turns off automatic cross-site request forgery protection for the page handler identified by the given URI prefix.  This will avoid checking cryptographic signatures on cookies, which is generally a reasonable idea for some pages, such as login pages that are going to discard all old cookie values, anyway.
 \item \texttt{onError Module.var} changes the handling of fatal application errors.  Instead of displaying a default, ugly error 500 page, the error page will be generated by calling function \texttt{Module.var} on a piece of XML representing the error message.  The error handler should have type $\mt{xbody} \to \mt{transaction} \; \mt{page}$.  Note that the error handler \emph{cannot} be in the application's main module, since that would register it as explicitly callable via URLs.
 \item \texttt{path NAME=VALUE} creates a mapping from \texttt{NAME} to \texttt{VALUE}.  This mapping may be used at the beginnings of filesystem paths given to various other configuration directives.  A path like \texttt{\$NAME/rest} is expanded to \texttt{VALUE/rest}.  There is an initial mapping from the empty name (for paths like \texttt{\$/list}) to the directory where the Ur/Web standard library is installed.  If you accept the default \texttt{configure} options, this directory is \texttt{/usr/local/lib/urweb/ur}.
--- a/src/compiler.sml	Wed Jan 01 10:51:47 2014 -0500
+++ b/src/compiler.sml	Sat Jan 04 19:02:14 2014 -0500
@@ -864,6 +864,7 @@
                                    | "alwaysInline" => Settings.addAlwaysInline arg
                                    | "noXsrfProtection" => Settings.addNoXsrfProtection arg
                                    | "timeFormat" => Settings.setTimeFormat arg
+                                   | "noMangleSql" => Settings.setMangleSql false
                                    | _ => ErrorMsg.error ("Unrecognized command '" ^ cmd ^ "'");
                                  read ()
--- a/src/monoize.sml	Wed Jan 01 10:51:47 2014 -0500
+++ b/src/monoize.sml	Sat Jan 04 19:02:14 2014 -0500
@@ -1624,7 +1624,7 @@
                            (L'.EPrim (Prim.String
                                           (String.concatWith ", "
                                                              (map (fn (x, _) =>
-                                                                      "uw_" ^ monoNameLc env x
+                                                                      Settings.mangleSql (monoNameLc env x)
                                                                       ^ (if #textKeysNeedLengths (Settings.currentDbms ())
                                                                             andalso isBlobby t then
@@ -1668,7 +1668,7 @@
                 ((L'.EPrim (Prim.String ("UNIQUE ("
                                          ^ String.concatWith ", "
-                                                             (map (fn (x, t) => "uw_" ^ monoNameLc env x
+                                                             (map (fn (x, t) => Settings.mangleSql (monoNameLc env x)
                                                                                 ^ (if #textKeysNeedLengths (Settings.currentDbms ())
                                                                                       andalso isBlobby t then
@@ -1714,19 +1714,19 @@
                            (L'.EAbs ("m", mat, mat,
                                      (L'.ECase ((L'.EField ((L'.ERel 0, loc), "1"), loc),
                                                 [((L'.PPrim (Prim.String ""), loc),
-                                                  (L'.ERecord [("1", (L'.EPrim (Prim.String ("uw_" ^ lowercaseFirst nm1)),
+                                                  (L'.ERecord [("1", (L'.EPrim (Prim.String (Settings.mangleSql (lowercaseFirst nm1))),
                                                                       loc), string),
-                                                               ("2", (L'.EPrim (Prim.String ("uw_" ^ lowercaseFirst nm2)),
+                                                               ("2", (L'.EPrim (Prim.String (Settings.mangleSql (lowercaseFirst nm2))),
                                                                       loc), string)], loc)),
                                                  ((L'.PWild, loc),
                                                   (L'.ERecord [("1", (L'.EStrcat (
-                                                                      (L'.EPrim (Prim.String ("uw_" ^ lowercaseFirst nm1
+                                                                      (L'.EPrim (Prim.String (Settings.mangleSql (lowercaseFirst nm1)
                                                                                               ^ ", ")),
                                                                       (L'.EField ((L'.ERel 0, loc), "1"), loc)),
                                                                       loc), string),
                                                                ("2", (L'.EStrcat (
-                                                                      (L'.EPrim (Prim.String ("uw_" ^ lowercaseFirst nm2
+                                                                      (L'.EPrim (Prim.String (Settings.mangleSql (lowercaseFirst nm2)
                                                                                               ^ ", ")), loc),
                                                                       (L'.EField ((L'.ERel 0, loc), "2"), loc)),
                                                                       loc), string)],
@@ -1857,7 +1857,7 @@
                                           strcat [sc "INSERT INTO ",
                                                   (L'.ERel 1, loc),
                                                   sc " (",
-                                                  strcatComma (map (fn (x, _) => sc ("uw_" ^ x)) fields),
+                                                  strcatComma (map (fn (x, _) => sc (Settings.mangleSql x)) fields),
                                                   sc ") VALUES (",
                                                   strcatComma (map (fn (x, _) =>
                                                                        (L'.EField ((L'.ERel 0, loc),
@@ -1884,7 +1884,7 @@
                                                                 (L'.ERel 1, loc),
                                                                 sc " AS T_T SET ",
                                                                 strcatComma (map (fn (x, _) =>
-                                                                                     strcat [sc ("uw_" ^ x
+                                                                                     strcat [sc (Settings.mangleSql x
                                                                                                  ^ " = "),
                                                                                                   ((L'.ERel 2,
@@ -1898,7 +1898,7 @@
                                                                 (L'.ERel 1, loc),
                                                                 sc " SET ",
                                                                 strcatComma (map (fn (x, _) =>
-                                                                                     strcat [sc ("uw_" ^ x
+                                                                                     strcat [sc (Settings.mangleSql x
                                                                                                  ^ " = "),
                                                                                              (L'.EFfiApp ("Basis", "unAs",
@@ -2090,14 +2090,14 @@
                                            strcatComma (map (fn (x, t) =>
                                                                 strcat [
                                                                 (L'.EField (gf "SelectExps", x), loc),
-                                                                sc (" AS uw_" ^ x)
+                                                                sc (" AS " ^ Settings.mangleSql x)
                                                             ]) sexps
                                                         @ map (fn (x, xts) =>
                                                                       (map (fn (x', _) =>
                                                                                sc ("T_" ^ x
-										   ^ ".uw_"
-										   ^ x'))
+										   ^ "."
+										   ^ Settings.mangleSql x'))
                                                                            xts)) stables),
                                            (L'.ECase (gf "From",
                                                       [((L'.PPrim (Prim.String ""), loc),
@@ -2131,8 +2131,8 @@
                                                                         (map (fn (x', _) =>
                                                                                  sc ("T_" ^ x
-										     ^ ".uw_"
-										     ^ x'))
+										     ^ ""
+										     ^ Settings.mangleSql x'))
                                                                              xts)) grouped)
@@ -2626,7 +2626,7 @@
                _), _),
               _), _),
              (L.CName tab, _)), _),
-            (L.CName field, _)) => ((L'.EPrim (Prim.String ("T_" ^ tab ^ ".uw_" ^ lowercaseFirst field)), loc), fm)
+            (L.CName field, _)) => ((L'.EPrim (Prim.String ("T_" ^ tab ^ "." ^ Settings.mangleSql (lowercaseFirst field))), loc), fm)
           | L.ECApp (
             (L.ECApp (
@@ -2638,7 +2638,7 @@
                _), _),
               _), _),
              _), _),
-            (L.CName nm, _)) => ((L'.EPrim (Prim.String ("uw_" ^ lowercaseFirst nm)), loc), fm)
+            (L.CName nm, _)) => ((L'.EPrim (Prim.String (Settings.mangleSql (lowercaseFirst nm))), loc), fm)
           | L.ECApp (
             (L.ECApp (
@@ -4368,7 +4368,7 @@
                 val t = (L.CFfi ("Basis", "string"), loc)
                 val t' = (L'.TFfi ("Basis", "string"), loc)
-                val s = "uw_" ^ s
+                val s = Settings.mangleSqlTable s
                 val e_name = (L'.EPrim (Prim.String s), loc)
                 val xts = map (fn (x, t) => (monoName env x, monoType env t)) xts
@@ -4386,7 +4386,7 @@
                 val t = (L.CFfi ("Basis", "string"), loc)
                 val t' = (L'.TFfi ("Basis", "string"), loc)
-                val s = "uw_" ^ s
+                val s = Settings.mangleSqlTable s
                 val e_name = (L'.EPrim (Prim.String s), loc)
                 val xts = map (fn (x, t) => (monoName env x, monoType env t)) xts
@@ -4404,7 +4404,7 @@
                 val t = (L.CFfi ("Basis", "string"), loc)
                 val t' = (L'.TFfi ("Basis", "string"), loc)
-                val s = "uw_" ^ s
+                val s = Settings.mangleSql s
                 val e = (L'.EPrim (Prim.String s), loc)
                 SOME (Env.pushENamed env x n t NONE s,
@@ -4553,7 +4553,7 @@
                             val (nullable, notNullable) = calcClientish xts
                             fun cond (x, v) =
-                                (L'.EStrcat ((L'.EPrim (Prim.String ("uw_" ^ x
+                                (L'.EStrcat ((L'.EPrim (Prim.String (Settings.mangleSql x
                                                                      ^ (case v of
                                                                             Client => ""
                                                                           | Channel => " >> 32")
@@ -4564,10 +4564,10 @@
                                 foldl (fn ((x, v), e) =>
                                           (L'.ESeq (
                                            (L'.EDml ((L'.EStrcat (
-                                                      (L'.EPrim (Prim.String ("UPDATE uw_"
-                                                                              ^ tab
-                                                                              ^ " SET uw_"
-                                                                              ^ x
+                                                      (L'.EPrim (Prim.String ("UPDATE "
+                                                                              ^ Settings.mangleSql tab
+                                                                              ^ " SET "
+                                                                              ^ Settings.mangleSql x
                                                                               ^ " = NULL WHERE ")), loc),
                                                       cond (x, v)), loc), L'.Error), loc),
                                            e), loc))
@@ -4584,8 +4584,8 @@
                                                                     (L'.EStrcat ((L'.EPrim (Prim.String " OR "),
                                                                                  cond eb), loc)), loc))
-                                                   (L'.EStrcat ((L'.EPrim (Prim.String ("DELETE FROM uw_"
-                                                                                        ^ tab
+                                                   (L'.EStrcat ((L'.EPrim (Prim.String ("DELETE FROM "
+                                                                                        ^ Settings.mangleSql tab
                                                                                         ^ " WHERE ")), loc),
                                                                 cond eb), loc)
                                                    ebs, L'.Error), loc),
@@ -4618,11 +4618,11 @@
                                     (L'.ESeq (
                                      (L'.EDml ((L'.EPrim (Prim.String
                                                               (foldl (fn ((x, _), s) =>
-                                                                         s ^ ", uw_" ^ x ^ " = NULL")
+                                                                         s ^ ", " ^ Settings.mangleSql x ^ " = NULL")
                                                                      ("UPDATE uw_"
                                                                       ^ tab
-                                                                      ^ " SET uw_"
-                                                                      ^ x
+                                                                      ^ " SET "
+                                                                      ^ Settings.mangleSql x
                                                                       ^ " = NULL")
                                                                      ebs)), loc), L'.Error), loc),
                                      e), loc)
@@ -4632,8 +4632,8 @@
                                     [] => e
                                   | eb :: ebs =>
                                     (L'.ESeq (
-                                     (L'.EDml ((L'.EPrim (Prim.String ("DELETE FROM uw_"
-                                                                       ^ tab)), loc), L'.Error), loc),
+                                     (L'.EDml ((L'.EPrim (Prim.String ("DELETE FROM "
+                                                                       ^ Settings.mangleSql tab)), loc), L'.Error), loc),
                                      e), loc)
--- a/src/mysql.sml	Wed Jan 01 10:51:47 2014 -0500
+++ b/src/mysql.sml	Sat Jan 04 19:02:14 2014 -0500
@@ -76,7 +76,11 @@
 fun checkRel (table, checkNullable) (s, xts) =
         val sl = Char.toLower s
-        val both = "table_name IN ('" ^ sl ^ "', '" ^ s ^ "')"
+        val sl = if size sl > 1 andalso String.sub (sl, 0) = #"\"" then
+                     String.substring (sl, 1, size sl - 2)
+                 else
+                     sl
+        val both = "LOWER(table_name) = ('" ^ sl ^ "')"
         val q = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM information_schema." ^ table ^ " WHERE " ^ both
@@ -85,14 +89,17 @@
                                 " AND (",
                                 case String.concatWith " OR "
                                                        (map (fn (x, t) =>
-                                                                String.concat ["(column_name IN ('uw_",
-                                                                                   Char.toLower (ident x),
-                                                                               "', 'uw_",
-                                                                               ident x,
-                                                                               "') AND data_type = '",
-                                                                               p_sql_type_base t,
-                                                                               "'",
+                                                                String.concat ["(LOWER(column_name) = '",
+                                                                               Settings.mangleSqlCatalog
+                                                                                   (
+                                                                                        Char.toLower (ident x)),
+                                                                               "' AND data_type ",
+                                                                               case p_sql_type_base t of
+                                                                                   "bigint" =>
+                                                                                   "IN ('bigint', 'int')"
+                                                                                 | "longtext" =>
+                                                                                   "IN ('longtext', 'varchar')"
+                                                                                 | s => "= '" ^ s ^ "'",
                                                                                if checkNullable then
                                                                                    (" AND is_nullable = '"
                                                                                     ^ (if isNotNull t then
@@ -109,7 +116,7 @@
         val q'' = String.concat ["SELECT COUNT(*) FROM information_schema.columns WHERE ",
-                                 " AND column_name LIKE 'uw_%'"]
+                                 " AND LOWER(column_name) LIKE '", Settings.mangleSqlCatalog "%'"]
         box [string "if (mysql_query(conn->conn, \"",
              string q,
@@ -174,7 +181,7 @@
                   string "mysql_close(conn->conn);",
                   string "uw_error(ctx, FATAL, \"Table '",
-                  string s,
+                  string sl,
                   string "' does not exist.\");",
              string "}",
@@ -249,7 +256,7 @@
                   string "mysql_close(conn->conn);",
                   string "uw_error(ctx, FATAL, \"Table '",
-                  string s,
+                  string sl,
                   string "' has the wrong column types.\");",
              string "}",
@@ -324,7 +331,7 @@
                   string "mysql_close(conn->conn);",
                   string "uw_error(ctx, FATAL, \"Table '",
-                  string s,
+                  string sl,
                   string "' has extra columns.\");",
              string "}",
@@ -1201,15 +1208,21 @@
              box []]
 fun dmlCommon {loc, dml, mode} =
-    box [string "if (mysql_stmt_execute(stmt)) ",
-         case mode of
-             Settings.Error => box [string "uw_error(ctx, FATAL, \"",
-                                    string (ErrorMsg.spanToString loc),
-                                    string ": Error executing DML: %s\\n%s\", ",
-                                    dml,
-                                    string ", mysql_error(conn->conn));"]
-           | Settings.None => string "uw_set_error_message(ctx, mysql_error(conn->conn));",
-         newline,
+    box [string "if (mysql_stmt_execute(stmt)) {",
+         box [string "if (mysql_errno(conn->conn) == 1213)",
+              newline,
+              box [string "uw_error(ctx, UNLIMITED_RETRY, \"Deadlock detected\");",
+                   newline],
+              newline,
+              case mode of
+                  Settings.Error => box [string "uw_error(ctx, FATAL, \"",
+                                         string (ErrorMsg.spanToString loc),
+                                         string ": Error executing DML: %s\\n%s\", ",
+                                         dml,
+                                         string ", mysql_error(conn->conn));"]
+                | Settings.None => string "uw_set_error_message(ctx, mysql_error(conn->conn));",
+              newline],
+         string "}",
 fun dml (loc, mode) =
--- a/src/postgres.sml	Wed Jan 01 10:51:47 2014 -0500
+++ b/src/postgres.sml	Sat Jan 04 19:02:14 2014 -0500
@@ -63,8 +63,12 @@
 fun checkRel (table, checkNullable) (s, xts) =
         val sl = Char.toLower s
+        val sl = if size sl > 1 andalso String.sub (sl, 0) = #"\"" then
+                     String.substring (sl, 1, size sl - 2)
+                 else
+                     sl
-        val q = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM information_schema." ^ table ^ " WHERE table_name = '"
+        val q = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM information_schema." ^ table ^ " WHERE LOWER(table_name) = '"
                 ^ sl ^ "'"
         val q' = String.concat ["SELECT COUNT(*) FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name = '",
@@ -72,12 +76,15 @@
                                 "' AND (",
                                 case String.concatWith " OR "
                                                        (map (fn (x, t) =>
-                                                                String.concat ["(column_name = 'uw_",
-                                                                                   Char.toLower (ident x),
+                                                                String.concat ["(LOWER(column_name) = '",
+                                                                               Settings.mangleSqlCatalog
+                                                                                   (
+                                                                                        Char.toLower (ident x)),
                                                                                (case p_sql_type_base t of
                                                                                     "bigint" =>
-                                                                                    "' AND data_type IN ('bigint', 'numeric')"
+                                                                                    "' AND data_type IN ('bigint', 'numeric', 'integer')"
+                                                                                  | "text" =>
+                                                                                    "' AND data_type IN ('text', 'character varying')"                                                                          
                                                                                   | t =>
                                                                                     String.concat ["' AND data_type = '",
@@ -98,7 +105,7 @@
         val q'' = String.concat ["SELECT COUNT(*) FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name = '",
-                                 "' AND column_name LIKE 'uw_%'"]
+                                 "' AND LOWER(column_name) LIKE '", Settings.mangleSqlCatalog "%'"]
         box [string "res = PQexec(conn, \"",
              string q,
@@ -140,7 +147,7 @@
                   string "PQfinish(conn);",
                   string "uw_error(ctx, FATAL, \"Table '",
-                  string s,
+                  string sl,
                   string "' does not exist.\");",
              string "}",
@@ -191,7 +198,7 @@
                   string "PQfinish(conn);",
                   string "uw_error(ctx, FATAL, \"Table '",
-                  string s,
+                  string sl,
                   string "' has the wrong column types.\");",
              string "}",
@@ -243,7 +250,7 @@
                   string "PQfinish(conn);",
                   string "uw_error(ctx, FATAL, \"Table '",
-                  string s,
+                  string sl,
                   string "' has extra columns.\");",
              string "}",
--- a/src/settings.sig	Wed Jan 01 10:51:47 2014 -0500
+++ b/src/settings.sig	Sat Jan 04 19:02:14 2014 -0500
@@ -258,6 +258,11 @@
     val setTimeFormat : string -> unit
     val getTimeFormat : unit -> string
-	val getCCompiler : unit -> string
-	val setCCompiler : string -> unit
+    val getCCompiler : unit -> string
+    val setCCompiler : string -> unit
+    val setMangleSql : bool -> unit
+    val mangleSql : string -> string
+    val mangleSqlCatalog : string -> string
+    val mangleSqlTable : string -> string
--- a/src/settings.sml	Wed Jan 01 10:51:47 2014 -0500
+++ b/src/settings.sml	Sat Jan 04 19:02:14 2014 -0500
@@ -696,4 +696,24 @@
 fun setTimeFormat v = timeFormat := v
 fun getTimeFormat () = !timeFormat
+fun lowercase s =
+    case s of
+        "" => ""
+      | _ => str (Char.toLower (String.sub (s, 0))) ^ String.extract (s, 1, NONE)
+fun capitalize s =
+    case s of
+        "" => ""
+      | _ => str (Char.toUpper (String.sub (s, 0))) ^ String.extract (s, 1, NONE)
+val mangle = ref true
+fun setMangleSql x = mangle := x
+fun mangleSqlTable s = if !mangle then "uw_" ^ capitalize s
+                       else if #name (currentDbms ()) = "mysql" then capitalize s
+                       else "\"" ^ lowercase s ^ "\""
+fun mangleSql s = if !mangle then "uw_" ^ s
+                  else if #name (currentDbms ()) = "mysql" then lowercase s
+                  else "\"" ^ lowercase s ^ "\""
+fun mangleSqlCatalog s = if !mangle then "uw_" ^ s else lowercase s