adamc@378: structure Config :> CONFIG = struct adamc@378: ezyang@1739: val builddir = "@abs_top_builddir@" ezyang@1739: adamc@378: val bin = "@BIN@" ezyang@1739: val srclib = "@SRCLIB@" adamc@378: val lib = "@LIB@" adamc@378: val includ = "@INCLUDE@" adamc@378: val sitelisp = "@SITELISP@" adamc@378: adam@1474: val ccompiler = "@CC@" adam@1523: val ccArgs = "@CCARGS@" adam@1666: adam@1368: val openssl = "@OPENSSL_LDFLAGS@ @OPENSSL_LIBS@" adamc@435: adam@1666: (* Something is rotten in the state of Ubuntu 11.10, so here's a manual fix that I hope doesn't break other platforms. *) adam@1673: val openssl = adam@1673: let adam@1673: val tokens = String.tokens Char.isSpace openssl adam@1673: in adam@1673: if List.exists (fn s => s = "-lssl") tokens then adam@1673: String.concatWith " " (List.filter (fn s => s <> "-lssl") tokens @ ["-lssl"]) adam@1673: else adam@1673: openssl adam@1673: end adam@1666: adam@1464: val pgheader = "@PGHEADER@" adam@1464: val msheader = "@MSHEADER@" adam@1464: val sqheader = "@SQHEADER@" adam@1464: adam@1520: val versionNumber = "@VERSION@" adam@1520: val versionString = "The Ur/Web compiler, version " ^ versionNumber adam@1520: adam@1528: val pthreadCflags = "@PTHREAD_CFLAGS@" adam@1528: val pthreadLibs = "@PTHREAD_LIBS@" adam@1528: adamc@378: end