adam@1442: # Distributed under the terms of the BSD3 license adam@1442: adam@1442: # This file needs to be renamed to something like "urweb-20110123.ebuild", to reflect the Ur/Web version to use. adam@1442: # It won't work with versions from Ur/Web Mercurial repository snapshots older than this file. adam@1442: # (The specific version number referenced above is an example of a version that _won't_ work! adam@1442: # There hasn't yet been an official release that will.) adam@1442: adam@1442: inherit eutils adam@1442: adam@1442: EAPI=3 adam@1442: adam@1442: DESCRIPTION="A domain-specific functional programming language for modern web applications" adam@1442: HOMEPAGE="" adam@1442: SRC_URI="${P}.tgz" adam@1442: adam@1442: LICENSE="BSD" adam@1442: SLOT="0" adam@1442: KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86" adam@1442: IUSE="" adam@1442: adam@1442: DEPEND="dev-lang/mlton adam@1442: dev-libs/openssl" adam@1442: RDEPEND="${DEPEND}" adam@1442: adam@1442: S="${WORKDIR}/urweb" adam@1442: adam@1442: src_unpack() { adam@1442: unpack ${A} adam@1442: } adam@1442: adam@1442: src_configure() { adam@1442: econf || die adam@1442: } adam@1442: adam@1442: src_compile() { adam@1442: emake || die adam@1442: } adam@1442: adam@1442: src_install() { adam@1442: emake DESTDIR=${D} install || die adam@1442: dodoc CHANGELOG || die adam@1442: }