phurst@1974: datatype day_of_week = Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | phurst@1974: Friday | Saturday phurst@1974: phurst@1974: val show_day_of_week = mkShow (fn dow => case dow of phurst@1974: Sunday => "Sunday" phurst@1974: | Monday => "Monday" phurst@1974: | Tuesday => "Tuesday" phurst@1974: | Wednesday => "Wednesday" phurst@1974: | Thursday => "Thursday" phurst@1974: | Friday => "Friday" phurst@1974: | Saturday => "Saturday") phurst@1974: phurst@1974: fun dayOfWeekToInt dow = case dow of phurst@1974: Sunday => 0 phurst@1974: | Monday => 1 phurst@1974: | Tuesday => 2 phurst@1974: | Wednesday => 3 phurst@1974: | Thursday => 4 phurst@1974: | Friday => 5 phurst@1974: | Saturday => 6 phurst@1974: phurst@1974: fun intToDayOfWeek i = case i of phurst@1974: 0 => Sunday phurst@1974: | 1 => Monday phurst@1974: | 2 => Tuesday phurst@1974: | 3 => Wednesday phurst@1974: | 4 => Thursday phurst@1974: | 5 => Friday phurst@1974: | 6 => Saturday phurst@1974: | n => error Invalid day of week {[n]} phurst@1974: phurst@1974: val eq_day_of_week = mkEq (fn a b => dayOfWeekToInt a = dayOfWeekToInt b) phurst@1974: phurst@1974: phurst@1974: datatype month = January | February | March | April | May | June | July | phurst@1974: August | September | October | November | December phurst@1974: phurst@1974: val show_month = mkShow (fn m => case m of phurst@1974: January => "January" phurst@1974: | February => "February" phurst@1974: | March => "March" phurst@1974: | April => "April" phurst@1974: | May => "May" phurst@1974: | June => "June" phurst@1974: | July => "July" phurst@1974: | August => "August" phurst@1974: | September => "September" phurst@1974: | October => "October" phurst@1974: | November => "November" phurst@1974: | December => "December") phurst@1974: phurst@1974: type t = { phurst@1972: Year : int, phurst@1974: Month : month, phurst@1972: Day : int, phurst@1972: Hour : int, phurst@1972: Minute : int, phurst@1972: Second : int phurst@1972: } phurst@1972: phurst@1974: fun monthToInt m = case m of phurst@1974: January => 0 phurst@1974: | February => 1 phurst@1974: | March => 2 phurst@1974: | April => 3 phurst@1974: | May => 4 phurst@1974: | June => 5 phurst@1974: | July => 6 phurst@1974: | August => 7 phurst@1974: | September => 8 phurst@1974: | October => 9 phurst@1974: | November => 10 phurst@1974: | December => 11 phurst@1973: phurst@1974: fun intToMonth i = case i of phurst@1974: 0 => January phurst@1974: | 1 => February phurst@1974: | 2 => March phurst@1974: | 3 => April phurst@1974: | 4 => May phurst@1974: | 5 => June phurst@1974: | 6 => July phurst@1974: | 7 => August phurst@1974: | 8 => September phurst@1974: | 9 => October phurst@1974: | 10 => November phurst@1974: | 11 => December phurst@1974: | n => error Invalid month number {[n]} phurst@1973: phurst@1974: val eq_month = mkEq (fn a b => monthToInt a = monthToInt b) phurst@1974: phurst@1974: phurst@1974: fun toTime dt : time = fromDatetime dt.Year (monthToInt dt.Month) dt.Day phurst@1972: dt.Hour dt.Minute dt.Second phurst@1972: phurst@1976: fun fromTime t : t = { phurst@1972: Year = datetimeYear t, phurst@1974: Month = intToMonth (datetimeMonth t), phurst@1972: Day = datetimeDay t, phurst@1972: Hour = datetimeHour t, phurst@1972: Minute = datetimeMinute t, phurst@1972: Second = datetimeSecond t phurst@1972: } phurst@1972: phurst@1977: val ord_datetime = mkOrd { Lt = fn a b => toTime a < toTime b, phurst@1977: Le = fn a b => toTime a <= toTime b } phurst@1977: phurst@1974: fun format fmt dt : string = timef fmt (toTime dt) phurst@1974: adam@1988: fun dayOfWeek dt : day_of_week = intToDayOfWeek (datetimeDayOfWeek (toTime dt)) phurst@1974: phurst@1976: val now : transaction t = phurst@1972: n <- now; phurst@1972: return (fromTime n) phurst@1977: phurst@1977: (* Normalize a datetime. This will convert, e.g., January 32nd into February phurst@1977: 1st. *) phurst@1977: phurst@1977: fun normalize dt = fromTime (toTime dt) phurst@1977: fun addToField [nm :: Name] [rest ::: {Type}] [[nm] ~ rest] phurst@1977: (delta : int) (r : $([nm = int] ++ rest)) phurst@1977: : $([nm = int] ++ rest) = phurst@1977: (r -- nm) ++ {nm = r.nm + delta} phurst@1977: phurst@1977: phurst@1977: (* Functions for adding to a datetime. There is no addMonths or addYears since phurst@1977: it's not clear what should be done; what's 1 month after January 31, or 1 phurst@1977: year after February 29th? phurst@1977: phurst@1977: These can't all be defined in terms of addSeconds because of leap seconds. *) phurst@1977: phurst@1977: fun addSeconds n dt = normalize (addToField [#Second] n dt) phurst@1977: fun addMinutes n dt = normalize (addToField [#Minute] n dt) phurst@1977: fun addHours n dt = normalize (addToField [#Hour] n dt) phurst@1977: fun addDays n dt = normalize (addToField [#Day] n dt)