view tests/concat.ur @ 2174:ce312cad5ecd

Use correct OpenSSL thread safety macros on OS X (closes #209) Create an Autoconf test to determine if pthread_t is a pointer or scalar type, and use the appropriate CRYPTO_THREADID_set macro based on the result.
author Benjamin Barenblat <bbaren at>
date Sun, 20 Sep 2015 17:46:07 -0400
parents c7b9a33c26c8
line wrap: on
line source
functor Make(M : sig
                 con ts :: {(Type * Type)}
                 val tab : sql_table (map fst ts) []
                 val cols : $(map (fn p => p.2 -> string) ts)
             end) = struct

table t : {A : string}

open Make(struct
              val tab = t
              val cols = {A = fn p : {B : string, C : string} => p.B ^ p.C}