view src/elab_util.sml @ 1739:c414850f206f

Add support for -boot flag, which allows in-tree execution of Ur/Web The boot flag rewrites most hardcoded paths to point to the build directory, and also forces static compilation. This is convenient for developing Ur/Web, or if you cannot 'sudo make install' Ur/Web. The following changes were made: * Header files were moved to include/urweb instead of include; this lets FFI users point their C_INCLUDE_PATH at this directory at write <urweb/urweb.h>. For internal Ur/Web executables, we simply pass -I$PATH/include/urweb as normal. * Differentiate between LIB and SRCLIB; SRCLIB is Ur and JavaScript source files, while LIB is compiled products from libtool. For in-tree compilation these live in different places. * No longer reference Config for paths; instead use Settings; these settings can be changed dynamically by Compiler.enableBoot () (TODO: add a disableBoot function.) * config.h is now generated directly in include/urweb/config.h, for consistency's sake (especially since it gets installed along with the rest of the headers!) * All of the autotools build products got updated. * The linkStatic field in protocols now only contains the name of the build product, and not the absolute path. Future users have to be careful not to reference the Settings files to early, lest they get an old version (this was the source of two bugs during development of this patch.)
author Edward Z. Yang <>
date Wed, 02 May 2012 17:17:57 -0400
parents 4a03aa3251cb
children d28adceef22a
line wrap: on
line source
(* Copyright (c) 2008-2010, Adam Chlipala
 * All rights reserved.
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
 * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
 * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
 *   this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
 * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
 *   this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
 *   and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
 * - The names of contributors may not be used to endorse or promote products
 *   derived from this software without specific prior written permission.

structure ElabUtil :> ELAB_UTIL = struct

open Elab

fun classifyDatatype xncs =
    case xncs of
        [(_, _, NONE), (_, _, SOME _)] => Option
      | [(_, _, SOME _), (_, _, NONE)] => Option
      | _ =>
        if List.all (fn (_, _, NONE) => true | _ => false) xncs then

structure S = Search

structure Kind = struct

fun mapfoldB {kind, bind} =
        fun mfk ctx k acc =
            S.bindP (mfk' ctx k acc, kind ctx)

        and mfk' ctx (kAll as (k, loc)) =
            case k of
                KType => S.return2 kAll

              | KArrow (k1, k2) =>
                S.bind2 (mfk ctx k1,
                      fn k1' =>
                         S.map2 (mfk ctx k2,
                              fn k2' =>
                                 (KArrow (k1', k2'), loc)))

              | KName => S.return2 kAll

              | KRecord k =>
                S.map2 (mfk ctx k,
                        fn k' =>
                           (KRecord k', loc))

              | KUnit => S.return2 kAll

              | KTuple ks =>
                S.map2 (ListUtil.mapfold (mfk ctx) ks,
                        fn ks' =>
                           (KTuple ks', loc))

              | KError => S.return2 kAll

              | KUnif (_, _, ref (KKnown k)) => mfk' ctx k
              | KUnif _ => S.return2 kAll

              | KTupleUnif (_, _, ref (KKnown k)) => mfk' ctx k
              | KTupleUnif (loc, nks, r) =>
                S.map2 (ListUtil.mapfold (fn (n, k) =>
                                             S.map2 (mfk ctx k,
                                                  fn k' =>
                                                     (n, k'))) nks,
                     fn nks' =>
                        (KTupleUnif (loc, nks', r), loc))

              | KRel _ => S.return2 kAll
              | KFun (x, k) =>
                S.map2 (mfk (bind (ctx, x)) k,
                        fn k' =>
                           (KFun (x, k'), loc))

fun mapfold fk =
    mapfoldB {kind = fn () => fk,
              bind = fn ((), _) => ()} ()

fun mapB {kind, bind} ctx k =
    case mapfoldB {kind = fn ctx => fn k => fn () => S.Continue (kind ctx k, ()),
                   bind = bind} ctx k () of
        S.Continue (k, ()) => k
      | S.Return _ => raise Fail "ElabUtil.Kind.mapB: Impossible"

fun exists f k =
    case mapfold (fn k => fn () =>
                             if f k then
                                 S.Return ()
                                 S.Continue (k, ())) k () of
        S.Return _ => true
      | S.Continue _ => false


val mliftConInCon = ref (fn n : int => fn c : con => (raise Fail "You didn't set ElabUtil.mliftConInCon!") : con)

structure Con = struct

datatype binder =
         RelK of string
       | RelC of string * Elab.kind
       | NamedC of string * int * Elab.kind * Elab.con option

fun mapfoldB {kind = fk, con = fc, bind} =
        val mfk = Kind.mapfoldB {kind = fk, bind = fn (ctx, s) => bind (ctx, RelK s)}

        fun mfc ctx c acc =
            S.bindP (mfc' ctx c acc, fc ctx)

        and mfc' ctx (cAll as (c, loc)) =
            case c of
                TFun (c1, c2) =>
                S.bind2 (mfc ctx c1,
                      fn c1' =>
                         S.map2 (mfc ctx c2,
                              fn c2' =>
                                 (TFun (c1', c2'), loc)))
              | TCFun (e, x, k, c) =>
                S.bind2 (mfk ctx k,
                      fn k' =>
                         S.map2 (mfc (bind (ctx, RelC (x, k))) c,
                              fn c' =>
                                 (TCFun (e, x, k', c'), loc)))
              | TDisjoint (c1, c2, c3) =>
                S.bind2 (mfc ctx c1,
                      fn c1' =>
                         S.bind2 (mfc ctx c2,
                              fn c2' =>
                                 S.map2 (mfc ctx c3,
                                         fn c3' =>
                                            (TDisjoint (c1', c2', c3'), loc))))
              | TRecord c =>
                S.map2 (mfc ctx c,
                        fn c' =>
                           (TRecord c', loc))

              | CRel _ => S.return2 cAll
              | CNamed _ => S.return2 cAll
              | CModProj _ => S.return2 cAll
              | CApp (c1, c2) =>
                S.bind2 (mfc ctx c1,
                      fn c1' =>
                         S.map2 (mfc ctx c2,
                              fn c2' =>
                                 (CApp (c1', c2'), loc)))
              | CAbs (x, k, c) =>
                S.bind2 (mfk ctx k,
                      fn k' =>
                         S.map2 (mfc (bind (ctx, RelC (x, k))) c,
                              fn c' =>
                                 (CAbs (x, k', c'), loc)))

              | CName _ => S.return2 cAll

              | CRecord (k, xcs) =>
                S.bind2 (mfk ctx k,
                      fn k' =>
                         S.map2 (ListUtil.mapfold (fn (x, c) =>
                                                      S.bind2 (mfc ctx x,
                                                            fn x' =>
                                                               S.map2 (mfc ctx c,
                                                                    fn c' =>
                                                                       (x', c'))))
                              fn xcs' =>
                                 (CRecord (k', xcs'), loc)))
              | CConcat (c1, c2) =>
                S.bind2 (mfc ctx c1,
                      fn c1' =>
                         S.map2 (mfc ctx c2,
                              fn c2' =>
                                 (CConcat (c1', c2'), loc)))
              | CMap (k1, k2) =>
                S.bind2 (mfk ctx k1,
                         fn k1' =>
                            S.map2 (mfk ctx k2,
                                    fn k2' =>
                                       (CMap (k1', k2'), loc)))

              | CUnit => S.return2 cAll

              | CTuple cs =>
                S.map2 (ListUtil.mapfold (mfc ctx) cs,
                        fn cs' =>
                           (CTuple cs', loc))

              | CProj (c, n) =>
                S.map2 (mfc ctx c,
                        fn c' =>
                           (CProj (c', n), loc))

              | CError => S.return2 cAll
              | CUnif (nl, _, _, _, ref (Known c)) => mfc' ctx (!mliftConInCon nl c)
              | CUnif _ => S.return2 cAll
              | CKAbs (x, c) =>
                S.map2 (mfc (bind (ctx, RelK x)) c,
                        fn c' =>
                           (CKAbs (x, c'), loc))
              | CKApp (c, k) =>
                S.bind2 (mfc ctx c,
                      fn c' =>
                         S.map2 (mfk ctx k,
                                 fn k' =>
                                    (CKApp (c', k'), loc)))
              | TKFun (x, c) =>
                S.map2 (mfc (bind (ctx, RelK x)) c,
                        fn c' =>
                           (TKFun (x, c'), loc))

fun mapfold {kind = fk, con = fc} =
    mapfoldB {kind = fn () => fk,
              con = fn () => fc,
              bind = fn ((), _) => ()} ()

fun mapB {kind, con, bind} ctx c =
    case mapfoldB {kind = fn ctx => fn k => fn () => S.Continue (kind ctx k, ()),
                   con = fn ctx => fn c => fn () => S.Continue (con ctx c, ()),
                   bind = bind} ctx c () of
        S.Continue (c, ()) => c
      | S.Return _ => raise Fail "ElabUtil.Con.mapB: Impossible"

fun map {kind, con} s =
    case mapfold {kind = fn k => fn () => S.Continue (kind k, ()),
                  con = fn c => fn () => S.Continue (con c, ())} s () of
        S.Return () => raise Fail " Impossible"
      | S.Continue (s, ()) => s

fun appB {kind, con, bind} ctx c =
    case mapfoldB {kind = fn ctx => fn k => fn () => (kind ctx k; S.Continue (k, ())),
                   con = fn ctx => fn c => fn () => (con ctx c; S.Continue (c, ())),
                   bind = bind} ctx c () of
        S.Continue _ => ()
      | S.Return _ => raise Fail "ElabUtil.Con.appB: Impossible"

fun app {kind, con} s =
    case mapfold {kind = fn k => fn () => (kind k; S.Continue (k, ())),
                  con = fn c => fn () => (con c; S.Continue (c, ()))} s () of
        S.Return () => raise Fail " Impossible"
      | S.Continue _ => ()

fun existsB {kind, con, bind} ctx c =
    case mapfoldB {kind = fn ctx => fn k => fn () =>
                                               if kind (ctx, k) then
                                                   S.Return ()
                                                   S.Continue (k, ()),
                   con = fn ctx => fn c => fn () =>
                                              if con (ctx, c) then
                                                  S.Return ()
                                                  S.Continue (c, ()),
                   bind = bind} ctx c () of
        S.Return _ => true
      | S.Continue _ => false

fun exists {kind, con} c =
    case mapfold {kind = fn k => fn () =>
                                    if kind k then
                                        S.Return ()
                                        S.Continue (k, ()),
                  con = fn c => fn () =>
                                    if con c then
                                        S.Return ()
                                        S.Continue (c, ())} c () of
        S.Return _ => true
      | S.Continue _ => false

fun foldB {kind, con, bind} ctx st c =
    case mapfoldB {kind = fn ctx => fn k => fn st => S.Continue (k, kind (ctx, k, st)),
                   con = fn ctx => fn c => fn st => S.Continue (c, con (ctx, c, st)),
                   bind = bind} ctx c st of
        S.Continue (_, st) => st
      | S.Return _ => raise Fail "ElabUtil.Con.foldB: Impossible"

fun fold {kind, con} st c =
    case mapfoldB {kind = fn () => fn k => fn st => S.Continue (k, kind (k, st)),
                   con = fn () => fn c => fn st => S.Continue (c, con (c, st)),
                   bind = fn ((), _) => ()} () c st of
        S.Continue (_, st) => st
      | S.Return _ => raise Fail "ElabUtil.Con.fold: Impossible"


structure Exp = struct

datatype binder =
         RelK of string
       | RelC of string * Elab.kind
       | NamedC of string * int * Elab.kind * Elab.con option
       | RelE of string * Elab.con
       | NamedE of string * Elab.con

fun mapfoldB {kind = fk, con = fc, exp = fe, bind} =
        val mfk = Kind.mapfoldB {kind = fk, bind = fn (ctx, x) => bind (ctx, RelK x)}

        fun bind' (ctx, b) =
                val b' = case b of
                             Con.RelK x => RelK x
                           | Con.RelC x => RelC x
                           | Con.NamedC x => NamedC x
                bind (ctx, b')
        val mfc = Con.mapfoldB {kind = fk, con = fc, bind = bind'}

        fun doVars ((p, _), ctx) =
            case p of
                PWild => ctx
              | PVar xt => bind (ctx, RelE xt)
              | PPrim _ => ctx
              | PCon (_, _, _, NONE) => ctx
              | PCon (_, _, _, SOME p) => doVars (p, ctx)
              | PRecord xpcs =>
                foldl (fn ((_, p, _), ctx) => doVars (p, ctx))
                      ctx xpcs

        fun mfe ctx e acc =
            S.bindP (mfe' ctx e acc, fe ctx)

        and mfe' ctx (eAll as (e, loc)) =
            case e of
                EPrim _ => S.return2 eAll
              | ERel _ => S.return2 eAll
              | ENamed _ => S.return2 eAll
              | EModProj _ => S.return2 eAll
              | EApp (e1, e2) =>
                S.bind2 (mfe ctx e1,
                      fn e1' =>
                         S.map2 (mfe ctx e2,
                              fn e2' =>
                                 (EApp (e1', e2'), loc)))
              | EAbs (x, dom, ran, e) =>
                S.bind2 (mfc ctx dom,
                      fn dom' =>
                         S.bind2 (mfc ctx ran,
                                  fn ran' =>
                                     S.map2 (mfe (bind (ctx, RelE (x, dom'))) e,
                                          fn e' =>
                                             (EAbs (x, dom', ran', e'), loc))))
              | ECApp (e, c) =>
                S.bind2 (mfe ctx e,
                      fn e' =>
                         S.map2 (mfc ctx c,
                              fn c' =>
                                 (ECApp (e', c'), loc)))
              | ECAbs (expl, x, k, e) =>
                S.bind2 (mfk ctx k,
                      fn k' =>
                         S.map2 (mfe (bind (ctx, RelC (x, k))) e,
                              fn e' =>
                                 (ECAbs (expl, x, k', e'), loc)))

              | ERecord xes =>
                S.map2 (ListUtil.mapfold (fn (x, e, t) =>
                                             S.bind2 (mfc ctx x,
                                                   fn x' =>
                                                      S.bind2 (mfe ctx e,
                                                           fn e' =>
                                                              S.map2 (mfc ctx t,
                                                                   fn t' =>
                                                                      (x', e', t')))))
                     fn xes' =>
                        (ERecord xes', loc))
              | EField (e, c, {field, rest}) =>
                S.bind2 (mfe ctx e,
                      fn e' =>
                         S.bind2 (mfc ctx c,
                              fn c' =>
                                 S.bind2 (mfc ctx field,
                                          fn field' =>
                                             S.map2 (mfc ctx rest,
                                                  fn rest' =>
                                                     (EField (e', c', {field = field', rest = rest'}), loc)))))
              | EConcat (e1, c1, e2, c2) =>
                S.bind2 (mfe ctx e1,
                      fn e1' =>
                         S.bind2 (mfc ctx c1,
                              fn c1' =>
                                 S.bind2 (mfe ctx e2,
                                       fn e2' =>
                                          S.map2 (mfc ctx c2,
                                               fn c2' =>
                                                  (EConcat (e1', c1', e2', c2'),
              | ECut (e, c, {field, rest}) =>
                S.bind2 (mfe ctx e,
                      fn e' =>
                         S.bind2 (mfc ctx c,
                              fn c' =>
                                 S.bind2 (mfc ctx field,
                                          fn field' =>
                                             S.map2 (mfc ctx rest,
                                                  fn rest' =>
                                                     (ECut (e', c', {field = field', rest = rest'}), loc)))))

              | ECutMulti (e, c, {rest}) =>
                S.bind2 (mfe ctx e,
                      fn e' =>
                         S.bind2 (mfc ctx c,
                              fn c' =>
                                 S.map2 (mfc ctx rest,
                                      fn rest' =>
                                         (ECutMulti (e', c', {rest = rest'}), loc))))

              | ECase (e, pes, {disc, result}) =>
                S.bind2 (mfe ctx e,
                         fn e' =>
                            S.bind2 (ListUtil.mapfold (fn (p, e) =>
                                                              fun pb ((p, _), ctx) =
                                                                  case p of
                                                                      PWild => ctx
                                                                    | PVar (x, t) => bind (ctx, RelE (x, t))
                                                                    | PPrim _ => ctx
                                                                    | PCon (_, _, _, NONE) => ctx
                                                                    | PCon (_, _, _, SOME p) => pb (p, ctx)
                                                                    | PRecord xps => foldl (fn ((_, p, _), ctx) =>
                                                                                               pb (p, ctx)) ctx xps
                                                              S.bind2 (mfp ctx p,
                                                                       fn p' =>
                                                                          S.map2 (mfe (pb (p', ctx)) e,
                                                                               fn e' => (p', e')))
                                                          end) pes,
                                    fn pes' =>
                                       S.bind2 (mfc ctx disc,
                                             fn disc' =>
                                                S.map2 (mfc ctx result,
                                                     fn result' =>
                                                        (ECase (e', pes', {disc = disc', result = result'}), loc)))))

              | EError => S.return2 eAll
              | EUnif (ref (SOME e)) => mfe ctx e
              | EUnif _ => S.return2 eAll

              | ELet (des, e, t) =>
                    val (des, ctx') = foldl (fn (ed, (des, ctx)) =>
                                                    val ctx' =
                                                        case #1 ed of
                                                            EDVal (p, _, _) => doVars (p, ctx)
                                                          | EDValRec vis =>
                                                            foldl (fn ((x, t, _), ctx) => bind (ctx, RelE (x, t)))
                                                                  ctx vis
                                                    (S.bind2 (des,
                                                           fn des' =>
                                                              S.map2 (mfed ctx ed,
                                                                   fn ed' => ed' :: des')),
                                            (S.return2 [], ctx) des
                    S.bind2 (des,
                         fn des' =>
                            S.bind2 (mfe ctx' e,
                                    fn e' =>
                                       S.map2 (mfc ctx t,
                                               fn t' =>
                                                  (ELet (rev des', e', t'), loc))))

              | EKAbs (x, e) =>
                S.map2 (mfe (bind (ctx, RelK x)) e,
                        fn e' =>
                           (EKAbs (x, e'), loc))
              | EKApp (e, k) =>
                S.bind2 (mfe ctx e,
                        fn e' =>
                           S.map2 (mfk ctx k,
                                   fn k' =>
                                      (EKApp (e', k'), loc)))

        and mfp ctx (pAll as (p, loc)) =
            case p of
                PWild => S.return2 pAll
              | PVar (x, t) =>
                S.map2 (mfc ctx t,
                        fn t' =>
                           (PVar (x, t'), loc))
              | PPrim _ => S.return2 pAll
              | PCon (dk, pc, args, po) =>
                S.bind2 (ListUtil.mapfold (mfc ctx) args,
                      fn args' =>
                         S.map2 ((case po of
                                      NONE => S.return2 NONE
                                    | SOME p => S.map2 (mfp ctx p, SOME)),
                              fn po' =>
                                 (PCon (dk, pc, args', po'), loc)))
              | PRecord xps =>
                S.map2 (ListUtil.mapfold (fn (x, p, c) =>
                                              S.bind2 (mfp ctx p,
                                                       fn p' =>
                                                          S.map2 (mfc ctx c,
                                                                  fn c' =>
                                                                     (x, p', c')))) xps,
                         fn xps' =>
                            (PRecord xps', loc))

        and mfed ctx (dAll as (d, loc)) =
            case d of
                EDVal (p, t, e) =>
                S.bind2 (mfc ctx t,
                         fn t' =>
                            S.map2 (mfe ctx e,
                                 fn e' =>
                                    (EDVal (p, t', e'), loc)))
              | EDValRec vis =>
                    val ctx = foldl (fn ((x, t, _), ctx) => bind (ctx, RelE (x, t))) ctx vis
                    S.map2 (ListUtil.mapfold (mfvi ctx) vis,
                         fn vis' =>
                            (EDValRec vis', loc))

        and mfvi ctx (x, c, e) =
            S.bind2 (mfc ctx c,
                  fn c' =>
                     S.map2 (mfe ctx e,
                          fn e' =>
                             (x, c', e')))

fun mapfold {kind = fk, con = fc, exp = fe} =
    mapfoldB {kind = fn () => fk,
              con = fn () => fc,
              exp = fn () => fe,
              bind = fn ((), _) => ()} ()

fun exists {kind, con, exp} k =
    case mapfold {kind = fn k => fn () =>
                                    if kind k then
                                        S.Return ()
                                        S.Continue (k, ()),
                  con = fn c => fn () =>
                                    if con c then
                                        S.Return ()
                                        S.Continue (c, ()),
                  exp = fn e => fn () =>
                                    if exp e then
                                        S.Return ()
                                        S.Continue (e, ())} k () of
        S.Return _ => true
      | S.Continue _ => false

fun mapB {kind, con, exp, bind} ctx e =
    case mapfoldB {kind = fn ctx => fn k => fn () => S.Continue (kind ctx k, ()),
                   con = fn ctx => fn c => fn () => S.Continue (con ctx c, ()),
                   exp = fn ctx => fn e => fn () => S.Continue (exp ctx e, ()),
                   bind = bind} ctx e () of
        S.Continue (e, ()) => e
      | S.Return _ => raise Fail "ElabUtil.Exp.mapB: Impossible"

fun foldB {kind, con, exp, bind} ctx st e =
    case mapfoldB {kind = fn ctx => fn k => fn st => S.Continue (k, kind (ctx, k, st)),
                   con = fn ctx => fn c => fn st => S.Continue (c, con (ctx, c, st)),
                   exp = fn ctx => fn e => fn st => S.Continue (e, exp (ctx, e, st)),
                   bind = bind} ctx e st of
        S.Continue (_, st) => st
      | S.Return _ => raise Fail "ElabUtil.Exp.foldB: Impossible"


structure Sgn = struct

datatype binder =
         RelK of string
       | RelC of string * Elab.kind
       | NamedC of string * int * Elab.kind * Elab.con option
       | Str of string * int * Elab.sgn
       | Sgn of string * int * Elab.sgn

fun mapfoldB {kind, con, sgn_item, sgn, bind} =
        fun bind' (ctx, b) =
                val b' = case b of
                             Con.RelK x => RelK x
                           | Con.RelC x => RelC x
                           | Con.NamedC x => NamedC x
                bind (ctx, b')
        val con = Con.mapfoldB {kind = kind, con = con, bind = bind'}

        val kind = Kind.mapfoldB {kind = kind, bind = fn (ctx, x) => bind (ctx, RelK x)}

        fun sgi ctx si acc =
            S.bindP (sgi' ctx si acc, sgn_item ctx)

        and sgi' ctx (siAll as (si, loc)) =
            case si of
                SgiConAbs (x, n, k) =>
                S.map2 (kind ctx k,
                     fn k' =>
                        (SgiConAbs (x, n, k'), loc))
              | SgiCon (x, n, k, c) =>
                S.bind2 (kind ctx k,
                     fn k' =>
                        S.map2 (con ctx c,
                             fn c' =>
                                (SgiCon (x, n, k', c'), loc)))
              | SgiDatatype dts =>
                S.map2 (ListUtil.mapfold (fn (x, n, xs, xncs) =>
                                             S.map2 (ListUtil.mapfold (fn (x, n, c) =>
                                                                          case c of
                                                                              NONE => S.return2 (x, n, c)
                                                                            | SOME c =>
                                                                              S.map2 (con ctx c,
                                                                                   fn c' => (x, n, SOME c'))) xncs,
                                                  fn xncs' => (x, n, xs, xncs'))) dts,
                        fn dts' =>
                           (SgiDatatype dts', loc))
              | SgiDatatypeImp (x, n, m1, ms, s, xs, xncs) =>
                S.map2 (ListUtil.mapfold (fn (x, n, c) =>
                                             case c of
                                                 NONE => S.return2 (x, n, c)
                                               | SOME c =>
                                                 S.map2 (con ctx c,
                                                      fn c' => (x, n, SOME c'))) xncs,
                        fn xncs' =>
                           (SgiDatatypeImp (x, n, m1, ms, s, xs, xncs'), loc))
              | SgiVal (x, n, c) =>
                S.map2 (con ctx c,
                     fn c' =>
                        (SgiVal (x, n, c'), loc))
              | SgiStr (x, n, s) =>
                S.map2 (sg ctx s,
                     fn s' =>
                        (SgiStr (x, n, s'), loc))
              | SgiSgn (x, n, s) =>
                S.map2 (sg ctx s,
                     fn s' =>
                        (SgiSgn (x, n, s'), loc))
              | SgiConstraint (c1, c2) =>
                S.bind2 (con ctx c1,
                         fn c1' =>
                            S.map2 (con ctx c2,
                                    fn c2' =>
                                       (SgiConstraint (c1', c2'), loc)))
              | SgiClassAbs (x, n, k) =>
                S.map2 (kind ctx k,
                        fn k' =>
                           (SgiClassAbs (x, n, k'), loc))
              | SgiClass (x, n, k, c) =>
                S.bind2 (kind ctx k,
                      fn k' => 
                         S.map2 (con ctx c,
                              fn c' =>
                                 (SgiClass (x, n, k', c'), loc)))

        and sg ctx s acc =
            S.bindP (sg' ctx s acc, sgn ctx)

        and sg' ctx (sAll as (s, loc)) =
            case s of
                SgnConst sgis =>
                S.map2 (ListUtil.mapfoldB (fn (ctx, si)  =>
                                              (case #1 si of
                                                   SgiConAbs (x, n, k) =>
                                                   bind (ctx, NamedC (x, n, k, NONE))
                                                 | SgiCon (x, n, k, c) =>
                                                   bind (ctx, NamedC (x, n, k, SOME c))
                                                 | SgiDatatype dts =>
                                                   foldl (fn ((x, n, ks, _), ctx) =>
                                                                 val k' = (KType, loc)
                                                                 val k = foldl (fn (_, k) => (KArrow (k', k), loc))
                                                                               k' ks
                                                                 bind (ctx, NamedC (x, n, k, NONE))
                                                             end) ctx dts
                                                 | SgiDatatypeImp (x, n, m1, ms, s, _, _) =>
                                                   bind (ctx, NamedC (x, n, (KType, loc),
                                                                      SOME (CModProj (m1, ms, s), loc)))
                                                 | SgiVal _ => ctx
                                                 | SgiStr (x, n, sgn) =>
                                                   bind (ctx, Str (x, n, sgn))
                                                 | SgiSgn (x, n, sgn) =>
                                                   bind (ctx, Sgn (x, n, sgn))
                                                 | SgiConstraint _ => ctx
                                                 | SgiClassAbs (x, n, k) =>
                                                   bind (ctx, NamedC (x, n, (KArrow (k, (KType, loc)), loc), NONE))
                                                 | SgiClass (x, n, k, c) =>
                                                   bind (ctx, NamedC (x, n, (KArrow (k, (KType, loc)), loc), SOME c)),
                                               sgi ctx si)) ctx sgis,
                     fn sgis' =>
                        (SgnConst sgis', loc))
              | SgnVar _ => S.return2 sAll
              | SgnFun (m, n, s1, s2) =>
                S.bind2 (sg ctx s1,
                         fn s1' =>
                            S.map2 (sg (bind (ctx, Str (m, n, s1'))) s2,
                                    fn s2' =>
                                       (SgnFun (m, n, s1', s2'), loc)))
              | SgnProj _ => S.return2 sAll
              | SgnWhere (sgn, x, c) =>
                S.bind2 (sg ctx sgn,
                      fn sgn' =>
                         S.map2 (con ctx c,
                              fn c' =>
                                 (SgnWhere (sgn', x, c'), loc)))
              | SgnError => S.return2 sAll

fun mapfold {kind, con, sgn_item, sgn} =
    mapfoldB {kind = fn () => kind,
              con = fn () => con,
              sgn_item = fn () => sgn_item,
              sgn = fn () => sgn,
              bind = fn ((), _) => ()} ()

fun mapB {kind, con, sgn_item, sgn, bind} ctx s =
    case mapfoldB {kind = fn ctx => fn k => fn () => S.Continue (kind ctx k, ()),
                   con = fn ctx => fn c => fn () => S.Continue (con ctx c, ()),
                   sgn_item = fn ctx => fn sgi => fn () => S.Continue (sgn_item ctx sgi, ()),
                   sgn = fn ctx => fn s => fn () => S.Continue (sgn ctx s, ()),
                   bind = bind} ctx s () of
        S.Continue (s, ()) => s
      | S.Return _ => raise Fail "ElabUtil.Sgn.mapB: Impossible"

fun map {kind, con, sgn_item, sgn} s =
    case mapfold {kind = fn k => fn () => S.Continue (kind k, ()),
                  con = fn c => fn () => S.Continue (con c, ()),
                  sgn_item = fn si => fn () => S.Continue (sgn_item si, ()),
                  sgn = fn s => fn () => S.Continue (sgn s, ())} s () of
        S.Return () => raise Fail ""
      | S.Continue (s, ()) => s


structure Decl = struct

datatype binder =
         RelK of string
       | RelC of string * Elab.kind
       | NamedC of string * int * Elab.kind * Elab.con option
       | RelE of string * Elab.con
       | NamedE of string * Elab.con
       | Str of string * int * Elab.sgn
       | Sgn of string * int * Elab.sgn

fun mapfoldB {kind = fk, con = fc, exp = fe, sgn_item = fsgi, sgn = fsg, str = fst, decl = fd, bind} =
        val mfk = Kind.mapfoldB {kind = fk, bind = fn (ctx, x) => bind (ctx, RelK x)}

        fun bind' (ctx, b) =
                val b' = case b of
                             Con.RelK x => RelK x
                           | Con.RelC x => RelC x
                           | Con.NamedC x => NamedC x
                bind (ctx, b')
        val mfc = Con.mapfoldB {kind = fk, con = fc, bind = bind'}

        fun bind' (ctx, b) =
                val b' = case b of
                             Exp.RelK x => RelK x
                           | Exp.RelC x => RelC x
                           | Exp.NamedC x => NamedC x
                           | Exp.RelE x => RelE x
                           | Exp.NamedE x => NamedE x
                bind (ctx, b')
        val mfe = Exp.mapfoldB {kind = fk, con = fc, exp = fe, bind = bind'}

        fun bind' (ctx, b) =
                val b' = case b of
                             Sgn.RelK x => RelK x
                           | Sgn.RelC x => RelC x
                           | Sgn.NamedC x => NamedC x
                           | Sgn.Sgn x => Sgn x
                           | Sgn.Str x => Str x
                bind (ctx, b')
        val mfsg = Sgn.mapfoldB {kind = fk, con = fc, sgn_item = fsgi, sgn = fsg, bind = bind'}

        fun mfst ctx str acc =
            S.bindP (mfst' ctx str acc, fst ctx)

        and mfst' ctx (strAll as (str, loc)) =
            case str of
                StrConst ds => 
                S.map2 (ListUtil.mapfoldB (fn (ctx, d)  =>
                                              (case #1 d of
                                                   DCon (x, n, k, c) =>
                                                   bind (ctx, NamedC (x, n, k, SOME c))
                                                 | DDatatype dts =>
                                                       fun doOne ((x, n, xs, xncs), ctx) =
                                                               val ctx = bind (ctx, NamedC (x, n, (KType, loc), NONE))
                                                               foldl (fn ((x, _, co), ctx) =>
                                                                             val t =
                                                                                 case co of
                                                                                     NONE => CNamed n
                                                                                   | SOME t => TFun (t, (CNamed n, loc))
                                                                             val k = (KType, loc)
                                                                             val t = (t, loc)
                                                                             val t = foldr (fn (x, t) =>
                                                                                               (TCFun (Explicit,
                                                                                                       t), loc))
                                                                                           t xs
                                                                             bind (ctx, NamedE (x, t))
                                                                     ctx xncs
                                                       foldl doOne ctx dts
                                                 | DDatatypeImp (x, n, m, ms, x', _, _) =>
                                                   bind (ctx, NamedC (x, n, (KType, loc),
                                                                      SOME (CModProj (m, ms, x'), loc)))
                                                 | DVal (x, _, c, _) =>
                                                   bind (ctx, NamedE (x, c))
                                                 | DValRec vis =>
                                                   foldl (fn ((x, _, c, _), ctx) => bind (ctx, NamedE (x, c))) ctx vis
                                                 | DSgn (x, n, sgn) =>
                                                   bind (ctx, Sgn (x, n, sgn))
                                                 | DStr (x, n, sgn, _) =>
                                                   bind (ctx, Str (x, n, sgn))
                                                 | DFfiStr (x, n, sgn) =>
                                                   bind (ctx, Str (x, n, sgn))
                                                 | DConstraint _ => ctx
                                                 | DExport _ => ctx
                                                 | DTable (tn, x, n, c, _, pc, _, cc) =>
                                                       val ct = (CModProj (n, [], "sql_table"), loc)
                                                       val ct = (CApp (ct, c), loc)
                                                       val ct = (CApp (ct, (CConcat (pc, cc), loc)), loc)
                                                       bind (ctx, NamedE (x, ct))
                                                 | DSequence (tn, x, n) =>
                                                   bind (ctx, NamedE (x, (CModProj (n, [], "sql_sequence"), loc)))
                                                 | DView (tn, x, n, _, c) =>
                                                       val ct = (CModProj (n, [], "sql_view"), loc)
                                                       val ct = (CApp (ct, c), loc)
                                                       bind (ctx, NamedE (x, ct))
                                                 | DClass (x, n, k, c) =>
                                                   bind (ctx, NamedC (x, n, (KArrow (k, (KType, loc)), loc), SOME c))
                                                 | DDatabase _ => ctx
                                                 | DCookie (tn, x, n, c) =>
                                                   bind (ctx, NamedE (x, (CApp ((CModProj (n, [], "cookie"), loc),
                                                                                c), loc)))
                                                 | DStyle (tn, x, n) =>
                                                   bind (ctx, NamedE (x, (CModProj (n, [], "css_class"), loc)))
                                                 | DTask _ => ctx
                                                 | DPolicy _ => ctx
                                                 | DOnError _ => ctx,
                                               mfd ctx d)) ctx ds,
                     fn ds' => (StrConst ds', loc))
              | StrVar _ => S.return2 strAll
              | StrProj (str, x) =>
                S.map2 (mfst ctx str,
                        fn str' =>
                           (StrProj (str', x), loc))
              | StrFun (x, n, sgn1, sgn2, str) =>
                S.bind2 (mfsg ctx sgn1,
                         fn sgn1' =>
                            S.bind2 (mfsg ctx sgn2,
                                     fn sgn2' =>
                                        S.map2 (mfst ctx str,
                                                fn str' =>
                                                   (StrFun (x, n, sgn1', sgn2', str'), loc))))
              | StrApp (str1, str2) =>
                S.bind2 (mfst ctx str1,
                         fn str1' =>
                            S.map2 (mfst ctx str2,
                                    fn str2' =>
                                       (StrApp (str1', str2'), loc)))
              | StrError => S.return2 strAll

        and mfd ctx d acc =
            S.bindP (mfd' ctx d acc, fd ctx)

        and mfd' ctx (dAll as (d, loc)) =
            case d of
                DCon (x, n, k, c) =>
                S.bind2 (mfk ctx k,
                         fn k' =>
                            S.map2 (mfc ctx c,
                                    fn c' =>
                                       (DCon (x, n, k', c'), loc)))
              | DDatatype dts =>
                S.map2 (ListUtil.mapfold (fn (x, n, xs, xncs) =>
                                             S.map2 (ListUtil.mapfold (fn (x, n, c) =>
                                                                          case c of
                                                                              NONE => S.return2 (x, n, c)
                                                                            | SOME c =>
                                                                              S.map2 (mfc ctx c,
                                                                                   fn c' => (x, n, SOME c'))) xncs,
                                                     fn xncs' =>
                                                        (x, n, xs, xncs'))) dts,
                     fn dts' =>
                        (DDatatype dts', loc))
              | DDatatypeImp (x, n, m1, ms, s, xs, xncs) =>
                S.map2 (ListUtil.mapfold (fn (x, n, c) =>
                                             case c of
                                                 NONE => S.return2 (x, n, c)
                                               | SOME c =>
                                                 S.map2 (mfc ctx c,
                                                      fn c' => (x, n, SOME c'))) xncs,
                        fn xncs' =>
                           (DDatatypeImp (x, n, m1, ms, s, xs, xncs'), loc))
              | DVal vi =>
                S.map2 (mfvi ctx vi,
                     fn vi' =>
                        (DVal vi', loc))
              | DValRec vis =>
                S.map2 (ListUtil.mapfold (mfvi ctx) vis,
                     fn vis' =>
                        (DValRec vis', loc))
              | DSgn (x, n, sgn) =>
                S.map2 (mfsg ctx sgn,
                        fn sgn' =>
                           (DSgn (x, n, sgn'), loc))
              | DStr (x, n, sgn, str) =>
                S.bind2 (mfsg ctx sgn,
                         fn sgn' =>
                            S.map2 (mfst ctx str,
                                    fn str' =>
                                       (DStr (x, n, sgn', str'), loc)))
              | DFfiStr (x, n, sgn) =>
                S.map2 (mfsg ctx sgn,
                        fn sgn' =>
                           (DFfiStr (x, n, sgn'), loc))
              | DConstraint (c1, c2) =>
                S.bind2 (mfc ctx c1,
                         fn c1' =>
                            S.map2 (mfc ctx c2,
                                    fn c2' =>
                                       (DConstraint (c1', c2'), loc)))
              | DExport (en, sgn, str) =>
                S.bind2 (mfsg ctx sgn,
                         fn sgn' =>
                            S.map2 (mfst ctx str,
                                    fn str' =>
                                       (DExport (en, sgn', str'), loc)))

              | DTable (tn, x, n, c, pe, pc, ce, cc) =>
                S.bind2 (mfc ctx c,
                        fn c' =>
                           S.bind2 (mfe ctx pe,
                                   fn pe' =>
                                      S.bind2 (mfc ctx pc,
                                            fn pc' =>
                                               S.bind2 (mfe ctx ce,
                                                     fn ce' =>
                                                        S.map2 (mfc ctx cc,
                                                              fn cc' =>
                                                                 (DTable (tn, x, n, c', pe', pc', ce', cc'), loc))))))
              | DSequence _ => S.return2 dAll
              | DView (tn, x, n, e, c) =>
                S.bind2 (mfe ctx e,
                        fn e' =>
                           S.map2 (mfc ctx c,
                                   fn c' =>
                                      (DView (tn, x, n, e', c'), loc)))

              | DClass (x, n, k, c) =>
                S.bind2 (mfk ctx k,
                         fn k' =>
                            S.map2 (mfc ctx c,
                                 fn c' =>
                                    (DClass (x, n, k', c'), loc)))

              | DDatabase _ => S.return2 dAll

              | DCookie (tn, x, n, c) =>
                S.map2 (mfc ctx c,
                        fn c' =>
                           (DCookie (tn, x, n, c'), loc))
              | DStyle _ => S.return2 dAll
              | DTask (e1, e2) =>
                S.bind2 (mfe ctx e1,
                        fn e1' =>
                           S.map2 (mfe ctx e2,
                                fn e2' =>
                                   (DTask (e1', e2'), loc)))
              | DPolicy e1 =>
                S.map2 (mfe ctx e1,
                     fn e1' =>
                        (DPolicy e1', loc))
              | DOnError _ => S.return2 dAll

        and mfvi ctx (x, n, c, e) =
            S.bind2 (mfc ctx c,
                  fn c' =>
                     S.map2 (mfe ctx e,
                          fn e' =>
                             (x, n, c', e')))

fun mapfold {kind, con, exp, sgn_item, sgn, str, decl} =
    mapfoldB {kind = fn () => kind,
              con = fn () => con,
              exp = fn () => exp,
              sgn_item = fn () => sgn_item,
              sgn = fn () => sgn,
              str = fn () => str,
              decl = fn () => decl,
              bind = fn ((), _) => ()} ()

fun exists {kind, con, exp, sgn_item, sgn, str, decl} k =
    case mapfold {kind = fn k => fn () =>
                                    if kind k then
                                        S.Return ()
                                        S.Continue (k, ()),
                  con = fn c => fn () =>
                                    if con c then
                                        S.Return ()
                                        S.Continue (c, ()),
                  exp = fn e => fn () =>
                                    if exp e then
                                        S.Return ()
                                        S.Continue (e, ()),
                  sgn_item = fn sgi => fn () =>
                                        if sgn_item sgi then
                                            S.Return ()
                                            S.Continue (sgi, ()),
                  sgn = fn x => fn () =>
                                   if sgn x then
                                       S.Return ()
                                       S.Continue (x, ()),
                  str = fn x => fn () =>
                                   if str x then
                                       S.Return ()
                                       S.Continue (x, ()),
                  decl = fn x => fn () =>
                                    if decl x then
                                        S.Return ()
                                        S.Continue (x, ())} k () of
        S.Return _ => true
      | S.Continue _ => false

fun search {kind, con, exp, sgn_item, sgn, str, decl} k =
    case mapfold {kind = fn x => fn () =>
                                    case kind x of
                                        NONE => S.Continue (x, ())
                                      | SOME v => S.Return v,

                  con = fn x => fn () =>
                                   case con x of
                                       NONE => S.Continue (x, ())
                                     | SOME v => S.Return v,

                  exp = fn x => fn () =>
                                   case exp x of
                                       NONE => S.Continue (x, ())
                                     | SOME v => S.Return v,

                  sgn_item = fn x => fn () =>
                                        case sgn_item x of
                                            NONE => S.Continue (x, ())
                                          | SOME v => S.Return v,

                  sgn = fn x => fn () =>
                                   case sgn x of
                                       NONE => S.Continue (x, ())
                                     | SOME v => S.Return v,

                  str = fn x => fn () =>
                                   case str x of
                                       NONE => S.Continue (x, ())
                                     | SOME v => S.Return v,

                  decl = fn x => fn () =>
                                    case decl x of
                                        NONE => S.Continue (x, ())
                                      | SOME v => S.Return v

                 } k () of
        S.Return x => SOME x
      | S.Continue _ => NONE

fun foldMapB {kind, con, exp, sgn_item, sgn, str, decl, bind} ctx st d =
    case mapfoldB {kind = fn ctx => fn x => fn st => S.Continue (kind (ctx, x, st)),
                   con = fn ctx => fn x => fn st => S.Continue (con (ctx, x, st)),
                   exp = fn ctx => fn x => fn st => S.Continue (exp (ctx, x, st)),
                   sgn_item = fn ctx => fn x => fn st => S.Continue (sgn_item (ctx, x, st)),
                   sgn = fn ctx => fn x => fn st => S.Continue (sgn (ctx, x, st)),
                   str = fn ctx => fn x => fn st => S.Continue (str (ctx, x, st)),
                   decl = fn ctx => fn x => fn st => S.Continue (decl (ctx, x, st)),
                   bind = bind} ctx d st of
        S.Continue x => x
      | S.Return _ => raise Fail "ElabUtil.Decl.foldMapB: Impossible"

fun map {kind, con, exp, sgn_item, sgn, str, decl} s =
    case mapfold {kind = fn k => fn () => S.Continue (kind k, ()),
                  con = fn c => fn () => S.Continue (con c, ()),
                  exp = fn e => fn () => S.Continue (exp e, ()),
                  sgn_item = fn si => fn () => S.Continue (sgn_item si, ()),
                  sgn = fn s => fn () => S.Continue (sgn s, ()),
                  str = fn si => fn () => S.Continue (str si, ()),
                  decl = fn s => fn () => S.Continue (decl s, ())} s () of
        S.Return () => raise Fail ""
      | S.Continue (s, ()) => s

fun mapB {kind, con, exp, sgn_item, sgn, str, decl, bind} ctx s =
    case mapfoldB {kind = fn ctx => fn k => fn () => S.Continue (kind ctx k, ()),
                   con = fn ctx => fn c => fn () => S.Continue (con ctx c, ()),
                   exp = fn ctx => fn c => fn () => S.Continue (exp ctx c, ()),
                   sgn_item = fn ctx => fn sgi => fn () => S.Continue (sgn_item ctx sgi, ()),
                   sgn = fn ctx => fn s => fn () => S.Continue (sgn ctx s, ()),
                   str = fn ctx => fn sgi => fn () => S.Continue (str ctx sgi, ()),
                   decl = fn ctx => fn s => fn () => S.Continue (decl ctx s, ()),
                   bind = bind} ctx s () of
        S.Continue (s, ()) => s
      | S.Return _ => raise Fail "ElabUtil.Decl.mapB: Impossible"

fun fold {kind, con, exp, sgn_item, sgn, str, decl} (st : 'a) d : 'a =
    case mapfold {kind = fn k => fn st => S.Continue (k, kind (k, st)),
                  con = fn c => fn st => S.Continue (c, con (c, st)),
                  exp = fn e => fn st => S.Continue (e, exp (e, st)),
                  sgn_item = fn sgi => fn st => S.Continue (sgi, sgn_item (sgi, st)),
                  sgn = fn s => fn st => S.Continue (s, sgn (s, st)),
                  str = fn str' => fn st => S.Continue (str', str (str', st)),
                  decl = fn d => fn st => S.Continue (d, decl (d, st))} d st of
        S.Continue (_, st) => st
      | S.Return _ => raise Fail "ElabUtil.Decl.fold: Impossible"


structure File = struct

fun maxName ds = foldl (fn (d, count) => Int.max (maxNameDecl d, count)) 0 ds

and maxNameDecl (d, _) =
    case d of
        DCon (_, n, _, _) => n
      | DDatatype dts =>
        foldl (fn ((_, n, _, ns), max) =>
                  foldl (fn ((_, n', _), m) => Int.max (n', m))
                        (Int.max (n, max)) ns) 0 dts
      | DDatatypeImp (_, n1, n2, _, _, _, ns) =>
        foldl (fn ((_, n', _), m) => Int.max (n', m))
              (Int.max (n1, n2)) ns
      | DVal (_, n, _, _) => n
      | DValRec vis => foldl (fn ((_, n, _, _), count) => Int.max (n, count)) 0 vis
      | DStr (_, n, sgn, str) => Int.max (n, Int.max (maxNameSgn sgn, maxNameStr str))
      | DSgn (_, n, sgn) => Int.max (n, maxNameSgn sgn)
      | DFfiStr (_, n, sgn) => Int.max (n, maxNameSgn sgn)
      | DConstraint _ => 0
      | DClass (_, n, _, _) => n
      | DExport _ => 0
      | DTable (n1, _, n2, _, _, _, _, _) => Int.max (n1, n2)
      | DSequence (n1, _, n2) => Int.max (n1, n2)
      | DView (n1, _, n2, _, _) => Int.max (n1, n2)
      | DDatabase _ => 0
      | DCookie (n1, _, n2, _) => Int.max (n1, n2)
      | DStyle (n1, _, n2) => Int.max (n1, n2)
      | DTask _ => 0
      | DPolicy _ => 0
      | DOnError _ => 0
and maxNameStr (str, _) =
    case str of
        StrConst ds => maxName ds
      | StrVar n => n
      | StrProj (str, _) => maxNameStr str
      | StrFun (_, n, dom, ran, str) => foldl Int.max n [maxNameSgn dom, maxNameSgn ran, maxNameStr str]
      | StrApp (str1, str2) => Int.max (maxNameStr str1, maxNameStr str2)
      | StrError => 0

and maxNameSgn (sgn, _) =
    case sgn of
        SgnConst sgis => foldl (fn (sgi, count) => Int.max (maxNameSgi sgi, count)) 0 sgis
      | SgnVar n => n
      | SgnFun (_, n, dom, ran) => Int.max (n, Int.max (maxNameSgn dom, maxNameSgn ran))
      | SgnWhere (sgn, _, _) => maxNameSgn sgn
      | SgnProj (n, _, _) => n
      | SgnError => 0

and maxNameSgi (sgi, _) =
    case sgi of
        SgiConAbs (_, n, _) => n
      | SgiCon (_, n, _, _) => n
      | SgiDatatype dts =>
        foldl (fn ((_, n, _, ns), max) =>
                  foldl (fn ((_, n', _), m) => Int.max (n', m))
                        (Int.max (n, max)) ns) 0 dts
      | SgiDatatypeImp (_, n1, n2, _, _, _, ns) =>
        foldl (fn ((_, n', _), m) => Int.max (n', m))
              (Int.max (n1, n2)) ns
      | SgiVal (_, n, _) => n
      | SgiStr (_, n, sgn) => Int.max (n, maxNameSgn sgn)
      | SgiSgn (_, n, sgn) => Int.max (n, maxNameSgn sgn)
      | SgiConstraint _ => 0
      | SgiClassAbs (_, n, _) => n
      | SgiClass (_, n, _, _) => n

fun findDecl pred file =
        fun decl d =
                val r = case #1 d of
                            DStr (_, _, _, s) => str s
                          | _ => NONE
                case r of
                    NONE => if pred d then SOME d else NONE
                  | _ => r

        and str s =
            case #1 s of
                StrConst ds => decl ds
              | StrFun (_, _, _, _, s) => str s
              | StrApp (s1, s2) =>
                (case str s1 of
                     NONE => str s2
                   | r => r)
              | _ => NONE
    in decl file
