view lib/ur/basis.urs @ 1739:c414850f206f

Add support for -boot flag, which allows in-tree execution of Ur/Web The boot flag rewrites most hardcoded paths to point to the build directory, and also forces static compilation. This is convenient for developing Ur/Web, or if you cannot 'sudo make install' Ur/Web. The following changes were made: * Header files were moved to include/urweb instead of include; this lets FFI users point their C_INCLUDE_PATH at this directory at write <urweb/urweb.h>. For internal Ur/Web executables, we simply pass -I$PATH/include/urweb as normal. * Differentiate between LIB and SRCLIB; SRCLIB is Ur and JavaScript source files, while LIB is compiled products from libtool. For in-tree compilation these live in different places. * No longer reference Config for paths; instead use Settings; these settings can be changed dynamically by Compiler.enableBoot () (TODO: add a disableBoot function.) * config.h is now generated directly in include/urweb/config.h, for consistency's sake (especially since it gets installed along with the rest of the headers!) * All of the autotools build products got updated. * The linkStatic field in protocols now only contains the name of the build product, and not the absolute path. Future users have to be careful not to reference the Settings files to early, lest they get an old version (this was the source of two bugs during development of this patch.)
author Edward Z. Yang <>
date Wed, 02 May 2012 17:17:57 -0400
parents 540df112ff62
children f9e5a8e09cdf
line wrap: on
line source
type int
type float
type string
type char
type time
type blob

type unit = {}

datatype bool = False | True

datatype option t = None | Some of t

datatype list t = Nil | Cons of t * list t

(** Polymorphic variants *)

con variant :: {Type} -> Type
val make : nm :: Name -> t ::: Type -> ts ::: {Type} -> [[nm] ~ ts] => t -> variant ([nm = t] ++ ts)
val match : ts ::: {Type} -> t ::: Type -> variant ts -> $(map (fn t' => t' -> t) ts) -> t

(** Basic type classes *)

class eq
val eq : t ::: Type -> eq t -> t -> t -> bool
val ne : t ::: Type -> eq t -> t -> t -> bool
val eq_int : eq int
val eq_float : eq float
val eq_string : eq string
val eq_char : eq char
val eq_bool : eq bool
val eq_time : eq time
val mkEq : t ::: Type -> (t -> t -> bool) -> eq t

class num
val zero : t ::: Type -> num t -> t
val neg : t ::: Type -> num t -> t -> t
val plus : t ::: Type -> num t -> t -> t -> t
val minus : t ::: Type -> num t -> t -> t -> t
val times : t ::: Type -> num t -> t -> t -> t
val divide : t ::: Type -> num t -> t -> t -> t
val mod : t ::: Type -> num t -> t -> t -> t
val num_int : num int
val num_float : num float

class ord
val lt : t ::: Type -> ord t -> t -> t -> bool
val le : t ::: Type -> ord t -> t -> t -> bool
val gt : t ::: Type -> ord t -> t -> t -> bool
val ge : t ::: Type -> ord t -> t -> t -> bool
val ord_int : ord int
val ord_float : ord float
val ord_string : ord string
val ord_char : ord char
val ord_bool : ord bool
val ord_time : ord time
val mkOrd : t ::: Type -> {Lt : t -> t -> bool, Le : t -> t -> bool} -> ord t

(** Character operations *)

val isalnum : char -> bool
val isalpha : char -> bool
val isblank : char -> bool
val iscntrl : char -> bool
val isdigit : char -> bool
val isgraph : char -> bool
val islower : char -> bool
val isprint : char -> bool
val ispunct : char -> bool
val isspace : char -> bool
val isupper : char -> bool
val isxdigit : char -> bool
val tolower : char -> char
val toupper : char -> char
val ord : char -> int
val chr : int -> char

(** String operations *)

val strlen : string -> int
val strlenGe : string -> int -> bool
val strcat : string -> string -> string
val strsub : string -> int -> char
val strsuffix : string -> int -> string
val strchr : string -> char -> option string
val strindex : string -> char -> option int
val strsindex : string -> string -> option int
val strcspn : string -> string -> int
val substring : string -> int -> int -> string
val str1 : char -> string

class show
val show : t ::: Type -> show t -> t -> string
val show_int : show int
val show_float : show float
val show_string : show string
val show_char : show char
val show_bool : show bool
val show_time : show time
val mkShow : t ::: Type -> (t -> string) -> show t

class read
val read : t ::: Type -> read t -> string -> option t
val readError : t ::: Type -> read t -> string -> t
(* [readError] calls [error] if the input is malformed. *)
val read_int : read int
val read_float : read float
val read_string : read string
val read_char : read char
val read_bool : read bool
val read_time : read time
val mkRead : t ::: Type -> (string -> t) -> (string -> option t) -> read t

(** * Monads *)

class monad :: (Type -> Type) -> Type
val return : m ::: (Type -> Type) -> t ::: Type
             -> monad m
             -> t -> m t
val bind : m ::: (Type -> Type) -> t1 ::: Type -> t2 ::: Type
           -> monad m
           -> m t1 -> (t1 -> m t2)
           -> m t2

val mkMonad : m ::: (Type -> Type)
              -> {Return : t ::: Type -> t -> m t,
                  Bind : t1 ::: Type -> t2 ::: Type -> m t1 -> (t1 -> m t2) -> m t2}
              -> monad m

con transaction :: Type -> Type
val transaction_monad : monad transaction

con source :: Type -> Type
val source : t ::: Type -> t -> transaction (source t)
val set : t ::: Type -> source t -> t -> transaction unit
val get : t ::: Type -> source t -> transaction t

con signal :: Type -> Type
val signal_monad : monad signal
val signal : t ::: Type -> source t -> signal t
val current : t ::: Type -> signal t -> transaction t

(** * Floats *)

val float : int -> float
val ceil : float -> int
val trunc : float -> int
val round : float -> int

(** * Time *)

val now : transaction time
val minTime : time
val addSeconds : time -> int -> time
val toSeconds : time -> int
val diffInSeconds : time -> time -> int
(* Earlier time first *)
val toMilliseconds : time -> int
val diffInMilliseconds : time -> time -> int
val timef : string -> time -> string (* Uses strftime() format string *)
val readUtc : string -> option time

(** * Encryption *)

val crypt : string -> string -> string

(** HTTP operations *)

con http_cookie :: Type -> Type
val getCookie : t ::: Type -> http_cookie t -> transaction (option t)
val setCookie : t ::: Type -> http_cookie t -> {Value : t,
                                                Expires : option time,
                                                Secure : bool} -> transaction unit
val clearCookie : t ::: Type -> http_cookie t -> transaction unit

type requestHeader
val blessRequestHeader : string -> requestHeader
val checkRequestHeader : string -> option requestHeader
val getHeader : requestHeader -> transaction (option string)

type responseHeader
val blessResponseHeader : string -> responseHeader
val checkResponseHeader : string -> option responseHeader
val setHeader : responseHeader -> string -> transaction unit

(** JavaScript-y gadgets *)

val alert : string -> transaction unit
val confirm : string -> transaction bool
val spawn : transaction unit -> transaction unit
val sleep : int -> transaction unit

val rpc : t ::: Type -> transaction t -> transaction t

(** Channels *)

con channel :: Type -> Type
val channel : t ::: Type -> transaction (channel t)
val send : t ::: Type -> channel t -> t -> transaction unit
val recv : t ::: Type -> channel t -> transaction t

type client
val self : transaction client

(** SQL *)

con sql_table :: {Type} -> {{Unit}} -> Type
con sql_view :: {Type} -> Type

class fieldsOf :: Type -> {Type} -> Type
val fieldsOf_table : fs ::: {Type} -> keys ::: {{Unit}}
                     -> fieldsOf (sql_table fs keys) fs
val fieldsOf_view : fs ::: {Type}
                    -> fieldsOf (sql_view fs) fs

(*** Constraints *)

(**** Primary keys *)

class sql_injectable_prim
val sql_bool : sql_injectable_prim bool
val sql_int : sql_injectable_prim int
val sql_float : sql_injectable_prim float
val sql_string : sql_injectable_prim string
val sql_char : sql_injectable_prim char
val sql_time : sql_injectable_prim time
val sql_blob : sql_injectable_prim blob
val sql_channel : t ::: Type -> sql_injectable_prim (channel t)
val sql_client : sql_injectable_prim client

con serialized :: Type -> Type
val serialize : t ::: Type -> t -> serialized t
val deserialize : t ::: Type -> serialized t -> t
val sql_serialized : t ::: Type -> sql_injectable_prim (serialized t)

con primary_key :: {Type} -> {{Unit}} -> Type
val no_primary_key : fs ::: {Type} -> primary_key fs []
val primary_key : rest ::: {Type} -> t ::: Type -> key1 :: Name -> keys :: {Type}
                  -> [[key1] ~ keys] => [[key1 = t] ++ keys ~ rest]
    => $([key1 = sql_injectable_prim t] ++ map sql_injectable_prim keys)
       -> primary_key ([key1 = t] ++ keys ++ rest)
          [Pkey = [key1] ++ map (fn _ => ()) keys]

(**** Other constraints *)

con sql_constraints :: {Type} -> {{Unit}} -> Type
(* Arguments: column types, uniqueness implications of constraints *)

con sql_constraint :: {Type} -> {Unit} -> Type

val no_constraint : fs ::: {Type} -> sql_constraints fs []
val one_constraint : fs ::: {Type} -> unique ::: {Unit} -> name :: Name
                     -> sql_constraint fs unique
                     -> sql_constraints fs [name = unique]
val join_constraints : fs ::: {Type}
                       -> uniques1 ::: {{Unit}} -> uniques2 ::: {{Unit}} -> [uniques1 ~ uniques2]
    => sql_constraints fs uniques1 -> sql_constraints fs uniques2
       -> sql_constraints fs (uniques1 ++ uniques2)

val unique : rest ::: {Type} -> t ::: Type -> unique1 :: Name -> unique :: {Type}
             -> [[unique1] ~ unique] => [[unique1 = t] ++ unique ~ rest]
    => sql_constraint ([unique1 = t] ++ unique ++ rest) ([unique1] ++ map (fn _ => ()) unique)

class linkable :: Type -> Type -> Type
val linkable_same : t ::: Type -> linkable t t
val linkable_from_nullable : t ::: Type -> linkable (option t) t
val linkable_to_nullable : t ::: Type -> linkable t (option t)

con matching :: {Type} -> {Type} -> Type
val mat_nil : matching [] []
val mat_cons : t1 ::: Type -> rest1 ::: {Type} -> t2 ::: Type -> rest2 ::: {Type}
               -> nm1 :: Name -> nm2 :: Name
               -> [[nm1] ~ rest1] => [[nm2] ~ rest2]
    => linkable t1 t2
       -> matching rest1 rest2
       -> matching ([nm1 = t1] ++ rest1) ([nm2 = t2] ++ rest2)

con propagation_mode :: {Type} -> Type
val restrict : fs ::: {Type} -> propagation_mode fs
val cascade : fs ::: {Type} -> propagation_mode fs
val no_action : fs ::: {Type} -> propagation_mode fs
val set_null : fs ::: {Type} -> propagation_mode (map option fs)

val foreign_key : mine1 ::: Name -> t ::: Type -> mine ::: {Type} -> munused ::: {Type}
                  -> foreign ::: {Type} -> funused ::: {Type}
                  -> nm ::: Name -> uniques ::: {{Unit}}
                  -> [[mine1] ~ mine] => [[mine1 = t] ++ mine ~ munused]
    => [foreign ~ funused] => [[nm] ~ uniques]
    => matching ([mine1 = t] ++ mine) foreign
       -> sql_table (foreign ++ funused) ([nm = map (fn _ => ()) foreign] ++ uniques)
       -> {OnDelete : propagation_mode ([mine1 = t] ++ mine),
           OnUpdate : propagation_mode ([mine1 = t] ++ mine)}
       -> sql_constraint ([mine1 = t] ++ mine ++ munused) []

con sql_exp :: {{Type}} -> {{Type}} -> {Type} -> Type -> Type
val sql_exp_weaken : fs ::: {{Type}} -> agg ::: {{Type}} -> exps ::: {Type} -> t ::: Type
                     -> fs' ::: {{Type}} -> agg' ::: {{Type}} -> exps' ::: {Type}
                     -> [fs ~ fs'] => [agg ~ agg'] => [exps ~ exps'] =>
                     sql_exp fs agg exps t
                     -> sql_exp (fs ++ fs') (agg ++ agg') (exps ++ exps') t

val check : fs ::: {Type}
            -> sql_exp [] [] fs bool
            -> sql_constraint fs []

(*** Queries *)

con sql_query :: {{Type}} -> {{Type}} -> {{Type}} -> {Type} -> Type
con sql_query1 :: {{Type}} -> {{Type}} -> {{Type}} -> {{Type}} -> {Type} -> Type

con sql_subset :: {{Type}} -> {{Type}} -> Type
val sql_subset : keep_drop :: {({Type} * {Type})}
                              -> sql_subset
                                     (map (fn fields :: ({Type} * {Type}) => fields.1 ++ fields.2) keep_drop)
                                     (map (fn fields :: ({Type} * {Type}) => fields.1) keep_drop)
val sql_subset_all : tables :: {{Type}} -> sql_subset tables tables
val sql_subset_concat : big1 ::: {{Type}} -> little1 ::: {{Type}}
                        -> big2 ::: {{Type}} -> little2 ::: {{Type}}
                        -> [big1 ~ big2] => [little1 ~ little2] =>
    sql_subset big1 little1
    -> sql_subset big2 little2
    -> sql_subset (big1 ++ big2) (little1 ++ little2)

con sql_from_items :: {{Type}} -> {{Type}} -> Type

val sql_from_nil : free ::: {{Type}} -> sql_from_items free []
val sql_from_table : free ::: {{Type}} -> t ::: Type -> fs ::: {Type}
                     -> fieldsOf t fs -> name :: Name
                     -> t -> sql_from_items free [name = fs]
val sql_from_query : free ::: {{Type}} -> fs ::: {Type} -> name :: Name
                     -> sql_query free [] [] fs
                     -> sql_from_items free [name = fs]
val sql_from_comma : free ::: {{Type}} -> tabs1 ::: {{Type}} -> tabs2 ::: {{Type}}
                     -> [tabs1 ~ tabs2]
    => sql_from_items free tabs1 -> sql_from_items free tabs2
       -> sql_from_items free (tabs1 ++ tabs2)
val sql_inner_join : free ::: {{Type}} -> tabs1 ::: {{Type}} -> tabs2 ::: {{Type}}
                     -> [free ~ tabs1] => [free ~ tabs2] => [tabs1 ~ tabs2]
    => sql_from_items free tabs1 -> sql_from_items free tabs2
       -> sql_exp (free ++ tabs1 ++ tabs2) [] [] bool
       -> sql_from_items free (tabs1 ++ tabs2)

class nullify :: Type -> Type -> Type
val nullify_option : t ::: Type -> nullify (option t) (option t)
val nullify_prim : t ::: Type -> sql_injectable_prim t -> nullify t (option t)

val sql_left_join : free ::: {{Type}} -> tabs1 ::: {{Type}} -> tabs2 ::: {{(Type * Type)}}
                     -> [free ~ tabs1] => [free ~ tabs2] => [tabs1 ~ tabs2]
    => $(map (fn r => $(map (fn p :: (Type * Type) => nullify p.1 p.2) r)) tabs2)
       -> sql_from_items free tabs1 -> sql_from_items free (map (map (fn p :: (Type * Type) => p.1)) tabs2)
       -> sql_exp (free ++ tabs1 ++ map (map (fn p :: (Type * Type) => p.1)) tabs2) [] [] bool
       -> sql_from_items free (tabs1 ++ map (map (fn p :: (Type * Type) => p.2)) tabs2)

val sql_right_join : free ::: {{Type}} -> tabs1 ::: {{(Type * Type)}} -> tabs2 ::: {{Type}}
                     -> [free ~ tabs1] => [free ~ tabs2] => [tabs1 ~ tabs2]
    => $(map (fn r => $(map (fn p :: (Type * Type) => nullify p.1 p.2) r)) tabs1)
       -> sql_from_items free (map (map (fn p :: (Type * Type) => p.1)) tabs1) -> sql_from_items free tabs2
       -> sql_exp (free ++ map (map (fn p :: (Type * Type) => p.1)) tabs1 ++ tabs2) [] [] bool
       -> sql_from_items free (map (map (fn p :: (Type * Type) => p.2)) tabs1 ++ tabs2)

val sql_full_join : free ::: {{Type}} -> tabs1 ::: {{(Type * Type)}} -> tabs2 ::: {{(Type * Type)}}
                     -> [free ~ tabs1] => [free ~ tabs2] => [tabs1 ~ tabs2]
    => $(map (fn r => $(map (fn p :: (Type * Type) => nullify p.1 p.2) r)) (tabs1 ++ tabs2))
       -> sql_from_items free (map (map (fn p :: (Type * Type) => p.1)) tabs1)
       -> sql_from_items free (map (map (fn p :: (Type * Type) => p.1)) tabs2)
       -> sql_exp (free ++ map (map (fn p :: (Type * Type) => p.1)) (tabs1 ++ tabs2)) [] [] bool
       -> sql_from_items free (map (map (fn p :: (Type * Type) => p.2)) (tabs1 ++ tabs2))

val sql_query1 : free ::: {{Type}}
                 -> afree ::: {{Type}}
                 -> tables ::: {{Type}}
                 -> grouped ::: {{Type}}
                 -> selectedFields ::: {{Type}}
                 -> selectedExps ::: {Type}
                 -> empties :: {Unit}
                 -> [free ~ tables]
                 => [free ~ grouped]
                 => [afree ~ tables]
                 => [empties ~ selectedFields]
                 => {Distinct : bool,
                     From : sql_from_items free tables,
                     Where : sql_exp (free ++ tables) afree [] bool,
                     GroupBy : sql_subset tables grouped,
                     Having : sql_exp (free ++ grouped) (afree ++ tables) [] bool,
                     SelectFields : sql_subset grouped (map (fn _ => []) empties ++ selectedFields),
                     SelectExps : $(map (sql_exp (free ++ grouped) (afree ++ tables) [])
                                            selectedExps) }
                 -> sql_query1 free afree tables selectedFields selectedExps

type sql_relop
val sql_union : sql_relop
val sql_intersect : sql_relop
val sql_except : sql_relop
val sql_relop : free ::: {{Type}}
                -> afree ::: {{Type}}
                -> tables1 ::: {{Type}}
                -> tables2 ::: {{Type}}
                -> selectedFields ::: {{Type}}
                -> selectedExps ::: {Type}
                -> sql_relop
                -> bool (* ALL *)
                -> sql_query1 free afree tables1 selectedFields selectedExps
                -> sql_query1 free afree tables2 selectedFields selectedExps
                -> sql_query1 free afree [] selectedFields selectedExps
val sql_forget_tables : free ::: {{Type}} -> afree ::: {{Type}} -> tables ::: {{Type}} -> selectedFields ::: {{Type}} -> selectedExps ::: {Type}
                        -> sql_query1 free afree tables selectedFields selectedExps
                        -> sql_query1 free afree [] selectedFields selectedExps

type sql_direction
val sql_asc : sql_direction
val sql_desc : sql_direction

con sql_order_by :: {{Type}} -> {Type} -> Type
val sql_order_by_Nil : tables ::: {{Type}} -> exps :: {Type} -> sql_order_by tables exps
val sql_order_by_Cons : tables ::: {{Type}} -> exps ::: {Type} -> t ::: Type
                        -> sql_exp tables [] exps t -> sql_direction
                        -> sql_order_by tables exps
                        -> sql_order_by tables exps
val sql_order_by_random : tables ::: {{Type}} -> exps ::: {Type}
                          -> sql_order_by tables exps

type sql_limit
val sql_no_limit : sql_limit
val sql_limit : int -> sql_limit

type sql_offset
val sql_no_offset : sql_offset
val sql_offset : int -> sql_offset

val sql_query : free ::: {{Type}}
                -> afree ::: {{Type}}
                -> tables ::: {{Type}}
                -> selectedFields ::: {{Type}}
                -> selectedExps ::: {Type}
                -> [free ~ tables]
                => {Rows : sql_query1 free afree tables selectedFields selectedExps,
                    OrderBy : sql_order_by (free ++ tables) selectedExps,
                    Limit : sql_limit,
                    Offset : sql_offset}
                -> sql_query free afree selectedFields selectedExps

val sql_field : otherTabs ::: {{Type}} -> otherFields ::: {Type}
                -> fieldType ::: Type -> agg ::: {{Type}}
                -> exps ::: {Type}
                -> tab :: Name -> field :: Name
                -> sql_exp
                       ([tab = [field = fieldType] ++ otherFields] ++ otherTabs)
                       agg exps fieldType

val sql_exp : tabs ::: {{Type}} -> agg ::: {{Type}} -> t ::: Type -> rest ::: {Type}
              -> nm :: Name
              -> sql_exp tabs agg ([nm = t] ++ rest) t

class sql_injectable
val sql_prim : t ::: Type -> sql_injectable_prim t -> sql_injectable t
val sql_option_prim : t ::: Type -> sql_injectable_prim t -> sql_injectable (option t)

val sql_inject : tables ::: {{Type}} -> agg ::: {{Type}} -> exps ::: {Type}
                 -> t ::: Type
                 -> sql_injectable t -> t -> sql_exp tables agg exps t

val sql_is_null : tables ::: {{Type}} -> agg ::: {{Type}} -> exps ::: {Type}
                  -> t ::: Type
                  -> sql_exp tables agg exps (option t)
                  -> sql_exp tables agg exps bool

val sql_coalesce : tables ::: {{Type}} -> agg ::: {{Type}} -> exps ::: {Type}
                  -> t ::: Type
                  -> sql_exp tables agg exps (option t)
                  -> sql_exp tables agg exps t
                  -> sql_exp tables agg exps t

val sql_if_then_else : tables ::: {{Type}} -> agg ::: {{Type}} -> exps ::: {Type}
                       -> t ::: Type
                       -> sql_exp tables agg exps bool
                       -> sql_exp tables agg exps t
                       -> sql_exp tables agg exps t
                       -> sql_exp tables agg exps t

class sql_arith
val sql_arith_int : sql_arith int
val sql_arith_float : sql_arith float
val sql_arith_option : t ::: Type -> sql_arith t -> sql_arith (option t)

con sql_unary :: Type -> Type -> Type
val sql_not : sql_unary bool bool
val sql_unary : tables ::: {{Type}} -> agg ::: {{Type}} -> exps ::: {Type}
                -> arg ::: Type -> res ::: Type
                -> sql_unary arg res -> sql_exp tables agg exps arg
                -> sql_exp tables agg exps res

val sql_neg : t ::: Type -> sql_arith t -> sql_unary t t

con sql_binary :: Type -> Type -> Type -> Type
val sql_and : sql_binary bool bool bool
val sql_or : sql_binary bool bool bool
val sql_binary : tables ::: {{Type}} -> agg ::: {{Type}} -> exps ::: {Type}
                 -> arg1 ::: Type -> arg2 ::: Type -> res ::: Type
                 -> sql_binary arg1 arg2 res -> sql_exp tables agg exps arg1
                 -> sql_exp tables agg exps arg2
                 -> sql_exp tables agg exps res

val sql_plus : t ::: Type -> sql_arith t -> sql_binary t t t
val sql_minus : t ::: Type -> sql_arith t -> sql_binary t t t
val sql_times : t ::: Type -> sql_arith t -> sql_binary t t t
val sql_div : t ::: Type -> sql_arith t -> sql_binary t t t
val sql_mod : sql_binary int int int

val sql_eq : t ::: Type -> sql_binary t t bool
val sql_ne : t ::: Type -> sql_binary t t bool
val sql_lt : t ::: Type -> sql_binary t t bool
val sql_le : t ::: Type -> sql_binary t t bool
val sql_gt : t ::: Type -> sql_binary t t bool
val sql_ge : t ::: Type -> sql_binary t t bool

val sql_like : sql_binary string string bool

val sql_count : tables ::: {{Type}} -> agg ::: {{Type}} -> exps ::: {Type}
                -> sql_exp tables agg exps int

con sql_aggregate :: Type -> Type -> Type
val sql_aggregate : tables ::: {{Type}} -> agg ::: {{Type}} -> exps ::: {Type}
                    -> dom ::: Type -> ran ::: Type
                    -> sql_aggregate dom ran -> sql_exp agg agg exps dom
                    -> sql_exp tables agg exps ran

val sql_count_col : t ::: Type -> sql_aggregate (option t) int

class sql_summable
val sql_summable_int : sql_summable int
val sql_summable_float : sql_summable float
val sql_summable_option : t ::: Type -> sql_summable t -> sql_summable (option t)
val sql_avg : t ::: Type -> nt ::: Type -> sql_summable t -> nullify t nt -> sql_aggregate t nt
val sql_sum : t ::: Type -> nt ::: Type -> sql_summable t -> nullify t nt -> sql_aggregate t nt

class sql_maxable
val sql_maxable_int : sql_maxable int
val sql_maxable_float : sql_maxable float
val sql_maxable_string : sql_maxable string
val sql_maxable_time : sql_maxable time
val sql_maxable_option : t ::: Type -> sql_maxable t -> sql_maxable (option t)
val sql_max : t ::: Type -> nt ::: Type -> sql_maxable t -> nullify t nt -> sql_aggregate t nt
val sql_min : t ::: Type -> nt ::: Type -> sql_maxable t -> nullify t nt -> sql_aggregate t nt

con sql_nfunc :: Type -> Type
val sql_nfunc : tables ::: {{Type}} -> agg ::: {{Type}} -> exps ::: {Type}
                -> t ::: Type
                -> sql_nfunc t -> sql_exp tables agg exps t
val sql_current_timestamp : sql_nfunc time

con sql_ufunc :: Type -> Type -> Type
val sql_ufunc : tables ::: {{Type}} -> agg ::: {{Type}} -> exps ::: {Type}
                -> dom ::: Type -> ran ::: Type
                -> sql_ufunc dom ran -> sql_exp tables agg exps dom
                -> sql_exp tables agg exps ran
val sql_octet_length : sql_ufunc blob int
val sql_known : t ::: Type -> sql_ufunc t bool
val sql_lower : sql_ufunc string string
val sql_upper : sql_ufunc string string

val sql_nullable : tables ::: {{Type}} -> agg ::: {{Type}} -> exps ::: {Type} -> t ::: Type
                   -> sql_injectable_prim t
                   -> sql_exp tables agg exps t
                   -> sql_exp tables agg exps (option t)

val sql_subquery : tables ::: {{Type}} -> agg ::: {{Type}} -> exps ::: {Type} -> nm ::: Name -> t ::: Type -> nt ::: Type
                   -> nullify t nt
                   -> sql_query tables agg [] [nm = t]
                   -> sql_exp tables agg exps nt

(*** Executing queries *)

val query : tables ::: {{Type}} -> exps ::: {Type}
            -> [tables ~ exps] =>
                  state ::: Type
                  -> sql_query [] [] tables exps
                  -> ($(exps ++ map (fn fields :: {Type} => $fields) tables)
                      -> state
                      -> transaction state)
                  -> state
                  -> transaction state

(*** Database mutators *)

type dml
val dml : dml -> transaction unit
val tryDml : dml -> transaction (option string)
(* Returns an error message on failure. *)

val insert : fields ::: {Type} -> uniques ::: {{Unit}}
             -> sql_table fields uniques
             -> $(map (fn t :: Type => sql_exp [] [] [] t) fields)
             -> dml

val update : unchanged ::: {Type} -> uniques ::: {{Unit}} -> changed :: {Type} ->
             [changed ~ unchanged] =>
                $(map (fn t :: Type => sql_exp [T = changed ++ unchanged] [] [] t) changed)
                -> sql_table (changed ++ unchanged) uniques
                -> sql_exp [T = changed ++ unchanged] [] [] bool
                -> dml

val delete : fields ::: {Type} -> uniques ::: {{Unit}}
             -> sql_table fields uniques
             -> sql_exp [T = fields] [] [] bool
             -> dml

(*** Sequences *)

type sql_sequence
val nextval : sql_sequence -> transaction int
val setval : sql_sequence -> int -> transaction unit

(** XML *)

type css_class
val show_css_class : show css_class
val null : css_class
(* No special formatting *)
val classes : css_class -> css_class -> css_class
(* The equivalent of writing one class after the other, separated by a space, in
 * an HTML 'class' attribute *)

con tag :: {Type} -> {Unit} -> {Unit} -> {Type} -> {Type} -> Type

con xml :: {Unit} -> {Type} -> {Type} -> Type
val cdata : ctx ::: {Unit} -> use ::: {Type} -> string -> xml ctx use []
val cdataChar : ctx ::: {Unit} -> use ::: {Type} -> char -> xml ctx use []
val tag : attrsGiven ::: {Type} -> attrsAbsent ::: {Type}
          -> ctxOuter ::: {Unit} -> ctxInner ::: {Unit}
          -> useOuter ::: {Type} -> useInner ::: {Type}
          -> bindOuter ::: {Type} -> bindInner ::: {Type}
          -> [attrsGiven ~ attrsAbsent] =>
             [useOuter ~ useInner] =>
             [bindOuter ~ bindInner] =>
           option css_class
	   -> option (signal css_class)
           -> $attrsGiven
           -> tag (attrsGiven ++ attrsAbsent)
                  ctxOuter ctxInner useOuter bindOuter
           -> xml ctxInner useInner bindInner
           -> xml ctxOuter (useOuter ++ useInner) (bindOuter ++ bindInner)
val join : ctx ::: {Unit}
        -> use1 ::: {Type} -> bind1 ::: {Type} -> bind2 ::: {Type}
        -> [use1 ~ bind1] => [bind1 ~ bind2] =>
              xml ctx use1 bind1
              -> xml ctx (use1 ++ bind1) bind2
              -> xml ctx use1 (bind1 ++ bind2)
val useMore : ctx ::: {Unit} -> use1 ::: {Type} -> use2 ::: {Type}
              -> bind ::: {Type}
              -> [use1 ~ use2] =>
                    xml ctx use1 bind
                    -> xml ctx (use1 ++ use2) bind

con html = [Html]
con head = [Head]

con body' = [MakeForm, Body]
con form' = [Body, Form]
con subform' = [Body, Subform]
con tabl' = [MakeForm, Table]
con tr' = [MakeForm, Tr]

con body = [Dyn] ++ body'
con form = [Dyn] ++ form'
con subform = [Dyn] ++ subform'
con tabl = [Dyn] ++ tabl'
con tr = [Dyn] ++ tr'

con xhtml = xml html
con page = xhtml [] []
con xbody = xml body [] []
con xtable = xml tabl [] []
con xtr = xml tr [] []
con xform = xml form [] []

(*** HTML details *)

type queryString
val show_queryString : show queryString

type url
val show_url : show url
val bless : string -> url
val checkUrl : string -> option url
val currentUrl : transaction url
val currentUrlHasPost : transaction bool
val currentUrlHasQueryString : transaction bool
val url : transaction page -> url
val effectfulUrl : (option queryString -> transaction page) -> url
val redirect : t ::: Type -> url -> transaction t

type id
val fresh : transaction id

val dyn : ctx ::: {Unit} -> use ::: {Type} -> bind ::: {Type} -> [ctx ~ [Dyn]] => unit
          -> tag [Signal = signal (xml ([Dyn] ++ ctx) use bind)] ([Dyn] ++ ctx) [] use bind

val head : unit -> tag [] html head [] []
val title : unit -> tag [] head [] [] []
val link : unit -> tag [Id = id, Rel = string, Typ = string, Href = url, Media = string] head [] [] []

val body : unit -> tag [Onload = transaction unit, Onresize = transaction unit, Onunload = transaction unit, Onhashchange = transaction unit]
                       html body [] []
con bodyTag = fn (attrs :: {Type}) =>
                 ctx ::: {Unit} ->
                 [[Body] ~ ctx] =>
                    unit -> tag attrs ([Body] ++ ctx) ([Body] ++ ctx) [] []
con bodyTagStandalone = fn (attrs :: {Type}) =>
                           ctx ::: {Unit}
                           -> [[Body] ~ ctx] =>
                                 unit -> tag attrs ([Body] ++ ctx) [] [] []

val br : bodyTagStandalone [Id = id]

con focusEvents = [Onblur = transaction unit, Onfocus = transaction unit]
con mouseEvents = [Onclick = transaction unit, Ondblclick = transaction unit,
                   Onmousedown = transaction unit, Onmousemove = transaction unit,
                   Onmouseout = transaction unit, Onmouseover = transaction unit,
                   Onmouseup = transaction unit]
con keyEvents = [Onkeydown = int -> transaction unit, Onkeypress = int -> transaction unit,
                 Onkeyup = int -> transaction unit]
(* Key arguments are character codes. *)
con resizeEvents = [Onresize = transaction unit]
con scrollEvents = [Onscroll = transaction unit]

con boxEvents = focusEvents ++ mouseEvents ++ keyEvents ++ resizeEvents ++ scrollEvents
con tableEvents = focusEvents ++ mouseEvents ++ keyEvents

con boxAttrs = [Id = id, Title = string] ++ boxEvents
con tableAttrs = [Id = id, Title = string] ++ tableEvents

val span : bodyTag boxAttrs
val div : bodyTag boxAttrs

val p : bodyTag boxAttrs
val b : bodyTag boxAttrs
val i : bodyTag boxAttrs
val tt : bodyTag boxAttrs
val sub : bodyTag boxAttrs
val sup : bodyTag boxAttrs

val h1 : bodyTag boxAttrs
val h2 : bodyTag boxAttrs
val h3 : bodyTag boxAttrs
val h4 : bodyTag boxAttrs
val h5 : bodyTag boxAttrs
val h6 : bodyTag boxAttrs

val li : bodyTag boxAttrs
val ol : bodyTag boxAttrs
val ul : bodyTag boxAttrs

val hr : bodyTag boxAttrs

val a : bodyTag ([Link = transaction page, Href = url, Target = string] ++ boxAttrs)

val img : bodyTag ([Alt = string, Src = url, Width = int, Height = int,
                    Onabort = transaction unit, Onerror = transaction unit,
                    Onload = transaction unit] ++ boxAttrs)

val form : ctx ::: {Unit} -> bind ::: {Type}
           -> [[MakeForm, Form] ~ ctx] =>
    option css_class
    -> xml ([Form] ++ ctx) [] bind
    -> xml ([MakeForm] ++ ctx) [] []

val subform : ctx ::: {Unit} -> use ::: {Type} -> bind ::: {Type}
              -> [[Form] ~ ctx] =>
    nm :: Name -> [[nm] ~ use] =>
    xml ([Form] ++ ctx) [] bind
    -> xml ([Form] ++ ctx) use [nm = $bind]

val subforms : ctx ::: {Unit} -> use ::: {Type} -> bind ::: {Type}
              -> [[Form, Subform] ~ ctx] =>
    nm :: Name -> [[nm] ~ use] =>
    xml ([Subform] ++ ctx) [Entry = $bind] []
    -> xml ([Form] ++ ctx) use [nm = list ($bind)]

val entry : ctx ::: {Unit} -> bind ::: {Type}
              -> [[Subform, Form] ~ ctx] =>
    xml ([Form] ++ ctx) [] bind
    -> xml ([Subform] ++ ctx) [Entry = $bind] []

con formTag = fn (ty :: Type) (inner :: {Unit}) (attrs :: {Type}) =>
                  ctx ::: {Unit}
                  -> [[Form] ~ ctx] =>
                        nm :: Name -> unit
                        -> tag attrs ([Form] ++ ctx) inner [] [nm = ty]
val hidden : formTag string [] [Id = string, Value = string]
val textbox : formTag string [] ([Value = string, Size = int, Placeholder = string, Source = source string, Onchange = transaction unit,
                                  Ontext = transaction unit] ++ boxAttrs)
val password : formTag string [] ([Value = string, Size = int] ++ boxAttrs)
val textarea : formTag string [] ([Rows = int, Cols = int, Onchange = transaction unit,
                                   Ontext = transaction unit] ++ boxAttrs)

val checkbox : formTag bool [] ([Checked = bool] ++ boxAttrs)

type file
val fileName : file -> option string
val fileMimeType : file -> string
val fileData : file -> blob

val upload : formTag file [] ([Value = string, Size = int] ++ boxAttrs)

type mimeType
val blessMime : string -> mimeType
val checkMime : string -> option mimeType
val returnBlob : t ::: Type -> blob -> mimeType -> transaction t
val blobSize : blob -> int
val textBlob : string -> blob

type postBody
val postType : postBody -> string
val postData : postBody -> string

con radio = [Body, Radio]
val radio : formTag (option string) radio [Id = id]
val radioOption : unit -> tag ([Value = string, Checked = bool] ++ boxAttrs) radio [] [] []

con select = [Select]
val select : formTag string select ([Onchange = transaction unit] ++ boxAttrs)
val option : unit -> tag [Value = string, Selected = bool] select [] [] []

val submit : ctx ::: {Unit} -> use ::: {Type}
             -> [[Form] ~ ctx] =>
                   -> tag ([Value = string, Action = $use -> transaction page] ++ boxAttrs)
                          ([Form] ++ ctx) ([Form] ++ ctx) use []

val image : ctx ::: {Unit} -> use ::: {Type}
             -> [[Form] ~ ctx] =>
                   -> tag ([Src = url, Width = int, Height = int, Alt = string, Action = $use -> transaction page] ++ boxAttrs)
                          ([Form] ++ ctx) ([Form] ++ ctx) use []

val label : bodyTag ([For = id, Accesskey = string] ++ tableAttrs)

(*** AJAX-oriented widgets *)

con cformTag = fn (attrs :: {Type}) (inner :: {Unit}) =>
                  ctx ::: {Unit}
                  -> [[Body] ~ ctx] =>
                        unit -> tag attrs ([Body] ++ ctx) inner [] []

val ctextbox : cformTag ([Value = string, Size = int, Source = source string, Placeholder = string, Onchange = transaction unit,
                          Ontext = transaction unit] ++ boxAttrs) []
val button : cformTag ([Value = string] ++ boxAttrs) []

val ccheckbox : cformTag ([Value = bool, Size = int, Source = source bool] ++ boxAttrs) []

con cselect = [Cselect]
val cselect : cformTag ([Source = source string, Onchange = transaction unit] ++ boxAttrs) cselect
val coption : unit -> tag [Value = string, Selected = bool] cselect [] [] []

val ctextarea : cformTag ([Value = string, Rows = int, Cols = int, Source = source string, Onchange = transaction unit,
                           Ontext = transaction unit] ++ boxAttrs) []

(*** Tables *)

val tabl : other ::: {Unit} -> [other ~ [Body, Table]] => unit
  -> tag ([Border = int] ++ boxAttrs)
         ([Body] ++ other) ([Table] ++ other) [] []
val tr : other ::: {Unit} -> [other ~ [Table, Tr]] => unit
  -> tag tableAttrs
         ([Table] ++ other) ([Tr] ++ other) [] []
val th : other ::: {Unit} -> [other ~ [Body, Tr]] => unit
  -> tag ([Colspan = int, Rowspan = int] ++ tableAttrs)
         ([Tr] ++ other) ([Body] ++ other) [] []
val td : other ::: {Unit} -> [other ~ [Body, Tr]] => unit
  -> tag ([Colspan = int, Rowspan = int] ++ tableAttrs)
         ([Tr] ++ other) ([Body] ++ other) [] []

(** Aborting *)

val error : t ::: Type -> xbody -> t

(* Client-side-only handlers: *)
val onError : (xbody -> transaction unit) -> transaction unit
val onFail : (string -> transaction unit) -> transaction unit
val onConnectFail : transaction unit -> transaction unit
val onDisconnect : transaction unit -> transaction unit
val onServerError : (string -> transaction unit) -> transaction unit

(* More standard document-level JavaScript handlers *)
val onClick : transaction unit -> transaction unit
val onDblclick : transaction unit -> transaction unit
val onKeydown : (int -> transaction unit) -> transaction unit
val onKeypress : (int -> transaction unit) -> transaction unit
val onKeyup : (int -> transaction unit) -> transaction unit
val onMousedown : transaction unit -> transaction unit
val onMouseup : transaction unit -> transaction unit

(* Prevents default handling of current event *)
val preventDefault : transaction unit
(* Stops propagation of current event *)
val stopPropagation : transaction unit

val show_xml : ctx ::: {Unit} -> use ::: {Type} -> bind ::: {Type} -> show (xml ctx use bind)

(** Tasks *)

con task_kind :: Type -> Type
val initialize : task_kind unit
val clientLeaves : task_kind client
val periodic : int -> task_kind unit

(** Information flow security *)

type sql_policy

val sendClient : tables ::: {{Type}} -> exps ::: {Type}
                 -> [tables ~ exps] => sql_query [] [] tables exps
                 -> sql_policy

val sendOwnIds : sql_sequence -> sql_policy

val mayInsert : fs ::: {Type} -> tables ::: {{Type}} -> [[New] ~ tables]
                => sql_query [] [] ([New = fs] ++ tables) []
                -> sql_policy

val mayDelete : fs ::: {Type} -> tables ::: {{Type}} -> [[Old] ~ tables]
                => sql_query [] [] ([Old = fs] ++ tables) []
                -> sql_policy

val mayUpdate : fs ::: {Type} -> tables ::: {{Type}} -> [[Old, New] ~ tables]
                => sql_query [] [] ([Old = fs, New = fs] ++ tables) []
                -> sql_policy

val also : sql_policy -> sql_policy -> sql_policy

val debug : string -> transaction unit
val naughtyDebug : string -> int

val rand : transaction int