view demo/more/dbgrid.urs @ 1739:c414850f206f

Add support for -boot flag, which allows in-tree execution of Ur/Web The boot flag rewrites most hardcoded paths to point to the build directory, and also forces static compilation. This is convenient for developing Ur/Web, or if you cannot 'sudo make install' Ur/Web. The following changes were made: * Header files were moved to include/urweb instead of include; this lets FFI users point their C_INCLUDE_PATH at this directory at write <urweb/urweb.h>. For internal Ur/Web executables, we simply pass -I$PATH/include/urweb as normal. * Differentiate between LIB and SRCLIB; SRCLIB is Ur and JavaScript source files, while LIB is compiled products from libtool. For in-tree compilation these live in different places. * No longer reference Config for paths; instead use Settings; these settings can be changed dynamically by Compiler.enableBoot () (TODO: add a disableBoot function.) * config.h is now generated directly in include/urweb/config.h, for consistency's sake (especially since it gets installed along with the rest of the headers!) * All of the autotools build products got updated. * The linkStatic field in protocols now only contains the name of the build product, and not the absolute path. Future users have to be careful not to reference the Settings files to early, lest they get an old version (this was the source of two bugs during development of this patch.)
author Edward Z. Yang <>
date Wed, 02 May 2012 17:17:57 -0400
parents fbc3a0eef45a
line wrap: on
line source
con rawMeta = fn t :: Type =>
                 {New : transaction t,
                  Inj : sql_injectable t}

con colMeta' = fn (row :: {Type}) (input :: Type) (filter :: Type) =>
                  {Header : string,
                   Project : $row -> transaction input,
                   Update : $row -> input -> transaction ($row),
                   Display : input -> xbody,
                   Edit : input -> xbody,
                   Validate : input -> signal bool,
                   CreateFilter : transaction filter,
                   DisplayFilter : filter -> xbody,
                   Filter : filter -> $row -> signal bool,
                   Sort : option ($row -> $row -> bool)}

con colMeta = fn (row :: {Type}) (global_input_filter :: (Type * Type * Type)) =>
                 {Initialize : transaction global_input_filter.1,
                  Handlers : global_input_filter.1 -> colMeta' row global_input_filter.2 global_input_filter.3}

con aggregateMeta = fn (row :: {Type}) (acc :: Type) =>
                       {Initial : acc,
                        Step : $row -> acc -> acc,
                        Display : acc -> xbody}

structure Direct : sig
    con metaBase = fn actual_input_filter :: (Type * Type * Type) =>
                  {Display : actual_input_filter.2 -> xbody,
                   Edit : actual_input_filter.2 -> xbody,
                   Initialize : actual_input_filter.1 -> transaction actual_input_filter.2,
                   Parse : actual_input_filter.2 -> signal (option actual_input_filter.1),
                   CreateFilter : transaction actual_input_filter.3,
                   DisplayFilter : actual_input_filter.3 -> xbody,
                   Filter : actual_input_filter.3 -> actual_input_filter.1 -> signal bool,
                   Sort : actual_input_filter.1 -> actual_input_filter.1 -> bool}

    datatype metaBoth actual input filter =
             NonNull of metaBase (actual, input, filter) * metaBase (option actual, input, filter)
           | Nullable of metaBase (actual, input, filter)

    con meta = fn global_actual_input_filter :: (Type * Type * Type * Type) =>
                  {Initialize : transaction global_actual_input_filter.1,
                   Handlers : global_actual_input_filter.1
                              -> metaBoth global_actual_input_filter.2 global_actual_input_filter.3

    con editableState :: (Type * Type * Type * Type) -> (Type * Type * Type)
    val editable : ts ::: (Type * Type * Type * Type) -> rest ::: {Type}
                   -> nm :: Name -> [[nm] ~ rest] => string -> meta ts
                                                     -> colMeta ([nm = ts.2] ++ rest)
                                                                (editableState ts)

    con readOnlyState :: (Type * Type * Type * Type) -> (Type * Type * Type)
    val readOnly : ts ::: (Type * Type * Type * Type) -> rest ::: {Type}
                   -> nm :: Name -> [[nm] ~ rest] => string -> meta ts
                                                     -> colMeta ([nm = ts.2] ++ rest)
                                                                (readOnlyState ts)

    val nullable : global ::: Type -> actual ::: Type -> input ::: Type -> filter ::: Type
                   -> meta (global, actual, input, filter)
                   -> meta (global, option actual, input, filter)

    type intGlobal
    type intInput
    type intFilter
    val int : meta (intGlobal, int, intInput, intFilter)

    type stringGlobal
    type stringInput
    type stringFilter
    val string : meta (stringGlobal, string, stringInput, stringFilter)

    type boolGlobal
    type boolInput
    type boolFilter
    val bool : meta (boolGlobal, bool, boolInput, boolFilter)

    functor Foreign (M : sig
                         con row :: {Type}
                         con t :: Type
                         val show_t : show t
                         val read_t : read t
                         val eq_t : eq t
                         val ord_t : ord t
                         val inj_t : sql_injectable t
                         con nm :: Name
                         constraint [nm] ~ row
                         table tab : ([nm = t] ++ row)
                         val render : $([nm = t] ++ row) -> string
                     end) : sig
        type global
        type input
        type filter
        val meta : meta (global, M.t, input, filter)

con computedState :: (Type * Type * Type)
val computed : row ::: {Type} -> t ::: Type -> show t
               -> string -> ($row -> t) -> colMeta row computedState
val computedHtml : row ::: {Type} -> string -> ($row -> xbody) -> colMeta row computedState

functor Make(M : sig
                 con key :: {Type}
                 con row :: {Type}
                 constraint key ~ row
                 table tab : (key ++ row)

                 val raw : $(map rawMeta (key ++ row))

                 con cols :: {(Type * Type * Type)}
                 val cols : $(map (colMeta (key ++ row)) cols)

                 val keyFolder : folder key
                 val rowFolder : folder row
                 val colsFolder : folder cols

                 con aggregates :: {Type}
                 val aggregates : $(map (aggregateMeta (key ++ row)) aggregates)
                 val aggFolder : folder aggregates

                 val pageLength : option int
             end) : sig
    type grid

    val grid : transaction grid
    val sync : grid -> transaction unit
    val render : grid -> xbody

    val showSelection : grid -> source bool
    val selection : grid -> signal (list ($(M.key ++ M.row)))