view demo/more/dragList.ur @ 2139:8c81cd351c1a

Allow URIs specified in file directives implicitly It seems to me that, by specifying that one wants to serve a given file at a specified URI, one is implying that this URI should be allowed.
author Julian Squires <>
date Fri, 24 Apr 2015 16:21:55 -0400
parents e6bc6bbd7a32
line wrap: on
line source
fun draggableList title items =
    itemSources <- List.mapM source items;
    draggingItem <- source None;
    return <xml>
      <h2>Great {[title]}</h2>
        {List.mapX (fn itemSource => <xml>
          <li onmousedown={fn _ => set draggingItem (Some itemSource)}
              onmouseup={fn _ => set draggingItem None}
              onmouseover={fn _ => di <- get draggingItem;
                              case di of
                                  None => return ()
                                | Some di => original <- get di;
                                  movedOver <- get itemSource;
                                  set di movedOver;
                                  set itemSource original;
                                  set draggingItem (Some itemSource)}>
              <dyn signal={ cdata (signal itemSource)}/>
         </li></xml>) itemSources}

fun main () =
    bears <- draggableList "Bears" ("Pooh" :: "Paddington" :: "Rupert" :: "Edward" :: []);
    beers <- draggableList "Beers" ("Budvar" :: "Delirium Tremens" :: "Deuchars" :: []);
    boars <- draggableList "Boars" ("Sus scrofa scrofa"
                                        :: "Sus scrofa ussuricus"
                                        :: "Sus scrofa cristatus"
                                        :: "Sus scrofa taiwanus" :: []);
    return <xml>
        <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../dragList.css"/>