view demo/more/bulkEdit.ur @ 1264:79b2bcac6200

Fix bug in module path generation with module roots; push wildification through substructures
author Adam Chlipala <>
date Thu, 27 May 2010 10:56:52 -0400
parents 1911e84df461
line wrap: on
line source
open Meta

functor Make(M : sig
                 con keyName :: Name
                 con keyType :: Type
                 val showKey : show keyType
                 val readKey : read keyType
                 val injKey : sql_injectable keyType

                 con visible :: {(Type * Type)}
                 constraint [keyName] ~ visible
                 val folder : folder visible
                 val visible : $(map Meta.meta visible)

                 con invisible :: {Type}
                 constraint [keyName] ~ invisible
                 constraint visible ~ invisible

                 val title : string
                 val isAllowed : transaction bool
                 table t : ([keyName = keyType] ++ map fst visible ++ invisible)
             end) = struct

    open M

    fun main () =
        items <- queryX (SELECT t.{keyName}, t.{{map fst visible}} FROM t)
                 (fn r => <xml><entry><tr>
                   <hidden{keyName} value={show r.T.keyName}/>
                   {useMore (allPopulatedTr visible (r.T -- keyName) folder)}
        return <xml><body>

            <tr>{foldRX [meta] [_]
                 (fn [nm :: Name] [p :: (Type * Type)] [rest :: {(Type * Type)}] [[nm] ~ rest] m =>
                     <xml><th>{[m.Nam]}</th></xml>) [_] folder visible}</tr>
            <tr> <td><submit value="Save" action={save}/></td> </tr>

    and save r = (fn user => dml (update [map fst visible] !
                                  (ensql visible (user -- keyName) folder)
                                  (WHERE t.{keyName} = {[readError user.keyName]}))) r.Users;
        main ()
