Mercurial > urweb
view src/urweb.lex @ 1770:53d56d87fbd2
More manual detail on registering error handlers
author | Adam Chlipala <> |
date | Sat, 19 May 2012 11:38:14 -0400 |
parents | d6e233db97c8 |
children | 8f28c3295148 |
line wrap: on
line source
(* -*- mode: sml-lex -*- *) (* Copyright (c) 2008-2009, Adam Chlipala * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * - The names of contributors may not be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. *) (* Lexing info for Ur/Web programs *) type pos = int type svalue = Tokens.svalue type ('a,'b) token = ('a,'b) Tokens.token type lexresult = (svalue,pos) Tokens.token val commentOut = ref (fn () => ()) local val commentLevel = ref 0 val commentPos = ref 0 in fun reset () = (commentLevel := 0; commentPos := 0) fun enterComment pos = (if !commentLevel = 0 then commentPos := pos else (); commentLevel := !commentLevel + 1) fun exitComment () = (ignore (commentLevel := !commentLevel - 1); if !commentLevel = 0 then !commentOut () else ()) fun eof () = let val pos = ErrorMsg.lastLineStart () in if !commentLevel > 0 then ErrorMsg.errorAt' (!commentPos, !commentPos) "Unterminated comment" else (); Tokens.EOF (pos, pos) end end val strEnder = ref #"\"" val str = ref ([] : char list) val strStart = ref 0 local val initSig = ref false val offset = ref 0 in fun initialSig () = initSig := true fun pos yypos = yypos - !offset fun newline yypos = if !initSig then (initSig := false; offset := yypos + 1) else ErrorMsg.newline (pos yypos) end val xmlTag = ref ([] : string list) val xmlString = ref true val braceLevels = ref ([] : ((unit -> unit) * int) list) fun pushLevel s = braceLevels := (s, 1) :: (!braceLevels) fun enterBrace () = case !braceLevels of (s, i) :: rest => braceLevels := (s, i+1) :: rest | _ => () fun exitBrace () = case !braceLevels of (s, i) :: rest => if i = 1 then (braceLevels := rest; s ()) else braceLevels := (s, i-1) :: rest | _ => () fun initialize () = (reset (); xmlTag := []; xmlString := false) structure StringMap = BinaryMapFn(struct type ord_key = string val compare = end) val entities = foldl (fn ((key, value), entities) => StringMap.insert (entities, key, value)) StringMap.empty Entities.all fun unescape loc s = let fun process (s, acc) = let val (befor, after) = Substring.splitl (fn ch => ch <> #"&") s in if Substring.size after = 0 then Substring.concat (rev (s :: acc)) else let val after = Substring.slice (after, 1, NONE) val (befor', after') = Substring.splitl (fn ch => ch <> #";") after in if Substring.size after' = 0 then (ErrorMsg.errorAt' loc "Missing ';' after '&'"; "") else let val pre = befor val code = befor' val s = Substring.slice (after', 1, NONE) val special = if Substring.size code > 0 andalso Substring.sub (code, 0) = #"#" andalso CharVectorSlice.all Char.isDigit (Substring.slice (code, 1, NONE)) then let val code = Substring.string (Substring.slice (code, 1, NONE)) in Utf8.encode (Int.fromString code) end else Utf8.encode (StringMap.find (entities, Substring.string code)) in case special of NONE => (ErrorMsg.errorAt' loc ("Unsupported XML character entity " ^ Substring.string code); "") | SOME sp => process (s, Substring.full sp :: pre :: acc) end end end in process (Substring.full s, []) end %% %header (functor UrwebLexFn(structure Tokens : Urweb_TOKENS)); %full %s COMMENT STRING CHAR XML XMLTAG; id = [a-z_][A-Za-z0-9_']*; cid = [A-Z][A-Za-z0-9_]*; ws = [\ \t\012\r]; intconst = [0-9]+; realconst = [0-9]+\.[0-9]*; notags = ([^<{\n(]|(\([^\*<{\n]))+; xcom = ([^\-]|(-[^\-]))+; oint = [0-9][0-9][0-9]; xint = x[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]; %% <INITIAL,COMMENT,XMLTAG> \n => (newline yypos; continue ()); <XML> \n => (newline yypos; Tokens.NOTAGS (yytext, yypos, yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> {ws}+ => (lex ()); <INITIAL> "(*" => (YYBEGIN COMMENT; commentOut := (fn () => YYBEGIN INITIAL); enterComment (pos yypos); continue ()); <XML> "(*" => (YYBEGIN COMMENT; commentOut := (fn () => YYBEGIN XML); enterComment (pos yypos); continue ()); <XMLTAG> "(*" => (YYBEGIN COMMENT; commentOut := (fn () => YYBEGIN XMLTAG); enterComment (pos yypos); continue ()); <INITIAL,XML,XMLTAG> "*)" => (ErrorMsg.errorAt' (pos yypos, pos yypos) "Unbalanced comments"; continue ()); <COMMENT> "(*" => (enterComment (pos yypos); continue ()); <COMMENT> "*)" => (exitComment (); continue ()); <XML> "<!--" {xcom} "-->" => (continue ()); <STRING,CHAR> "\\\"" => (str := #"\"" :: !str; continue()); <STRING,CHAR> "\\'" => (str := #"'" :: !str; continue()); <STRING,CHAR> "\\n" => (str := #"\n" :: !str; continue()); <STRING,CHAR> "\\\\" => (str := #"\\" :: !str; continue()); <STRING,CHAR> "\\t" => (str := #"\t" :: !str; continue()); <STRING,CHAR> "\n" => (newline yypos; str := #"\n" :: !str; continue()); <STRING,CHAR> "\\" {oint} => (case StringCvt.scanString (Int.scan StringCvt.OCT) (String.extract (yytext, 1, NONE)) of NONE => ErrorMsg.errorAt' (pos yypos, pos yypos) "Illegal string escape" | SOME n => str := chr n :: !str; continue()); <STRING,CHAR> "\\" {xint} => (case StringCvt.scanString (Int.scan StringCvt.HEX) (String.extract (yytext, 2, NONE)) of NONE => ErrorMsg.errorAt' (pos yypos, pos yypos) "Illegal string escape" | SOME n => str := chr n :: !str; continue()); <INITIAL> "#\"" => (YYBEGIN CHAR; strEnder := #"\""; strStart := pos yypos; str := []; continue()); <CHAR> . => (let val ch = String.sub (yytext, 0) in if ch = !strEnder then let val s = String.implode (List.rev (!str)) in YYBEGIN INITIAL; if size s = 1 then Tokens.CHAR (String.sub (s, 0), !strStart, pos yypos + 1) else (ErrorMsg.errorAt' (yypos, yypos) "Character constant is zero or multiple characters"; continue ()) end else (str := ch :: !str; continue ()) end); <INITIAL> "\"" => (YYBEGIN STRING; strEnder := #"\""; strStart := pos yypos; str := []; continue()); <INITIAL> "'" => (YYBEGIN STRING; strEnder := #"'"; strStart := pos yypos; str := []; continue()); <STRING> . => (let val ch = String.sub (yytext, 0) in if ch = !strEnder then (if !xmlString then (xmlString := false; YYBEGIN XMLTAG) else YYBEGIN INITIAL; Tokens.STRING (String.implode (List.rev (!str)), !strStart, pos yypos + 1)) else (str := ch :: !str; continue ()) end); <INITIAL> "<" {id} "/>"=>(let val tag = String.substring (yytext, 1, size yytext - 3) in Tokens.XML_BEGIN_END (tag, yypos, yypos + size yytext) end); <INITIAL> "<" {id} ">"=> (let val tag = String.substring (yytext, 1, size yytext - 2) in YYBEGIN XML; xmlTag := tag :: (!xmlTag); Tokens.XML_BEGIN (tag, yypos, yypos + size yytext) end); <XML> "</" {id} ">" => (let val id = String.substring (yytext, 2, size yytext - 3) in case !xmlTag of id' :: rest => if id = id' then (YYBEGIN INITIAL; xmlTag := rest; Tokens.XML_END (yypos, yypos + size yytext)) else Tokens.END_TAG (id, yypos, yypos + size yytext) | _ => Tokens.END_TAG (id, yypos, yypos + size yytext) end); <XML> "<" {id} => (YYBEGIN XMLTAG; Tokens.BEGIN_TAG (String.extract (yytext, 1, NONE), yypos, yypos + size yytext)); <XMLTAG> "/" => (Tokens.DIVIDE (yypos, yypos + size yytext)); <XMLTAG> ">" => (YYBEGIN XML; Tokens.GT (yypos, yypos + size yytext)); <XMLTAG> {ws}+ => (lex ()); <XMLTAG> {id} => (Tokens.SYMBOL (yytext, yypos, yypos + size yytext)); <XMLTAG> "=" => (Tokens.EQ (yypos, yypos + size yytext)); <XMLTAG> {intconst} => (case Int64.fromString yytext of SOME x => Tokens.INT (x, yypos, yypos + size yytext) | NONE => (ErrorMsg.errorAt' (yypos, yypos) ("Expected int, received: " ^ yytext); continue ())); <XMLTAG> {realconst} => (case Real.fromString yytext of SOME x => Tokens.FLOAT (x, yypos, yypos + size yytext) | NONE => (ErrorMsg.errorAt' (yypos, yypos) ("Expected float, received: " ^ yytext); continue ())); <XMLTAG> "\"" => (YYBEGIN STRING; xmlString := true; strEnder := #"\""; strStart := yypos; str := []; continue ()); <XMLTAG> "{" => (YYBEGIN INITIAL; pushLevel (fn () => YYBEGIN XMLTAG); Tokens.LBRACE (yypos, yypos + 1)); <XMLTAG> "(" => (YYBEGIN INITIAL; pushLevel (fn () => YYBEGIN XMLTAG); Tokens.LPAREN (yypos, yypos + 1)); <XMLTAG> . => (ErrorMsg.errorAt' (yypos, yypos) ("illegal XML tag character: \"" ^ yytext ^ "\""); continue ()); <XML> "{" => (YYBEGIN INITIAL; pushLevel (fn () => YYBEGIN XML); Tokens.LBRACE (yypos, yypos + 1)); <XML> {notags} => (Tokens.NOTAGS (unescape (yypos, yypos + size yytext) yytext, yypos, yypos + size yytext)); <XML> "(" => (Tokens.NOTAGS ("(", yypos, yypos + size yytext)); <XML> . => (ErrorMsg.errorAt' (yypos, yypos) ("illegal XML character: \"" ^ yytext ^ "\""); continue ()); <INITIAL> "()" => (Tokens.UNIT (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "(" => (Tokens.LPAREN (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> ")" => (Tokens.RPAREN (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "[" => (Tokens.LBRACK (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "]" => (Tokens.RBRACK (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "{" => (enterBrace (); Tokens.LBRACE (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "}" => (exitBrace (); Tokens.RBRACE (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "-->" => (Tokens.KARROW (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "->" => (Tokens.ARROW (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "==>" => (Tokens.DKARROW (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "=>" => (Tokens.DARROW (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "++" => (Tokens.PLUSPLUS (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "--" => (Tokens.MINUSMINUS (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "---" => (Tokens.MINUSMINUSMINUS (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "^" => (Tokens.CARET (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "&&" => (Tokens.ANDALSO (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "||" => (Tokens.ORELSE (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "=" => (Tokens.EQ (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "<>" => (Tokens.NE (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "<" => (Tokens.LT (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> ">" => (Tokens.GT (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "<=" => (Tokens.LE (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> ">=" => (Tokens.GE (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "," => (Tokens.COMMA (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> ":::_" => (Tokens.TCOLONWILD (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> ":::" => (Tokens.TCOLON (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "::_" => (Tokens.DCOLONWILD (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "::" => (Tokens.DCOLON (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> ":" => (Tokens.COLON (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "..." => (Tokens.DOTDOTDOT (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "." => (Tokens.DOT (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "$" => (Tokens.DOLLAR (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "#" => (Tokens.HASH (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "__" => (Tokens.UNDERUNDER (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "_" => (Tokens.UNDER (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "~" => (Tokens.TWIDDLE (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "|" => (Tokens.BAR (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "*" => (Tokens.STAR (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "<-" => (Tokens.LARROW (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> ";" => (Tokens.SEMI (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "!" => (Tokens.BANG (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "+" => (Tokens.PLUS (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "-" => (Tokens.MINUS (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "/" => (Tokens.DIVIDE (yypos, yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "%" => (Tokens.MOD (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "@" => (Tokens.AT (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "con" => (Tokens.CON (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "type" => (Tokens.LTYPE (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "datatype" => (Tokens.DATATYPE (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "of" => (Tokens.OF (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "val" => (Tokens.VAL (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "rec" => (Tokens.REC (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "and" => (Tokens.AND (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "fun" => (Tokens.FUN (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "fn" => (Tokens.FN (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "map" => (Tokens.MAP (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "case" => (Tokens.CASE (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "if" => (Tokens.IF (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "then" => (Tokens.THEN (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "else" => (Tokens.ELSE (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "structure" => (Tokens.STRUCTURE (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "signature" => (Tokens.SIGNATURE (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "struct" => (Tokens.STRUCT (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "sig" => (if yypos <= 2 then initialSig () else (); Tokens.SIG (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "let" => (Tokens.LET (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "in" => (Tokens.IN (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "end" => (Tokens.END (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "functor" => (Tokens.FUNCTOR (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "where" => (Tokens.WHERE (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "include" => (Tokens.INCLUDE (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "open" => (Tokens.OPEN (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "constraint"=> (Tokens.CONSTRAINT (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "constraints"=> (Tokens.CONSTRAINTS (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "export" => (Tokens.EXPORT (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "table" => (Tokens.TABLE (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "sequence" => (Tokens.SEQUENCE (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "view" => (Tokens.VIEW (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "class" => (Tokens.CLASS (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "cookie" => (Tokens.COOKIE (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "style" => (Tokens.STYLE (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "task" => (Tokens.TASK (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "policy" => (Tokens.POLICY (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "Type" => (Tokens.TYPE (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "Name" => (Tokens.NAME (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "Unit" => (Tokens.KUNIT (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "SELECT" => (Tokens.SELECT (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "DISTINCT" => (Tokens.DISTINCT (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "FROM" => (Tokens.FROM (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "AS" => (Tokens.AS (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "WHERE" => (Tokens.CWHERE (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "SQL" => (Tokens.SQL (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "GROUP" => (Tokens.GROUP (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "ORDER" => (Tokens.ORDER (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "BY" => (Tokens.BY (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "HAVING" => (Tokens.HAVING (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "LIMIT" => (Tokens.LIMIT (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "OFFSET" => (Tokens.OFFSET (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "ALL" => (Tokens.ALL (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "SELECT1" => (Tokens.SELECT1 (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "JOIN" => (Tokens.JOIN (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "INNER" => (Tokens.INNER (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "CROSS" => (Tokens.CROSS (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "OUTER" => (Tokens.OUTER (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "LEFT" => (Tokens.LEFT (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "RIGHT" => (Tokens.RIGHT (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "FULL" => (Tokens.FULL (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "UNION" => (Tokens.UNION (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "INTERSECT" => (Tokens.INTERSECT (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "EXCEPT" => (Tokens.EXCEPT (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "TRUE" => (Tokens.TRUE (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "FALSE" => (Tokens.FALSE (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "AND" => (Tokens.CAND (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "OR" => (Tokens.OR (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "NOT" => (Tokens.NOT (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "COUNT" => (Tokens.COUNT (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "AVG" => (Tokens.AVG (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "SUM" => (Tokens.SUM (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "MIN" => (Tokens.MIN (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "MAX" => (Tokens.MAX (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "IF" => (Tokens.CIF (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "THEN" => (Tokens.CTHEN (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "ELSE" => (Tokens.CELSE (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "ASC" => (Tokens.ASC (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "DESC" => (Tokens.DESC (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "RANDOM" => (Tokens.RANDOM (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "INSERT" => (Tokens.INSERT (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "INTO" => (Tokens.INTO (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "VALUES" => (Tokens.VALUES (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "UPDATE" => (Tokens.UPDATE (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "SET" => (Tokens.SET (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "DELETE" => (Tokens.DELETE (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "NULL" => (Tokens.NULL (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "IS" => (Tokens.IS (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "COALESCE" => (Tokens.COALESCE (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "LIKE" => (Tokens.LIKE (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "CONSTRAINT"=> (Tokens.CCONSTRAINT (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "UNIQUE" => (Tokens.UNIQUE (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "CHECK" => (Tokens.CHECK (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "PRIMARY" => (Tokens.PRIMARY (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "FOREIGN" => (Tokens.FOREIGN (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "KEY" => (Tokens.KEY (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "ON" => (Tokens.ON (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "NO" => (Tokens.NO (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "ACTION" => (Tokens.ACTION (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "RESTRICT" => (Tokens.RESTRICT (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "CASCADE" => (Tokens.CASCADE (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "REFERENCES"=> (Tokens.REFERENCES (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP" => (Tokens.CURRENT_TIMESTAMP (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP" => (Tokens.CURRENT_TIMESTAMP (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> {id} => (Tokens.SYMBOL (yytext, pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> {cid} => (Tokens.CSYMBOL (yytext, pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext)); <INITIAL> {intconst} => (case Int64.fromString yytext of SOME x => Tokens.INT (x, pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext) | NONE => (ErrorMsg.errorAt' (pos yypos, pos yypos) ("Expected int, received: " ^ yytext); continue ())); <INITIAL> {realconst} => (case Real64.fromString yytext of SOME x => Tokens.FLOAT (x, pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext) | NONE => (ErrorMsg.errorAt' (pos yypos, pos yypos) ("Expected float, received: " ^ yytext); continue ())); <COMMENT> . => (continue()); <INITIAL> . => (ErrorMsg.errorAt' (pos yypos, pos yypos) ("illegal character: \"" ^ yytext ^ "\""); continue ());