view tests/bindpat.ur @ 2262:34ad83d9b729

Fix recording bugs to do with nesting and buffer reallocation. Stop MonoFooify printing spurious errors.
author Ziv Scully <>
date Wed, 07 Oct 2015 08:58:08 -0400
parents 799be3911ce3
line wrap: on
line source
fun main () : transaction page =
  (a, b) <- return (1, 2);
  {C = c, ...} <- return {C = "hi", D = False};
  d <- return 2.34;
  {1 = e, 2 = f} <- return (8, 9);
  return <xml>{[a]}, {[b]}, {[c]}, {[d]}, {[e]}, {[f]}</xml>