Mercurial > urweb
view src/compiler.sml @ 519:23a88d81a1b5
Optimize CoreUntangle
author | Adam Chlipala <> |
date | Thu, 27 Nov 2008 11:40:13 -0500 (2008-11-27) |
parents | 4929cf86bc03 |
children | 1901db85acb4 |
line wrap: on
line source
(* Copyright (c) 2008, Adam Chlipala * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * - The names of contributors may not be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. *) (* Ur/Web language parser *) structure Compiler :> COMPILER = struct structure UrwebLrVals = UrwebLrValsFn(structure Token = LrParser.Token) structure Lex = UrwebLexFn(structure Tokens = UrwebLrVals.Tokens) structure UrwebP = Join(structure ParserData = UrwebLrVals.ParserData structure Lex = Lex structure LrParser = LrParser) type job = { prefix : string, database : string option, sources : string list, exe : string, sql : string option, debug : bool, profile : bool } type ('src, 'dst) phase = { func : 'src -> 'dst, print : 'dst -> Print.PD.pp_desc } type pmap = (string * Time.time) list type ('src, 'dst) transform = { func : 'src -> 'dst option, print : 'dst -> Print.PD.pp_desc, time : 'src * pmap -> 'dst option * pmap } fun transform (ph : ('src, 'dst) phase) name = { func = fn input => let val v = #func ph input in if ErrorMsg.anyErrors () then NONE else SOME v end, print = #print ph, time = fn (input, pmap) => let val befor = () val v = #func ph input val elapsed = Time.- ( (), befor) in (if ErrorMsg.anyErrors () then NONE else SOME v, (name, elapsed) :: pmap) end } fun op o (tr2 : ('b, 'c) transform, tr1 : ('a, 'b) transform) = { func = fn input => case #func tr1 input of NONE => NONE | SOME v => #func tr2 v, print = #print tr2, time = fn (input, pmap) => let val (ro, pmap) = #time tr1 (input, pmap) in case ro of NONE => (NONE, pmap) | SOME v => #time tr2 (v, pmap) end } fun check (tr : ('src, 'dst) transform) x = (ErrorMsg.resetErrors (); ignore (#func tr x)) fun run (tr : ('src, 'dst) transform) x = (ErrorMsg.resetErrors (); #func tr x) fun runPrint (tr : ('src, 'dst) transform) input = (ErrorMsg.resetErrors (); case #func tr input of NONE => print "Failure\n" | SOME v => (print "Success\n"; Print.print (#print tr v); print "\n")) fun time (tr : ('src, 'dst) transform) input = let val (_, pmap) = #time tr (input, []) in app (fn (name, time) => print (name ^ ": " ^ LargeReal.toString (Time.toReal time) ^ "\n")) (rev pmap); print ("TOTAL: " ^ LargeReal.toString (Time.toReal (foldl Time.+ Time.zeroTime (map #2 pmap))) ^ "\n"); print "\n" end fun timePrint (tr : ('src, 'dst) transform) input = let val (ro, pmap) = #time tr (input, []) in app (fn (name, time) => print (name ^ ": " ^ LargeReal.toString (Time.toReal time) ^ "\n")) (rev pmap); print ("TOTAL: " ^ LargeReal.toString (Time.toReal (foldl Time.+ Time.zeroTime (map #2 pmap))) ^ "\n"); print "\n"; case ro of NONE => print "Failure\n" | SOME v => (print "Success\n"; Print.print (#print tr v); print "\n") end val parseUrs = {func = fn filename => let val fname = OS.FileSys.tmpName () val outf = TextIO.openOut fname val () = TextIO.output (outf, "sig\n") val inf = TextIO.openIn filename fun loop () = case TextIO.inputLine inf of NONE => () | SOME line => (TextIO.output (outf, line); loop ()) val () = loop () val () = TextIO.closeIn inf val () = TextIO.closeOut outf val () = (ErrorMsg.resetErrors (); ErrorMsg.resetPositioning filename; Lex.UserDeclarations.initialize ()) val file = TextIO.openIn fname fun get _ = TextIO.input file fun parseerror (s, p1, p2) = ErrorMsg.errorAt' (p1, p2) s val lexer = LrParser.Stream.streamify (Lex.makeLexer get) val (absyn, _) = UrwebP.parse (30, lexer, parseerror, ()) in TextIO.closeIn file; case absyn of [(Source.DSgn ("?", (Source.SgnConst sgis, _)), _)] => sgis | _ => (ErrorMsg.errorAt {file = filename, first = {line = 0, char = 0}, last = {line = 0, char = 0}} "Not a signature"; []) end handle LrParser.ParseError => [], print = Print.p_list_sep Print.PD.newline SourcePrint.p_sgn_item} (* The main parsing routine *) val parseUr = { func = fn filename => let val () = (ErrorMsg.resetErrors (); ErrorMsg.resetPositioning filename; Lex.UserDeclarations.initialize ()) val file = TextIO.openIn filename fun get _ = TextIO.input file fun parseerror (s, p1, p2) = ErrorMsg.errorAt' (p1, p2) s val lexer = LrParser.Stream.streamify (Lex.makeLexer get) val (absyn, _) = UrwebP.parse (30, lexer, parseerror, ()) in TextIO.closeIn file; case absyn of [(Source.DSgn ("?", _), _)] => (ErrorMsg.errorAt {file = filename, first = {line = 0, char = 0}, last = {line = 0, char = 0}} "File starts with 'sig'"; []) | _ => absyn end handle LrParser.ParseError => [], print = SourcePrint.p_file} fun p_job {prefix, database, exe, sql, sources, debug, profile} = let open Print.PD open Print in box [if debug then box [string "DEBUG", newline] else box [], if profile then box [string "PROFILE", newline] else box [], case database of NONE => string "No database." | SOME db => string ("Database: " ^ db), newline, string "Exe: ", string exe, newline, case sql of NONE => string "No SQL file." | SOME sql => string ("SQL fle: " ^ sql), string "Sources:", p_list string sources, newline] end fun trim s = let val (_, s) = Substring.splitl Char.isSpace s val (s, _) = Substring.splitr Char.isSpace s in s end val parseUrp = { func = fn filename => let val dir = OS.Path.dir filename val inf = TextIO.openIn (OS.Path.joinBaseExt {base = filename, ext = SOME "urp"}) fun relify fname = OS.Path.concat (dir, fname) handle OS.Path.Path => fname fun readSources acc = case TextIO.inputLine inf of NONE => rev acc | SOME line => let val acc = if CharVector.all Char.isSpace line then acc else let val fname = String.implode (List.filter (fn x => not (Char.isSpace x)) (String.explode line)) val fname = relify fname in fname :: acc end in readSources acc end fun finish (prefix, database, exe, sql, debug, profile, sources) = {prefix = Option.getOpt (prefix, "/"), database = database, exe = Option.getOpt (exe, OS.Path.joinBaseExt {base = OS.Path.base filename, ext = SOME "exe"}), sql = sql, debug = debug, profile = profile, sources = sources} fun read (prefix, database, exe, sql, debug, profile) = case TextIO.inputLine inf of NONE => finish (prefix, database, exe, sql, debug, profile, []) | SOME "\n" => finish (prefix, database, exe, sql, debug, profile, readSources []) | SOME line => let val (cmd, arg) = Substring.splitl (fn x => not (Char.isSpace x)) (Substring.full line) val cmd = Substring.string (trim cmd) val arg = Substring.string (trim arg) in case cmd of "prefix" => (case prefix of NONE => () | SOME _ => ErrorMsg.error "Duplicate 'prefix' directive"; read (SOME arg, database, exe, sql, debug, profile)) | "database" => (case database of NONE => () | SOME _ => ErrorMsg.error "Duplicate 'database' directive"; read (prefix, SOME arg, exe, sql, debug, profile)) | "exe" => (case exe of NONE => () | SOME _ => ErrorMsg.error "Duplicate 'exe' directive"; read (prefix, database, SOME (relify arg), sql, debug, profile)) | "sql" => (case sql of NONE => () | SOME _ => ErrorMsg.error "Duplicate 'sql' directive"; read (prefix, database, exe, SOME (relify arg), debug, profile)) | "debug" => read (prefix, database, exe, sql, true, profile) | "profile" => read (prefix, database, exe, sql, debug, true) | _ => (ErrorMsg.error ("Unrecognized command '" ^ cmd ^ "'"); read (prefix, database, exe, sql, debug, profile)) end val job = read (NONE, NONE, NONE, NONE, false, false) in TextIO.closeIn inf; Monoize.urlPrefix := #prefix job; job end, print = p_job } val toParseJob = transform parseUrp "parseJob" fun capitalize "" = "" | capitalize s = str (Char.toUpper (String.sub (s, 0))) ^ String.extract (s, 1, NONE) val parse = { func = fn {database, sources = fnames, ...} : job => let fun nameOf fname = capitalize (OS.Path.file fname) fun parseOne fname = let val mname = nameOf fname val ur = OS.Path.joinBaseExt {base = fname, ext = SOME "ur"} val urs = OS.Path.joinBaseExt {base = fname, ext = SOME "urs"} val sgnO = if Posix.FileSys.access (urs, []) then SOME (Source.SgnConst (#func parseUrs urs), {file = urs, first = ErrorMsg.dummyPos, last = ErrorMsg.dummyPos}) else NONE val loc = {file = ur, first = ErrorMsg.dummyPos, last = ErrorMsg.dummyPos} val ds = #func parseUr ur in (Source.DStr (mname, sgnO, (Source.StrConst ds, loc)), loc) end val ds = map parseOne fnames in let val final = nameOf (List.last fnames) val ds = ds @ [(Source.DExport (Source.StrVar final, ErrorMsg.dummySpan), ErrorMsg.dummySpan)] in case database of NONE => ds | SOME s => (Source.DDatabase s, ErrorMsg.dummySpan) :: ds end handle Empty => ds end, print = SourcePrint.p_file } val toParse = transform parse "parse" o toParseJob fun libFile s = OS.Path.joinDirFile {dir = Config.libUr, file = s} fun clibFile s = OS.Path.joinDirFile {dir = Config.libC, file = s} val elaborate = { func = fn file => let val basis = #func parseUrs (libFile "basis.urs") val topSgn = #func parseUrs (libFile "top.urs") val topStr = #func parseUr (libFile "top.ur") in Elaborate.elabFile basis topStr topSgn ElabEnv.empty file end, print = ElabPrint.p_file ElabEnv.empty } val toElaborate = transform elaborate "elaborate" o toParse val unnest = { func = Unnest.unnest, print = ElabPrint.p_file ElabEnv.empty } val toUnnest = transform unnest "unnest" o toElaborate val termination = { func = (fn file => (Termination.check file; file)), print = ElabPrint.p_file ElabEnv.empty } val toTermination = transform termination "termination" o toUnnest val explify = { func = Explify.explify, print = ExplPrint.p_file ExplEnv.empty } val toExplify = transform explify "explify" o toTermination val corify = { func = Corify.corify, print = CorePrint.p_file CoreEnv.empty } val toCorify = transform corify "corify" o toExplify (*val reduce_local = { func = ReduceLocal.reduce, print = CorePrint.p_file CoreEnv.empty } val toReduce_local = transform reduce_local "reduce_local" o toCorify*) val especialize = { func = ESpecialize.specialize, print = CorePrint.p_file CoreEnv.empty } val toEspecialize = transform especialize "especialize" o toCorify val core_untangle = { func = CoreUntangle.untangle, print = CorePrint.p_file CoreEnv.empty } val toCore_untangle = transform core_untangle "core_untangle" o toEspecialize val shake = { func = Shake.shake, print = CorePrint.p_file CoreEnv.empty } val toShake1 = transform shake "shake1" o toCore_untangle val tag = { func = Tag.tag, print = CorePrint.p_file CoreEnv.empty } val toTag = transform tag "tag" o toShake1 val reduce = { func = Reduce.reduce, print = CorePrint.p_file CoreEnv.empty } val toReduce = transform reduce "reduce" o toTag val unpoly = { func = Unpoly.unpoly, print = CorePrint.p_file CoreEnv.empty } val toUnpoly = transform unpoly "unpoly" o toReduce val specialize = { func = Specialize.specialize, print = CorePrint.p_file CoreEnv.empty } val toSpecialize = transform specialize "specialize" o toUnpoly val toShake2 = transform shake "shake2" o toSpecialize val monoize = { func = Monoize.monoize CoreEnv.empty, print = MonoPrint.p_file MonoEnv.empty } val toMonoize = transform monoize "monoize" o toShake2 val mono_opt = { func = MonoOpt.optimize, print = MonoPrint.p_file MonoEnv.empty } val toMono_opt1 = transform mono_opt "mono_opt1" o toMonoize val untangle = { func = Untangle.untangle, print = MonoPrint.p_file MonoEnv.empty } val toUntangle = transform untangle "untangle" o toMono_opt1 val mono_reduce = { func = MonoReduce.reduce, print = MonoPrint.p_file MonoEnv.empty } val toMono_reduce = transform mono_reduce "mono_reduce" o toUntangle val mono_shake = { func = MonoShake.shake, print = MonoPrint.p_file MonoEnv.empty } val toMono_shake = transform mono_shake "mono_shake1" o toMono_reduce val toMono_opt2 = transform mono_opt "mono_opt2" o toMono_shake val fuse = { func = Fuse.fuse, print = MonoPrint.p_file MonoEnv.empty } val toFuse = transform fuse "fuse" o toMono_opt2 val toUntangle2 = transform untangle "untangle2" o toFuse val toMono_shake2 = transform mono_shake "mono_shake2" o toUntangle2 val pathcheck = { func = (fn file => (PathCheck.check file; file)), print = MonoPrint.p_file MonoEnv.empty } val toPathcheck = transform pathcheck "pathcheck" o toMono_shake2 val cjrize = { func = Cjrize.cjrize, print = CjrPrint.p_file CjrEnv.empty } val toCjrize = transform cjrize "cjrize" o toPathcheck val prepare = { func = Prepare.prepare, print = CjrPrint.p_file CjrEnv.empty } val toPrepare = transform prepare "prepare" o toCjrize val sqlify = { func = Cjrize.cjrize, print = CjrPrint.p_sql CjrEnv.empty } val toSqlify = transform sqlify "sqlify" o toMono_opt2 fun compileC {cname, oname, ename, libs, profile} = let val urweb_o = clibFile "urweb.o" val driver_o = clibFile "driver.o" val compile = "gcc " ^ Config.gccArgs ^ " -Wstrict-prototypes -Werror -O3 -I include -c " ^ cname ^ " -o " ^ oname val link = "gcc -Werror -O3 -lm -pthread " ^ libs ^ " " ^ urweb_o ^ " " ^ oname ^ " " ^ driver_o ^ " -o " ^ ename val (compile, link) = if profile then (compile ^ " -pg", link ^ " -pg") else (compile, link) in if not (OS.Process.isSuccess (OS.Process.system compile)) then print "C compilation failed\n" else if not (OS.Process.isSuccess (OS.Process.system link)) then print "C linking failed\n" else print "Success\n" end fun compile job = case run toPrepare job of NONE => print "Ur compilation failed\n" | SOME file => let val job = valOf (run (transform parseUrp "parseUrp") job) val (cname, oname, cleanup) = if #debug job then ("/tmp/webapp.c", "/tmp/webapp.o", fn () => ()) else let val dir = OS.FileSys.tmpName () val () = if OS.FileSys.access (dir, []) then OS.FileSys.remove dir else () val cname = OS.Path.joinDirFile {dir = dir, file = "webapp.c"} val oname = OS.Path.joinDirFile {dir = dir, file = "webapp.o"} in OS.FileSys.mkDir dir; (cname, oname, fn () => (OS.FileSys.remove cname; OS.FileSys.remove oname; OS.FileSys.rmDir dir) handle OS.SysErr _ => OS.FileSys.rmDir dir) end val ename = #exe job in let val outf = TextIO.openOut cname val s = TextIOPP.openOut {dst = outf, wid = 80} val hasDb = List.exists (fn (Cjr.DDatabase _, _) => true | _ => false) (#1 file) val libs = if hasDb then "-lpq" else "" in Print.fprint s (CjrPrint.p_file CjrEnv.empty file); TextIO.output1 (outf, #"\n"); TextIO.closeOut outf; case #sql job of NONE => () | SOME sql => let val outf = TextIO.openOut sql val s = TextIOPP.openOut {dst = outf, wid = 80} in Print.fprint s (CjrPrint.p_sql CjrEnv.empty file); TextIO.closeOut outf end; compileC {cname = cname, oname = oname, ename = ename, libs = libs, profile = #profile job}; cleanup () end handle ex => (((cleanup ()) handle _ => ()); raise ex) end end