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view src/termination.sml @ 932:0a156bbd205f
Full Grid1 compiles, thanks to avoiding code size blow-up in mono_reduce
author | Adam Chlipala <> |
date | Sun, 13 Sep 2009 13:25:09 -0400 (2009-09-13) |
parents | 7f871c03e3a1 |
children |
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(* Copyright (c) 2008, Adam Chlipala * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * - The names of contributors may not be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. *) structure Termination :> TERMINATION = struct open Elab structure E = ElabEnv structure IM = IntBinaryMap structure IS = IntBinarySet datatype pedigree = Func of int | Arg of int * int * con | Subarg of int * int * con | Rabble fun p2s p = case p of Func i => "Func" ^ Int.toString i | Arg (i, j, _) => "Arg" ^ Int.toString i ^ "," ^ Int.toString j | Subarg (i, j, _) => "Subarg" ^ Int.toString i ^ "," ^ Int.toString j | Rabble => "Rabble" fun declOk' env (d, loc) = case d of DValRec vis => let val nfns = length vis val fenv = ListUtil.foldli (fn (i, (_, j, _, _), fenv) => IM.insert (fenv, j, i)) IM.empty vis fun namesEq ((c1, _), (c2, _)) = case (c1, c2) of (CName s1, CName s2) => s1 = s2 | (CRel n1, CRel n2) => n1 = n2 | (CNamed n1, CNamed n2) => n1 = n2 | (CModProj n1, CModProj n2) => n1 = n2 | _ => false fun patCon pc = let fun unravel (t, _) = case t of TCFun (_, _, _, t) => unravel t | TFun (dom, _) => dom | _ => raise Fail "Termination: Unexpected constructor type" in case pc of PConVar i => let val (_, t) = E.lookupENamed env i in unravel t end | PConProj (m1, ms, x) => let val (str, sgn) = E.chaseMpath env (m1, ms) in case E.projectVal env {str = str, sgn = sgn, field = x} of NONE => raise Fail "Termination: Bad constructor projection" | SOME t => unravel t end end fun pat penv (p, (pt, _)) = let fun con (i, j, pc, pt') = pat penv (Subarg (i, j, patCon pc), pt') fun record (i, j, t, xps) = case t of (TRecord (CRecord (_, xts), _), _) => foldl (fn ((x, pt', _), penv) => let val p' = case List.find (fn (x', _) => namesEq ((CName x, ErrorMsg.dummySpan), x')) xts of NONE => Rabble | SOME (_, t) => Subarg (i, j, t) in pat penv (p', pt') end) penv xps | _ => foldl (fn ((_, pt', _), penv) => pat penv (Rabble, pt')) penv xps in case (p, pt) of (_, PWild) => penv | (_, PVar _) => p :: penv | (_, PPrim _) => penv | (_, PCon (_, _, _, NONE)) => penv | (Arg (i, j, _), PCon (_, pc, _, SOME pt')) => con (i, j, pc, pt') | (Subarg (i, j, _), PCon (_, pc, _, SOME pt')) => con (i, j, pc, pt') | (_, PCon (_, _, _, SOME pt')) => pat penv (Rabble, pt') | (Arg (i, j, t), PRecord xps) => record (i, j, t, xps) | (Subarg (i, j, t), PRecord xps) => record (i, j, t, xps) | (_, PRecord xps) => foldl (fn ((_, pt', _), penv) => pat penv (Rabble, pt')) penv xps end fun exp parent (penv, calls) e = let val default = (Rabble, calls) fun apps () = let fun combiner calls e = case #1 e of EApp ((ECApp ( (ECApp ( (ECApp ( (ECApp ( (ECApp ( (ECApp ( (ECApp ( (ECApp ( (EModProj (m, [], "tag"), _), _), _), _), _), _), _), _), _), _), _), _), _), _), _), _), _), (ERecord xets, _)) => let val checkName = case E.lookupStrNamed env m of ("Basis", _) => (fn x : con => case #1 x of CName s => s = "Link" orelse s = "Action" | _ => false) | _ => (fn _ => false) val calls = foldl (fn ((x, e, _), calls) => if checkName x then calls else #2 (exp parent (penv, calls) e)) calls xets in (Rabble, [Rabble], calls) end | EApp (e1, e2) => let val (p1, ps, calls) = combiner calls e1 val (p2, calls) = exp parent (penv, calls) e2 val p = case p1 of Rabble => Rabble | Arg _ => Rabble | Subarg (i, j, (TFun (_, ran), _)) => Subarg (i, j, ran) | Subarg _ => Rabble | Func _ => Rabble in (p, ps @ [p2], calls) end | ECApp (e, _) => let val (p, ps, calls) = combiner calls e val p = case p of Rabble => Rabble | Arg _ => Rabble | Subarg (i, j, (TCFun (_, _, _, ran), _)) => Subarg (i, j, ran) | Subarg _ => Rabble | Func _ => Rabble in (p, ps, calls) end | EKApp (e, _) => combiner calls e | _ => let val (p, calls) = exp parent (penv, calls) e in (*Print.prefaces "Head" [("e", ElabPrint.p_exp env e)]; print (p2s p ^ "\n");*) (p, [p], calls) end val (p, ps, calls) = combiner calls e val calls = case ps of [] => raise Fail "Termination: Empty ps" | f :: ps => case f of Func i => (parent, i, ps) :: calls | _ => calls in (p, calls) end in case #1 e of EPrim _ => default | ERel n => (List.nth (penv, n), calls) | ENamed n => let val p = case IM.find (fenv, n) of NONE => Rabble | SOME n' => Func n' in (p, calls) end | EModProj _ => default | EApp _ => apps () | EAbs (_, _, _, e) => let val (_, calls) = exp parent (Rabble :: penv, calls) e in (Rabble, calls) end | ECApp _ => apps () | ECAbs (_, _, _, e) => let val (_, calls) = exp parent (penv, calls) e in (Rabble, calls) end | EKApp _ => apps () | EKAbs (_, e) => let val (_, calls) = exp parent (penv, calls) e in (Rabble, calls) end | ERecord xets => let val calls = foldl (fn ((_, e, _), calls) => #2 (exp parent (penv, calls) e)) calls xets in (Rabble, calls) end | EField (e, x, _) => let val (p, calls) = exp parent (penv, calls) e val p = case p of Subarg (i, j, (TRecord (CRecord (_, xts), _), _)) => (case List.find (fn (x', _) => namesEq (x, x')) xts of NONE => Rabble | SOME (_, t) => Subarg (i, j, t)) | _ => Rabble in (p, calls) end | ECut (e, _, _) => let val (_, calls) = exp parent (penv, calls) e in (Rabble, calls) end | ECutMulti (e, _, _) => let val (_, calls) = exp parent (penv, calls) e in (Rabble, calls) end | EConcat (e1, _, e2, _) => let val (_, calls) = exp parent (penv, calls) e1 val (_, calls) = exp parent (penv, calls) e2 in (Rabble, calls) end | ECase (e, pes, _) => let val (p, calls) = exp parent (penv, calls) e val calls = foldl (fn ((pt, e), calls) => let val penv = pat penv (p, pt) val (_, calls) = exp parent (penv, calls) e in calls end) calls pes in (Rabble, calls) end | EError => (Rabble, calls) | EUnif (ref (SOME e)) => exp parent (penv, calls) e | EUnif (ref NONE) => (Rabble, calls) | ELet (eds, e, _) => let fun extPenv ((ed, _), penv) = case ed of EDVal _ => Rabble :: penv | EDValRec vis => foldl (fn (_, penv) => Rabble :: penv) penv vis in exp parent (foldl extPenv penv eds, calls) e end end fun doVali (i, (_, f, _, e), calls) = let fun unravel (e, j, penv) = case #1 e of EAbs (_, t, _, e) => unravel (e, j + 1, Arg (i, j, t) :: penv) | ECAbs (_, _, _, e) => unravel (e, j, penv) | _ => (j, #2 (exp f (penv, calls) e)) in unravel (e, 0, []) end val (ns, calls) = ListUtil.foldliMap doVali [] vis fun isRecursive (from, to, _) = let fun search (at, soFar) = at = from orelse List.exists (fn (from', to', _) => from' = at andalso not (IS.member (soFar, to')) andalso search (to', IS.add (soFar, to'))) calls in search (to, IS.empty) end val calls = List.filter isRecursive calls fun search (ns, choices) = case ns of [] => let val choices = rev choices in List.all (fn (_, f, args) => let val recArg = List.nth (choices, f) fun isDatatype (t, _) = case t of CNamed _ => true | CModProj _ => true | CApp (t, _) => isDatatype t | _ => false in length args > recArg andalso case List.nth (args, recArg) of Subarg (i, j, t) => isDatatype t andalso j = List.nth (choices, i) | _ => false end) calls end | n :: ns' => let fun search' i = i < n andalso (search (ns', i :: choices) orelse search' (i + 1)) in search' 0 end in if search (ns, []) then () else ErrorMsg.errorAt loc "Can't prove termination of recursive function(s)" end | DStr (_, _, _, (StrConst ds, _)) => ignore (foldl declOk env ds) | _ => () and declOk (d, env) = (declOk' env d; E.declBinds env d) fun check ds = ignore (foldl declOk E.empty ds) end