view tests/unpoly.ur @ 2204:01c8aceac480

Finishes initial prototype, caching parameterless pages with table-match-based invalidation. Still has problems parsing non-Postgres SQL dialects properly.
author Ziv Scully <>
date Tue, 27 May 2014 21:14:13 -0400
parents 338be96f8533
line wrap: on
line source
val current = return (Some "1")
fun resolve (_ : string) = return (Some "2")

fun checkDeps deps =
    u <- current;
    List.foldlM (fn s (good, errs) =>
                    v' <- resolve s;
                    case v' of
                        None =>
                        return (False, <xml>
                          Unknown library path <tt>{[s]}</tt>.<br/>
                      | Some v' =>
                        b <- return True;
                        if b then
                            return (good, errs)
                            return (False, <xml>
                              Access denied to <tt>{[s]}</tt>.<br/>
                            </xml>)) (True, <xml/>) deps

fun main () =
    p <- checkDeps ("a" :: "b" :: []);
    return <xml><body>