diff lib/ur/basis.urs @ 602:1d34d916c206

Combine lib* directories
author Adam Chlipala <adamc@hcoop.net>
date Tue, 13 Jan 2009 15:23:48 -0500
parents lib/basis.urs@7c3c21eb5b4c
children 8998114760c1
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lib/ur/basis.urs	Tue Jan 13 15:23:48 2009 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,471 @@
+type int
+type float
+type string
+type time
+type unit = {}
+datatype bool = False | True
+datatype option t = None | Some of t
+(** Basic type classes *)
+class eq
+val eq : t ::: Type -> eq t -> t -> t -> bool
+val ne : t ::: Type -> eq t -> t -> t -> bool
+val eq_int : eq int
+val eq_float : eq float
+val eq_string : eq string
+val eq_bool : eq bool
+val eq_time : eq time
+val mkEq : t ::: Type -> (t -> t -> bool) -> eq t
+class num
+val zero : t ::: Type -> num t -> t
+val neg : t ::: Type -> num t -> t -> t
+val plus : t ::: Type -> num t -> t -> t -> t
+val minus : t ::: Type -> num t -> t -> t -> t
+val times : t ::: Type -> num t -> t -> t -> t
+val div : t ::: Type -> num t -> t -> t -> t
+val mod : t ::: Type -> num t -> t -> t -> t
+val num_int : num int
+val num_float : num float
+class ord
+val lt : t ::: Type -> ord t -> t -> t -> bool
+val le : t ::: Type -> ord t -> t -> t -> bool
+val gt : t ::: Type -> ord t -> t -> t -> bool
+val ge : t ::: Type -> ord t -> t -> t -> bool
+val ord_int : ord int
+val ord_float : ord float
+val ord_string : ord string
+val ord_bool : ord bool
+val ord_time : ord time
+(** String operations *)
+val strcat : string -> string -> string
+class show
+val show : t ::: Type -> show t -> t -> string
+val show_int : show int
+val show_float : show float
+val show_string : show string
+val show_bool : show bool
+val show_time : show time
+val mkShow : t ::: Type -> (t -> string) -> show t
+class read
+val read : t ::: Type -> read t -> string -> option t
+val readError : t ::: Type -> read t -> string -> t
+(* [readError] calls [error] if the input is malformed. *)
+val read_int : read int
+val read_float : read float
+val read_string : read string
+val read_bool : read bool
+val read_time : read time
+(** * Monads *)
+class monad :: Type -> Type
+val return : m ::: (Type -> Type) -> t ::: Type
+             -> monad m
+             -> t -> m t
+val bind : m ::: (Type -> Type) -> t1 ::: Type -> t2 ::: Type
+           -> monad m
+           -> m t1 -> (t1 -> m t2)
+           -> m t2
+con transaction :: Type -> Type
+val transaction_monad : monad transaction
+con source :: Type -> Type
+val source : t ::: Type -> t -> transaction (source t)
+val set : t ::: Type -> source t -> t -> transaction unit
+val get : t ::: Type -> source t -> transaction t
+con signal :: Type -> Type
+val signal_monad : monad signal
+val signal : t ::: Type -> source t -> signal t
+(** HTTP operations *)
+val requestHeader : string -> transaction (option string)
+con http_cookie :: Type -> Type
+val getCookie : t ::: Type -> http_cookie t -> transaction (option t)
+val setCookie : t ::: Type -> http_cookie t -> t -> transaction unit
+(** JavaScript-y gadgets *)
+val alert : string -> transaction unit
+(** SQL *)
+con sql_table :: {Type} -> Type
+(*** Queries *)
+con sql_query :: {{Type}} -> {Type} -> Type
+con sql_query1 :: {{Type}} -> {{Type}} -> {Type} -> Type
+con sql_exp :: {{Type}} -> {{Type}} -> {Type} -> Type -> Type
+con sql_subset :: {{Type}} -> {{Type}} -> Type
+val sql_subset : keep_drop :: {({Type} * {Type})}
+                              -> sql_subset
+                                     (fold (fn nm (fields :: ({Type} * {Type}))
+                                                  acc [[nm] ~ acc]
+                                                  [fields.1 ~ fields.2] =>
+                                               [nm = fields.1 ++ fields.2]
+                                                   ++ acc) [] keep_drop)
+                                     (fold (fn nm (fields :: ({Type} * {Type}))
+                                                  acc [[nm] ~ acc] =>
+                                               [nm = fields.1] ++ acc)
+                                               [] keep_drop)
+val sql_subset_all : tables :: {{Type}} -> sql_subset tables tables
+val sql_query1 : tables ::: {{Type}}
+                 -> grouped ::: {{Type}}
+                 -> selectedFields ::: {{Type}}
+                 -> selectedExps ::: {Type}
+                 -> {From : $(fold (fn nm (fields :: {Type}) acc [[nm] ~ acc] =>
+                                       [nm = sql_table fields] ++ acc)
+                                       [] tables),
+                     Where : sql_exp tables [] [] bool,
+                     GroupBy : sql_subset tables grouped,
+                     Having : sql_exp grouped tables [] bool,
+                     SelectFields : sql_subset grouped selectedFields,
+                     SelectExps : $(fold (fn nm (t :: Type) acc [[nm] ~ acc] =>
+                                             [nm = sql_exp grouped tables [] t]
+                                                 ++ acc) [] selectedExps) }
+                 -> sql_query1 tables selectedFields selectedExps
+type sql_relop 
+val sql_union : sql_relop
+val sql_intersect : sql_relop
+val sql_except : sql_relop
+val sql_relop : tables1 ::: {{Type}}
+                -> tables2 ::: {{Type}}
+                -> selectedFields ::: {{Type}}
+                -> selectedExps ::: {Type}
+                -> sql_relop
+                -> sql_query1 tables1 selectedFields selectedExps
+                -> sql_query1 tables2 selectedFields selectedExps
+                -> sql_query1 selectedFields selectedFields selectedExps
+type sql_direction
+val sql_asc : sql_direction
+val sql_desc : sql_direction
+con sql_order_by :: {{Type}} -> {Type} -> Type
+val sql_order_by_Nil : tables ::: {{Type}} -> exps :: {Type} -> sql_order_by tables exps
+val sql_order_by_Cons : tables ::: {{Type}} -> exps ::: {Type} -> t ::: Type
+                        -> sql_exp tables [] exps t -> sql_direction
+                        -> sql_order_by tables exps
+                        -> sql_order_by tables exps
+type sql_limit
+val sql_no_limit : sql_limit
+val sql_limit : int -> sql_limit
+type sql_offset
+val sql_no_offset : sql_offset
+val sql_offset : int -> sql_offset
+val sql_query : tables ::: {{Type}}
+                -> selectedFields ::: {{Type}}
+                -> selectedExps ::: {Type}
+                -> {Rows : sql_query1 tables selectedFields selectedExps,
+                    OrderBy : sql_order_by tables selectedExps,
+                    Limit : sql_limit,
+                    Offset : sql_offset}
+                -> sql_query selectedFields selectedExps
+val sql_field : otherTabs ::: {{Type}} -> otherFields ::: {Type}
+                -> fieldType ::: Type -> agg ::: {{Type}}
+                -> exps ::: {Type}
+                -> tab :: Name -> field :: Name
+                -> sql_exp
+                       ([tab = [field = fieldType] ++ otherFields] ++ otherTabs)
+                       agg exps fieldType
+val sql_exp : tabs ::: {{Type}} -> agg ::: {{Type}} -> t ::: Type -> rest ::: {Type}
+              -> nm :: Name
+              -> sql_exp tabs agg ([nm = t] ++ rest) t
+class sql_injectable
+val sql_bool : sql_injectable bool
+val sql_int : sql_injectable int
+val sql_float : sql_injectable float
+val sql_string : sql_injectable string
+val sql_time : sql_injectable time
+val sql_option_bool : sql_injectable (option bool)
+val sql_option_int : sql_injectable (option int)
+val sql_option_float : sql_injectable (option float)
+val sql_option_string : sql_injectable (option string)
+val sql_option_time : sql_injectable (option time)
+val sql_inject : tables ::: {{Type}} -> agg ::: {{Type}} -> exps ::: {Type}
+                 -> t ::: Type
+                 -> sql_injectable t -> t -> sql_exp tables agg exps t
+val sql_is_null : tables ::: {{Type}} -> agg ::: {{Type}} -> exps ::: {Type}
+                  -> t ::: Type
+                  -> sql_exp tables agg exps (option t)
+                  -> sql_exp tables agg exps bool
+class sql_arith
+val sql_int_arith : sql_arith int
+val sql_float_arith : sql_arith float
+con sql_unary :: Type -> Type -> Type
+val sql_not : sql_unary bool bool
+val sql_unary : tables ::: {{Type}} -> agg ::: {{Type}} -> exps ::: {Type}
+                -> arg ::: Type -> res ::: Type
+                -> sql_unary arg res -> sql_exp tables agg exps arg
+                -> sql_exp tables agg exps res
+val sql_neg : t ::: Type -> sql_arith t -> sql_unary t t
+con sql_binary :: Type -> Type -> Type -> Type
+val sql_and : sql_binary bool bool bool
+val sql_or : sql_binary bool bool bool
+val sql_binary : tables ::: {{Type}} -> agg ::: {{Type}} -> exps ::: {Type}
+                 -> arg1 ::: Type -> arg2 ::: Type -> res ::: Type
+                 -> sql_binary arg1 arg2 res -> sql_exp tables agg exps arg1
+                 -> sql_exp tables agg exps arg2
+                 -> sql_exp tables agg exps res
+val sql_plus : t ::: Type -> sql_arith t -> sql_binary t t t
+val sql_minus : t ::: Type -> sql_arith t -> sql_binary t t t
+val sql_times : t ::: Type -> sql_arith t -> sql_binary t t t
+val sql_div : t ::: Type -> sql_arith t -> sql_binary t t t
+val sql_mod : sql_binary int int int
+val sql_eq : t ::: Type -> sql_binary t t bool
+val sql_ne : t ::: Type -> sql_binary t t bool
+val sql_lt : t ::: Type -> sql_binary t t bool
+val sql_le : t ::: Type -> sql_binary t t bool
+val sql_gt : t ::: Type -> sql_binary t t bool
+val sql_ge : t ::: Type -> sql_binary t t bool
+val sql_count : tables ::: {{Type}} -> agg ::: {{Type}} -> exps ::: {Type}
+                -> sql_exp tables agg exps int
+con sql_aggregate :: Type -> Type
+val sql_aggregate : tables ::: {{Type}} -> agg ::: {{Type}} -> exps ::: {Type}
+                    -> t ::: Type
+                    -> sql_aggregate t -> sql_exp agg agg exps t
+                    -> sql_exp tables agg exps t
+class sql_summable
+val sql_summable_int : sql_summable int
+val sql_summable_float : sql_summable float
+val sql_avg : t ::: Type -> sql_summable t -> sql_aggregate t
+val sql_sum : t ::: Type -> sql_summable t -> sql_aggregate t
+class sql_maxable
+val sql_maxable_int : sql_maxable int
+val sql_maxable_float : sql_maxable float
+val sql_maxable_string : sql_maxable string
+val sql_maxable_time : sql_maxable time
+val sql_max : t ::: Type -> sql_maxable t -> sql_aggregate t
+val sql_min : t ::: Type -> sql_maxable t -> sql_aggregate t
+con sql_nfunc :: Type -> Type
+val sql_nfunc : tables ::: {{Type}} -> agg ::: {{Type}} -> exps ::: {Type}
+                -> t ::: Type
+                -> sql_nfunc t -> sql_exp tables agg exps t
+val sql_current_timestamp : sql_nfunc time
+(*** Executing queries *)
+val query : tables ::: {{Type}} -> exps ::: {Type}
+            -> fn [tables ~ exps] =>
+                  state ::: Type
+                  -> sql_query tables exps
+                  -> ($(exps ++ fold (fn nm (fields :: {Type}) acc [[nm] ~ acc] =>
+                                         [nm = $fields] ++ acc) [] tables)
+                      -> state
+                      -> transaction state)
+                  -> state
+                  -> transaction state
+(*** Database mutators *)
+type dml
+val dml : dml -> transaction unit
+val insert : fields ::: {Type}
+             -> sql_table fields
+             -> $(fold (fn nm (t :: Type) acc [[nm] ~ acc] =>
+                           [nm = sql_exp [] [] [] t] ++ acc)
+                           [] fields)
+             -> dml
+val update : unchanged ::: {Type} -> changed :: {Type} ->
+             fn [changed ~ unchanged] =>
+                $(fold (fn nm (t :: Type) acc [[nm] ~ acc] =>
+                           [nm = sql_exp [T = changed ++ unchanged] [] [] t]
+                               ++ acc)
+                           [] changed)
+                -> sql_table (changed ++ unchanged)
+                -> sql_exp [T = changed ++ unchanged] [] [] bool
+                -> dml
+val delete : fields ::: {Type}
+             -> sql_table fields
+             -> sql_exp [T = fields] [] [] bool
+             -> dml
+(*** Sequences *)
+type sql_sequence
+val nextval : sql_sequence -> transaction int
+(** XML *)
+con tag :: {Type} -> {Unit} -> {Unit} -> {Type} -> {Type} -> Type
+con xml :: {Unit} -> {Type} -> {Type} -> Type
+val cdata : ctx ::: {Unit} -> use ::: {Type} -> string -> xml ctx use []
+val tag : attrsGiven ::: {Type} -> attrsAbsent ::: {Type}
+          -> ctxOuter ::: {Unit} -> ctxInner ::: {Unit}
+          -> useOuter ::: {Type} -> useInner ::: {Type}
+          -> bindOuter ::: {Type} -> bindInner ::: {Type}
+          -> fn [attrsGiven ~ attrsAbsent]
+                    [useOuter ~ useInner]
+                    [bindOuter ~ bindInner] =>
+                $attrsGiven
+                -> tag (attrsGiven ++ attrsAbsent)
+                       ctxOuter ctxInner useOuter bindOuter
+                -> xml ctxInner useInner bindInner
+                -> xml ctxOuter (useOuter ++ useInner) (bindOuter ++ bindInner)
+val join : ctx ::: {Unit} 
+        -> use1 ::: {Type} -> bind1 ::: {Type} -> bind2 ::: {Type}
+        -> fn [use1 ~ bind1] [bind1 ~ bind2] =>
+              xml ctx use1 bind1
+              -> xml ctx (use1 ++ bind1) bind2
+              -> xml ctx use1 (bind1 ++ bind2)
+val useMore : ctx ::: {Unit} -> use1 ::: {Type} -> use2 ::: {Type}
+              -> bind ::: {Type}
+              -> fn [use1 ~ use2] =>
+                    xml ctx use1 bind
+                    -> xml ctx (use1 ++ use2) bind
+con xhtml = xml [Html]
+con page = xhtml [] []
+con xbody = xml [Body] [] []
+con xtr = xml [Body, Tr] [] []
+con xform = xml [Body, Form] [] []
+(*** HTML details *)
+con html = [Html]
+con head = [Head]
+con body = [Body]
+con form = [Body, Form]
+con tabl = [Body, Table]
+con tr = [Body, Tr]
+val dyn : ctx ::: {Unit} -> use ::: {Type} -> bind ::: {Type} -> unit
+          -> tag [Signal = signal (xml ctx use bind)] ctx [] use bind
+val head : unit -> tag [] html head [] []
+val title : unit -> tag [] head [] [] []
+val body : unit -> tag [] html body [] []
+con bodyTag = fn (attrs :: {Type}) =>
+                 ctx ::: {Unit} ->
+                 fn [[Body] ~ ctx] =>
+                    unit -> tag attrs ([Body] ++ ctx) ([Body] ++ ctx) [] []
+con bodyTagStandalone = fn (attrs :: {Type}) =>
+                           ctx ::: {Unit}
+                           -> fn [[Body] ~ ctx] =>
+                                 unit -> tag attrs ([Body] ++ ctx) [] [] []
+val br : bodyTagStandalone []
+val p : bodyTag []
+val b : bodyTag []
+val i : bodyTag []
+val tt : bodyTag []
+val font : bodyTag [Size = int, Face = string]
+val h1 : bodyTag []
+val h2 : bodyTag []
+val h3 : bodyTag []
+val h4 : bodyTag []
+val li : bodyTag []
+val ol : bodyTag []
+val ul : bodyTag []
+val hr : bodyTag []
+val a : bodyTag [Link = transaction page, Onclick = transaction unit]
+val form : ctx ::: {Unit} -> bind ::: {Type}
+            -> fn [[Body] ~ ctx] =>
+                  xml form [] bind
+                  -> xml ([Body] ++ ctx) [] []
+con formTag = fn (ty :: Type) (inner :: {Unit}) (attrs :: {Type}) =>
+                  ctx ::: {Unit}
+                  -> fn [[Form] ~ ctx] =>
+                        nm :: Name -> unit
+                        -> tag attrs ([Form] ++ ctx) inner [] [nm = ty]
+val textbox : formTag string [] [Value = string, Size = int, Source = source string]
+val password : formTag string [] [Value = string, Size = int]
+val textarea : formTag string [] [Rows = int, Cols = int]
+val checkbox : formTag bool [] [Checked = bool]
+con radio = [Body, Radio]
+val radio : formTag string radio []
+val radioOption : unit -> tag [Value = string] radio [] [] []
+con select = [Select]
+val select : formTag string select []
+val option : unit -> tag [Value = string, Selected = bool] select [] [] []
+val submit : ctx ::: {Unit} -> use ::: {Type}
+             -> fn [[Form] ~ ctx] =>
+                   unit
+                   -> tag [Value = string, Action = $use -> transaction page]
+                          ([Form] ++ ctx) ([Form] ++ ctx) use []
+(*** AJAX-oriented widgets *)
+con cformTag = fn (attrs :: {Type}) =>
+                  ctx ::: {Unit}
+                  -> fn [[Body] ~ ctx] =>
+                        unit -> tag attrs ([Body] ++ ctx) [] [] []
+val ctextbox : cformTag [Value = string, Size = int, Source = source string]
+val button : cformTag [Value = string, Onclick = transaction unit]
+(*** Tables *)
+val tabl : other ::: {Unit} -> fn [other ~ [Body, Table]] =>
+                                  unit -> tag [Border = int] ([Body] ++ other) ([Body, Table] ++ other) [] []
+val tr : other ::: {Unit} -> fn [other ~ [Body, Table, Tr]] =>
+                                unit -> tag [] ([Body, Table] ++ other) ([Body, Tr] ++ other) [] []
+val th : other ::: {Unit} -> fn [other ~ [Body, Tr]] =>
+                                unit -> tag [] ([Body, Tr] ++ other) ([Body] ++ other) [] []
+val td : other ::: {Unit} -> fn [other ~ [Body, Tr]] =>
+                                unit -> tag [] ([Body, Tr] ++ other) ([Body] ++ other) [] []
+(** Aborting *)
+val error : t ::: Type -> xml [Body] [] [] -> t