annotate tests/millis.ur @ 2291:50ad02829abd

Make cache flushes happen immediately instead of at end of transaction.
author Ziv Scully <>
date Tue, 17 Nov 2015 02:44:37 -0500
parents 225b87d4a7df
rev   line source
adam@1685 1 fun diffThem tm =
adam@1685 2 tm' <- now;
adam@1685 3 return <xml><body>
adam@1685 4 Diff: {[diffInMilliseconds tm tm']}
adam@1685 5 </body></xml>
adam@1685 6
adam@1685 7 fun main () : transaction page =
adam@1685 8 tm <- now;
adam@1685 9
adam@1685 10 return <xml><body>
adam@1685 11 Now: {[toMilliseconds tm]}<br/>
adam@1685 12 <a link={diffThem tm}>Diff</a><br/>
adam@1685 13
adam@1685 14 <button onclick={tm' <- now;
adam@1685 15 alert ("Now: " ^ show (toMilliseconds tm'));
adam@1685 16 alert ("Diff: " ^ show (diffInMilliseconds tm tm'))}/>
adam@1685 17 </body></xml>