comparison html.ur @ 9:8eaaca74a64c

Import HTML parser
author Adam Chlipala <>
date Wed, 15 Dec 2010 09:27:46 -0500
children 1a915f89f23a
equal deleted inserted replaced
8:ec4de8f848f8 9:8eaaca74a64c
1 open Parse
3 con attribute = fn t => {Nam : string,
4 Parse : string -> option t}
6 con tag = fn ts => {Nam : string,
7 Attributes : $(map attribute ts),
8 Folder : folder ts,
9 Construct : ctx ::: {Unit} -> [[Body] ~ ctx] => $ts
10 -> xml ([Body] ++ ctx) [] [] -> xml ([Body] ++ ctx) [] []}
12 fun tag [use] [ignore] [use ~ ignore] (fl : folder use) (name : string) (attrs : $(map attribute use))
13 (construct : ctx ::: {Unit} -> [[Body] ~ ctx] => Basis.tag (use ++ ignore) ([Body] ++ ctx) ([Body] ++ ctx) [] []) =
14 {Nam = name,
15 Attributes = attrs,
16 Folder = fl,
17 Construct = fn [ctx] [[Body] ~ ctx] (ats : $use) (inner : xml ([Body] ++ ctx) [] []) =>
18 Basis.tag None ats construct inner}
20 fun simpleTag [ignore] name (bt : bodyTag ignore) : tag [] =
21 @@tag [[]] [ignore] ! _ name {} (fn [ctx] [[Body] ~ ctx] => bt ())
23 fun simpleTag' [use] [ignore] [use ~ ignore] (fl : folder use)
24 name (bt : bodyTag (use ++ ignore)) (ats : $(map attribute use)) : tag use =
25 @@tag [use] [ignore] ! fl name ats (fn [ctx] [[Body] ~ ctx] => bt ())
27 fun url name = {Nam = name,
28 Parse = checkUrl}
30 datatype error a =
31 Good of a
32 | Bad of string
34 fun format [tags] (fl : folder tags) (tags : $(map tag tags)) [ctx] [[Body] ~ ctx] s =
35 let
36 fun loop s : error (xml ([Body] ++ ctx) [] [] * string) =
37 case String.msplit {Haystack = s, Needle = "&<"} of
38 None => Good (cdata s, "")
39 | Some (pre, ch, post) =>
40 case ch of
41 #"&" =>
42 (case String.split post #";" of
43 None => Bad "No ';' after '&'"
44 | Some (code, post) =>
45 let
46 val xml =
47 case code of
48 "lt" => <xml>&lt;</xml>
49 | "gt" => <xml>&gt;</xml>
50 | "amp" => <xml>&amp;</xml>
51 | _ => <xml/>
52 in
53 case loop post of
54 Good (after, post) => Good (<xml>{[pre]}{xml}{after}</xml>, post)
55 | x => x
56 end)
57 | _ =>
58 if String.length post > 0 && String.sub post 0 = #"/" then
59 case String.split post #"\x3E" of
60 None => Bad "No '>' after '</'"
61 | Some (_, post) => Good (<xml>{[pre]}</xml>, post)
62 else
63 case String.msplit {Haystack = post, Needle = " >"} of
64 None => Bad "No '>' after '<'"
65 | Some (tname, ch, post) =>
66 @foldR [tag] [fn _ => unit -> error (xml ([Body] ++ ctx) [] [] * string)]
67 (fn [nm :: Name] [ts :: {Type}] [r :: {{Type}}] [[nm] ~ r] (meta : tag ts) acc () =>
68 if meta.Nam = tname then
69 let
70 fun doAttrs (ch, post, ats : $(map option ts)) =
71 if String.length post > 0 && Char.isSpace (String.sub post 0) then
72 doAttrs (ch, String.substring post {Start = 1,
73 Len = String.length post - 1},
74 ats)
75 else
76 case ch of
77 #"\x3E" => Good (ats, post)
78 | _ =>
79 case String.split post #"=" of
80 None =>
81 (case String.split post #"\x3E" of
82 None => Bad "No tag ender '\x3E'"
83 | Some (_, post) => Good (ats, post))
84 | Some (aname, post) =>
85 if String.length post >= 1 && String.sub post 0 = #"\"" then
86 case String.split (String.substring post
87 {Start = 1,
88 Len = String.length post
89 - 1})
90 #"\"" of
91 None => Bad "No '\"' to end attribute value"
92 | Some (aval, post) =>
93 let
94 val ats =
95 @map2 [attribute] [option] [option]
96 (fn [t] meta v =>
97 if aname = meta.Nam then
98 meta.Parse aval
99 else
100 v)
101 meta.Folder meta.Attributes ats
102 in
103 doAttrs (#" ", post, ats)
104 end
105 else
106 Bad "Attribute value doesn't begin with quote"
107 in
108 case doAttrs (ch, post, @map0 [option] (fn [t :: Type] => None)
109 meta.Folder) of
110 Good (ats, post) =>
111 let
112 val ats =
113 @map2 [attribute] [option] [id]
114 (fn [t] meta v =>
115 case v of
116 None => error <xml>Missing attribute {[meta.Nam]}
117 for {[tname]}</xml>
118 | Some v => v)
119 meta.Folder meta.Attributes ats
120 in
121 case loop post of
122 Good (inner, post) =>
123 (case loop post of
124 Good (after, post) =>
125 Good (<xml>{[pre]}{meta.Construct [ctx] !
126 ats inner}{after}</xml>, post)
127 | x => x)
128 | x => x
129 end
130 | Bad s => Bad s
131 end
132 else
133 acc ())
134 (fn () => Bad ("Unknown HTML tag " ^ tname)) fl tags ()
135 in
136 case loop s of
137 Bad msg => Failure msg
138 | Good (xml, _) => Success xml
139 end
141 val b = simpleTag "b" @@b
142 val i = simpleTag "i" @@i
143 val a = simpleTag' "a" @@a {Href = url "href"}