changeset 16:2e397d373289

Add RemotePager.
author Karn Kallio <kkallio@eka>
date Thu, 18 Aug 2011 12:53:17 -0430
parents 8300d5f0dc19
children 2947170fcfd6
files examples/remotePager.ur examples/remotePager.urp examples/remotePager.urs lib.urp remotePager.ur remotePager.urs
diffstat 6 files changed, 287 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/examples/remotePager.ur	Thu Aug 18 12:53:17 2011 -0430
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+fun getPage pg =
+    return {Content = <xml><h2>This is page {[pg]}.</h2></xml>,
+            Available = 44}
+structure Pager = RemotePager.Make(struct
+                                       type errorMarker = {}
+                                       type pageGroup = {}
+                                       val initPage = fn _ => getPage 0
+                                       val getPage = fn _ pg =>
+                                                        tm <- now;
+                                                        if mod (toSeconds tm) 5 = 0 then
+                                                            return (RemotePager.Bad ())
+                                                        else
+                                                            p <- getPage pg;
+                                                            return (RemotePager.Good p)
+                                   end)
+fun main () =
+    pager <- Pager.create ();
+    return
+    <xml>
+      <head><title>RemotePager Example</title></head>
+      <body onload={Pager.onError pager (fn _ => alert "bad found")}>
+        <h1>RemotePager Example</h1>
+        <div>{Pager.panelXml pager}</div>
+        <div>{Pager.ctlXml pager}</div>
+      </body>
+    </xml>
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/examples/remotePager.urp	Thu Aug 18 12:53:17 2011 -0430
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+path META=../../meta
+library ../
+rewrite url RemotePager/*
+allow url http://*
+prefix http://localhost:8080/
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/examples/remotePager.urs	Thu Aug 18 12:53:17 2011 -0430
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
+val main : {} -> transaction page
--- a/lib.urp	Sun Aug 07 14:38:52 2011 -0400
+++ b/lib.urp	Thu Aug 18 12:53:17 2011 -0430
@@ -15,3 +15,4 @@
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/remotePager.ur	Thu Aug 18 12:53:17 2011 -0430
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+type formatCtl = {Width : int,
+                  RangeCtl : $(mapU (transaction {} -> xbody) [First, Back, Next, Last]),
+                  PageCtl :  $(mapU (int -> transaction {} -> xbody) [Unsel, Sel]),
+                  WrapPageCtl : xbody -> xbody,
+                  Wrap : $(mapU xbody [First, Back, Pages, Next, Last]) -> xbody}
+style firstCtl
+style backCtl
+style nextCtl
+style lastCtl
+style curPage
+style rangeCtl
+fun defaultFormatLbl {First = fLbl, Back = bLbl, Next = nLbl, Last = lLbl} =
+    let
+        fun mkLink c txt = fn a => <xml><li onclick={a} class={c}><a class={c} onclick={return ()}>{[txt]}</a></li></xml>
+    in
+        {Width = 5,
+         RangeCtl = {First = mkLink firstCtl fLbl,
+                     Back = mkLink backCtl bLbl,
+                     Next = mkLink nextCtl nLbl,
+                     Last = mkLink lastCtl lLbl},
+         PageCtl = {Unsel = fn n a => <xml><li onclick={a}><a onclick={return ()}>{[n + 1]}</a></li></xml>,
+                    Sel = fn n a => <xml><li onclick={a} class={curPage}><a class={curPage} onclick={return ()}>{[n + 1]}</a></li></xml>},
+         WrapPageCtl = fn x => x,
+         Wrap = fn {First = f, Back = b, Pages = p, Next = n, Last = l} => <xml><ul class={rangeCtl}>{f}{b}{p}{n}{l}</ul></xml>}
+    end
+val defaultFormat = defaultFormatLbl {First = "<<", Back = "<", Next = ">", Last = ">>"}
+type pageData = {Content : xbody, Available : int}
+datatype response err = Good of pageData | Bad of err
+functor Make(M : sig
+                 type errorMarker
+                 type pageGroup
+                 val initPage : pageGroup -> transaction pageData
+                 val getPage : pageGroup -> int -> transaction (response errorMarker)
+             end) : sig
+    type t
+    val createFmt : formatCtl -> M.pageGroup -> transaction t
+    val create : M.pageGroup -> transaction t
+    val onError : t -> (M.errorMarker -> transaction {}) -> transaction {}
+    val panelXml : t -> xbody
+    val ctlXml : t -> xbody
+end = struct
+    open M
+    type t = {FormatCtl : formatCtl,
+              PageGroup : pageGroup,
+              OnError : source (errorMarker -> transaction {}),
+              CurrentPage : source int,
+              RangeStart : source int,
+              Available : source int,
+              Content : source xbody}
+    fun max x y = if x > y then x else y
+    fun min x y = if x < y then x else y
+    fun loadPage t pg =
+        ret <- rpc (getPage t.PageGroup pg);
+        case ret of
+            Good pageData =>
+                let
+                    val lst = max 0 (pageData.Available - 1)
+                    val rgtRange = max 0 (pageData.Available - t.FormatCtl.Width)
+                in
+                    if pg > lst then
+                        loadPage t lst
+                    else
+                        rg <- get t.RangeStart;
+                        (if rg > rgtRange then
+                             set t.RangeStart rgtRange
+                         else
+                             return ());
+                        set t.CurrentPage pg;
+                        set t.Content pageData.Content;
+                        set t.Available pageData.Available
+                end
+          | Bad e =>
+                handler <- get t.OnError;
+                handler e
+    fun createFmt fmt grp =
+        pg <- source 0;
+        rg <- source 0;
+        pageData <- initPage grp;
+        av <- source (pageData.Available);
+        c <- source (pageData.Content);
+        e <- source (fn _ => return {});
+        return {FormatCtl = fmt,
+                PageGroup = grp,
+                OnError = e,
+                CurrentPage = pg,
+                RangeStart = rg,
+                Available = av,
+                Content = c}
+    val create = createFmt defaultFormat
+    fun onError t f =
+        set t.OnError f
+    fun panelXml t =
+            <xml>
+              <dyn signal={signal t.Content}/>
+            </xml>
+    fun ctlXml t =
+        let
+            val fmt = t.FormatCtl
+            val width = fmt.Width
+            fun floor pg =
+                return (max 0 pg)
+            fun lastPage () =
+                av <- get t.Available;
+                floor (av - 1)
+            fun rightRange () =
+                lst <- lastPage ();
+                floor (lst - width + 1)
+            fun ceil pg =
+                rgt <- rightRange ();
+                return (min rgt pg)
+            fun setRange startPage =
+                startPage <- ceil startPage;
+                startPage <- floor startPage;
+                set t.RangeStart startPage
+            fun printLinks start cur available =
+                let
+                    val wanted = start + width - 1
+                    val have = max 0 (available - 1)
+                    val lst = min wanted have
+                    fun printLinks' n (acc : xbody) =
+                        if n > lst then
+                            acc
+                        else
+                            printLinks' (n + 1)
+                                        <xml>{acc}{(if n = cur then
+                                                        fmt.PageCtl.Sel
+                                                    else
+                                                        fmt.PageCtl.Unsel) n (loadPage t n)}</xml>
+                in
+                    printLinks' start <xml/>
+                end
+        in
+            fmt.Wrap {First = fmt.RangeCtl.First (setRange 0),
+                      Back = fmt.RangeCtl.Back (pg <- get t.RangeStart; setRange (pg - 1)),
+                      Pages = fmt.WrapPageCtl
+                                  <xml>
+                                    <dyn signal={start <- signal t.RangeStart;
+                                                 av <- signal t.Available;
+                                                 cur <- signal t.CurrentPage;
+                                                 return (printLinks start cur av)}/>
+                                  </xml>,
+                      Next = fmt.RangeCtl.Next (pg <- get t.RangeStart; setRange (pg + 1)),
+                      Last = fmt.RangeCtl.Last (pg <- rightRange (); setRange pg)}
+        end
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/remotePager.urs	Thu Aug 18 12:53:17 2011 -0430
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+(* How to format the control section. *)
+type formatCtl = {Width : int,
+                  (* Maximum number of page options to show. *)
+                  RangeCtl : $(mapU (transaction {} -> xbody) [First, Back, Next, Last]),
+                  (* A group of four functions taking transactions which will be used to return
+                   * an element having that transaction as onclick.  Used to format the buttons
+                   * controlling the selection of page options.  First starts the options at the
+                   * first page, Back starts the options one page lower, Next one page higher
+                   * and Last has them finish at the final page. *)
+                  PageCtl :  $(mapU (int -> transaction {} -> xbody) [Unsel, Sel]),
+                  (* Used to generate the xml bearing the page selection onclick action. Sel
+                   * is used for the currently shown page and Unsel for the others. *)
+                  WrapPageCtl : xbody -> xbody,
+                  (* The sequence of page selection controls will be wrapped by this. *)
+                  Wrap : $(mapU xbody [First, Back, Pages, Next, Last]) -> xbody
+                  (* Draws the control by placing the individual controls in the holes. *)}
+style firstCtl
+style backCtl
+style nextCtl
+style lastCtl
+style curPage
+style rangeCtl
+(* Default styles. *)
+val defaultFormat : formatCtl
+(* A reasonable default format. *)
+val defaultFormatLbl : $(mapU string [First, Back, Next, Last]) -> formatCtl
+(* A default format with configurable labels on the page range controls. *)
+type pageData = {Content : xbody, Available : int}
+(* Content and page count needed from the RPC. *)
+datatype response err = Good of pageData | Bad of err
+(* The RPC gives us either page information or an error code. *)
+functor Make(M : sig
+                 type errorMarker
+                 (* Classifies the possible error conditions returned by the rpc call. *)
+                 type pageGroup
+                 (* Classifies families of pages. *)
+                 val initPage : pageGroup -> transaction pageData
+                 (* Used once to initialize the first page and page count.
+                  * The RPC mechanism is not used and no error is possible. *)
+                 val getPage : pageGroup -> int -> transaction (response errorMarker)
+                 (* RPC giving the content of a requested page as well as the count
+                  * of how many pages are available.  The first page should be given
+                  * an index of 0. *)
+             end) : sig
+    type t
+    (* The type of remote pagers.  A remote pager is a
+     * widget which shows a list of available "pages" of
+     * information.  The user can click on a page they want
+     * displayed, which is then fetched from the server via
+     * a RPC. *)
+    val createFmt : formatCtl -> M.pageGroup -> transaction t
+    (* Get a remote pager widget with a custom format showing pages from the selected group. *)
+    val create : M.pageGroup -> transaction t
+    (* Get a remote pager widget with the default format (partly customizable via CSS). *)
+    val onError : t -> (M.errorMarker -> transaction {}) -> transaction {}
+    (* Allows setting an error handler.  In case of an rpc error code return, this will
+     * be called with the received error marker.  If not set, the default error handler
+     * does nothing. *)
+    val panelXml : t -> xbody
+    (* Returns a piece of xml holding the contents of the current page. *)
+    val ctlXml : t -> xbody
+    (* Returns a xml widget representing the clickable page selection controls. *)