changeset 14:0827320b0f04

Write calendarCtl in terms of a source with a listener.
author Karn Kallio <kkallio@eka>
date Fri, 05 Aug 2011 18:55:24 -0430
parents c016beb0ebac
children 8300d5f0dc19
files calendar.ur calendar.urs changePoller.ur changePoller.urs datebox.ur datebox.urs examples/datebox.ur lib.urp
diffstat 8 files changed, 353 insertions(+), 259 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/calendar.ur	Fri Aug 05 18:55:24 2011 -0430
@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
+style calendar
+style prev
+style this
+style next
+style weekday
+style curday
+style otherday
+style selday
+datatype month = Prev | This | Next
+type date = {Year : int, Month : int, Day : int}
+val date_eq = mkEq (fn {Year = y, Month = m, Day = d} {Year = y', Month = m', Day = d'} =>
+                       y = y' && m = m' && d = d')
+val date_ord = mkOrd {Lt = fn {Year = y1, Month = m1, Day = d1} {Year = y2, Month = m2, Day = d2} =>
+                              y1 < y2 || (y1 = y2 && m1 < m2) || (y1 = y2 && m1 = m2 && d1 < d2),
+                      Le = fn {Year = y1, Month = m1, Day = d1} {Year = y2, Month = m2, Day = d2} =>
+                              y1 < y2 || (y1 = y2 && m1 < m2) || (y1 = y2 && m1 = m2 && d1 <= d2)}
+type t = {Month : source {ThisMonth : int, Year : int,
+                          ThisMonthLength : int, PrevMonthLength : int,
+                          MondayMonth : month, MondayDay : int,
+                          PrevMonthName : string, ThisMonthName : string, NextMonthName : string},
+          Day : ChangePoller.changePoller date}
+fun pad len n =
+    let
+        val s = show n
+        fun pad' len s =
+            if len <= 0 then
+                s
+            else
+                pad' (len-1) ("0" ^ s)
+    in
+        pad' (len - String.length s) s
+    end
+fun time {Year = y, Month = m, Day = d} = readError (show y ^ "-" ^ pad 2 m ^ "-" ^ pad 2 d ^ " 00:00:00")
+fun date tm =
+    let
+        val y = readError (timef "%Y" tm)
+        val m = readError (timef "%m" tm)
+        val d = readError (timef "%d" tm)
+    in
+        {Year = y, Month = m, Day = d}
+    end
+fun monthLen m =
+    let
+        fun f n tm =
+            let
+                val next = addSeconds tm (60 * 60 * 24)
+                val nextMon = readError (timef "%m" next)
+            in
+                if nextMon = m.Month then
+                    f (n+1) next
+                else
+                    n
+            end
+    in
+        f 28 (readError (show m.Year ^ "-" ^ pad 2 m.Month ^ "-28 00:00:00"))
+    end
+fun weekdayToNum s =
+    case s of
+        "Mon" => 0
+      | "Tue" => 1
+      | "Wed" => 2
+      | "Thu" => 3
+      | "Fri" => 4
+      | "Sat" => 5
+      | "Sun" => 6
+      | _ => error <xml>Datebox: Bad weekday name</xml>
+fun timeOfMonth my =
+    readError (show my.Year ^ "-" ^ pad 2 my.Month ^ "-01 00:00:00")
+fun monthInfo' this =
+    let
+        val prev = if this.Month = 1 then
+                       {Month = 12, Year = this.Year - 1}
+                   else
+                       {Month = this.Month-1, Year = this.Year}
+        val prevLen = monthLen prev
+        val next = if this.Month = 12 then
+                       {Month = 1, Year = this.Year + 1}
+                   else
+                       {Month = this.Month + 1, Year = this.Year}
+        val firstDow = weekdayToNum (timef "%a" (timeOfMonth this))
+    in
+        {ThisMonth = this.Month, Year = this.Year,
+         ThisMonthLength = monthLen this,
+         PrevMonthLength = prevLen,
+         MondayMonth = if firstDow = 0 then This else Prev,
+         MondayDay = if firstDow = 0 then 1 else prevLen - (firstDow - 1),
+         PrevMonthName = timef "%b" (timeOfMonth prev),
+         ThisMonthName = timef "%b" (timeOfMonth this),
+         NextMonthName = timef "%b" (timeOfMonth next)}
+    end
+fun monthInfo this = return (monthInfo' this)
+fun create tm =
+    year <- return (readError (timef "%Y" tm));
+    month <- return (readError (timef "%m" tm));
+    minf <- source (monthInfo' {Month = month, Year = year});
+    day <- return (readError (timef "%d" tm));
+    day <- ChangePoller.create {Year = year, Month = month, Day = day};
+    return {Month = minf, Day = day}
+fun render' t =
+    minf <- signal t.Month;
+    let
+        fun rows year month day =
+            let
+                fun row year month day weekday =
+                    if weekday >= 7 then
+                        <xml/>
+                    else
+                        <xml>
+                          <dyn signal={let
+                                           val thisDate = {Year = year,
+                                                           Month = case month of
+                                                                       Prev => if minf.ThisMonth = 1 then 12 else minf.ThisMonth - 1
+                                                                     | This => minf.ThisMonth
+                                                                     | Next => if minf.ThisMonth = 12 then 1 else minf.ThisMonth + 1,
+                                                           Day = day}
+                                       in
+                                           cday <- ChangePoller.value t.Day;
+                                           return (if Record.equal thisDate cday then
+                                                       <xml><td class={selday}>{[day]}</td></xml>
+                                                   else case month of
+                                                            This => <xml><td class={curday}
+                                                                             onclick={set (ChangePoller.ctl t.Day) thisDate}>{[day]}</td></xml>
+                                                          | _ => <xml><td class={otherday}>{[day]}</td></xml>)
+                                       end}/>
+                            {let
+                                 val (year, month, day) =
+                                     case month of
+                                         Prev => if day = minf.PrevMonthLength then
+                                                     (if minf.ThisMonth = 1 then year + 1 else year, This, 1)
+                                                 else
+                                                     (year, Prev, day+1)
+                                       | This => if day = minf.ThisMonthLength then
+                                                     (if minf.ThisMonth = 12 then year + 1 else year, Next, 1)
+                                                 else
+                                                     (year, This, day+1)
+                                       | Next => (year, Next, day+1)
+                             in
+                                 row year month day (weekday+1)
+                             end}
+                          </xml>
+            in
+                case month of
+                    Next => <xml/>
+                  | _ =>
+                    <xml>
+                      <tr>{row year month day 0}</tr>
+                      {let
+                           val next =
+                               case month of
+                                   Prev => Some (if minf.ThisMonth = 1 then year + 1 else year, This, day + 7 - minf.PrevMonthLength)
+                                 | This =>
+                                   Some (if day + 7 > minf.ThisMonthLength then
+                                             (if minf.ThisMonth = 12 then year + 1 else year, Next, day + 7 - minf.ThisMonthLength)
+                                         else
+                                             (year, This, day + 7))
+                                 | Next => None
+                       in
+                           case next of
+                               None => <xml/>
+                             | Some (year, month, day) => rows year month day
+                       end}
+                    </xml>
+            end
+    in
+        return <xml>
+          <table class={calendar}>
+            <tr>
+              <th class={prev} colspan={2}
+                  onclick={minf <- rpc (monthInfo (if minf.ThisMonth = 1 then
+                                                       {Month = 12, Year = minf.Year - 1}
+                                                   else
+                                                       {Month = minf.ThisMonth - 1, Year = minf.Year}));
+                           set t.Month minf}>&lt;&lt; {[minf.PrevMonthName]}</th>
+                  <th class={this} colspan={3}>{[minf.ThisMonthName]} {[minf.Year]}</th>
+                  <th class={next} colspan={2}
+                      onclick={minf <- rpc (monthInfo (if minf.ThisMonth = 12 then
+                                                           {Month = 1, Year = minf.Year + 1}
+                                                       else
+                                                           {Month = minf.ThisMonth + 1, Year = minf.Year}));
+                               set t.Month minf}>{[minf.NextMonthName]} >></th>
+            </tr>
+            <tr class={weekday}> <th>M</th> <th>Tu</th> <th>W</th> <th>Th</th> <th>F</th> <th>Sa</th> <th>Su</th> </tr>
+            {rows (if minf.ThisMonth = 1 && (case minf.MondayMonth of This => False | _ => True) then
+                       minf.Year - 1
+                   else
+                       minf.Year) minf.MondayMonth minf.MondayDay}
+          </table>
+        </xml>
+    end
+fun addListener f ctl =
+    ChangePoller.addChangeListener f 100 ctl.Day
+val gui_t = Gui.mkGui 
+                (fn ctl =>
+                    <xml>
+                      <dyn signal={render' ctl}/>
+                    </xml>)
+fun set ctl day =
+    minf <- rpc (monthInfo (day -- #Day));
+    Basis.set ctl.Month minf;
+    Basis.set (ChangePoller.ctl ctl.Day) day
+fun value ctl = ChangePoller.value ctl.Day
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/calendar.urs	Fri Aug 05 18:55:24 2011 -0430
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+type date = {Year : int, Month : int, Day : int}
+val date_eq : eq date
+val date_ord : ord date
+val time : date -> time
+val date : time -> date
+(* A type to represent calendar dates and some operations on them. *)
+type t
+(* Interactive calendar control widgets. The date can be set and read.
+ * They support adding a change listener which will be called on 
+ * the new date.  They are displayed as pictures of calendars which
+ * have clickable dates. *)
+val addListener : (date -> transaction unit) -> t -> transaction unit
+(* Add a change listener to a calendar control. *)
+val set : t -> date -> transaction unit
+(* Set the date of the calendar. *)
+val value : t -> signal date
+(* Read the date of the calendar. *)
+val gui_t : Gui.gui t
+(* Witness that this is a gui widget. *)
+val create : time -> transaction t
+(* Get a basic interactive calendar control widget. *)
+style calendar
+style prev
+style this
+style next
+style weekday
+style curday
+style otherday
+style selday
+(* Styles for the calendar panel. *)
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/changePoller.ur	Fri Aug 05 18:55:24 2011 -0430
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+con changePoller t = {Val : source t,
+                      Last : source t}
+fun create [t ::: Type] (_ : eq t) (i : t)  =
+    v <- source i;
+    l <- source i;
+    return {Val = v,
+            Last = l}
+fun addChangeListener [t ::: Type] (_ : eq t) f pollInterval cp =
+    let
+        fun go () =
+            sleep pollInterval;
+            sample <- get cp.Val;
+            lst <- get cp.Last;
+            if sample = lst then
+                go ()
+            else
+                f sample;
+                set cp.Last sample;
+                go ()
+    in
+        go ()
+    end
+fun ctl [t ::: Type] cp = cp.Val
+fun value [t ::: Type] cp = signal (cp.Val)
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/changePoller.urs	Fri Aug 05 18:55:24 2011 -0430
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+(* A source which can poll for changes and call an action on the new value
+ * when one is found. *)
+con changePoller :: Type -> Type
+(* The type of pollers over the given type. *) 
+val create : t ::: Type -> eq t -> t -> transaction (changePoller t)
+(* From an initial value get a poller. *)
+val addChangeListener : t ::: Type -> eq t -> (t -> transaction unit) -> int -> changePoller t -> transaction unit
+(* Add an action to run on changed values with a polling period given by the int. *)
+val ctl : t ::: Type -> changePoller t -> source t
+(* Get a source to control or set the current value. *)
+val value : t ::: Type -> changePoller t -> signal t
+(* A signal holding the current value. *)
--- a/datebox.ur	Thu Jul 28 11:51:10 2011 -0430
+++ b/datebox.ur	Fri Aug 05 18:55:24 2011 -0430
@@ -1,245 +1,35 @@
-style calendar
-style prev
-style this
-style next
-style weekday
-style curday
-style otherday
-style selday
+type t = {Cal : Calendar.t,
+          Panel : TogglePanel.togglePanel Calendar.t}
-datatype month = Prev | This | Next
+type date =
+val date_eq = Calendar.date_eq
+val date_ord = Calendar.date_ord
+val time = Calendar.time
+val date =
-type date = {Year : int, Month : int, Day : int}
-val date_ord = mkOrd {Lt = fn {Year = y1, Month = m1, Day = d1} {Year = y2, Month = m2, Day = d2} =>
-                              y1 < y2 || (y1 = y2 && m1 < m2) || (y1 = y2 && m1 = m2 && d1 < d2),
-                      Le = fn {Year = y1, Month = m1, Day = d1} {Year = y2, Month = m2, Day = d2} =>
-                              y1 < y2 || (y1 = y2 && m1 < m2) || (y1 = y2 && m1 = m2 && d1 <= d2)}
-con cal = [Month = source {ThisMonth : int, Year : int,
-                           ThisMonthLength : int, PrevMonthLength : int,
-                           MondayMonth : month, MondayDay : int,
-                           PrevMonthName : string, ThisMonthName : string, NextMonthName : string},
-           Day = source date]
-class givesDates t = t -> source date
-type t = $(cal ++ [Hide = source bool])
-fun givesDates_t x = x.Day
-fun pad len n =
-    let
-        val s = show n
-        fun pad' len s =
-            if len <= 0 then
-                s
-            else
-                pad' (len-1) ("0" ^ s)
-    in
-        pad' (len - String.length s) s
-    end
-fun time {Year = y, Month = m, Day = d} = readError (show y ^ "-" ^ pad 2 m ^ "-" ^ pad 2 d ^ " 00:00:00")
-fun date tm =
-    let
-        val y = readError (timef "%Y" tm)
-        val m = readError (timef "%m" tm)
-        val d = readError (timef "%d" tm)
-    in
-        {Year = y, Month = m, Day = d}
-    end
-fun monthLen m =
-    let
-        fun f n tm =
-            let
-                val next = addSeconds tm (60 * 60 * 24)
-                val nextMon = readError (timef "%m" next)
-            in
-                if nextMon = m.Month then
-                    f (n+1) next
-                else
-                    n
-            end
-    in
-        f 28 (readError (show m.Year ^ "-" ^ pad 2 m.Month ^ "-28 00:00:00"))
-    end
-fun weekdayToNum s =
-    case s of
-        "Mon" => 0
-      | "Tue" => 1
-      | "Wed" => 2
-      | "Thu" => 3
-      | "Fri" => 4
-      | "Sat" => 5
-      | "Sun" => 6
-      | _ => error <xml>Datebox: Bad weekday name</xml>
-fun timeOfMonth my =
-    readError (show my.Year ^ "-" ^ pad 2 my.Month ^ "-01 00:00:00")
-fun monthInfo' this =
-    let
-        val prev = if this.Month = 1 then
-                       {Month = 12, Year = this.Year - 1}
-                   else
-                       {Month = this.Month-1, Year = this.Year}
-        val prevLen = monthLen prev
-        val next = if this.Month = 12 then
-                       {Month = 1, Year = this.Year + 1}
-                   else
-                       {Month = this.Month + 1, Year = this.Year}
-        val firstDow = weekdayToNum (timef "%a" (timeOfMonth this))
-    in
-        {ThisMonth = this.Month, Year = this.Year,
-         ThisMonthLength = monthLen this,
-         PrevMonthLength = prevLen,
-         MondayMonth = if firstDow = 0 then This else Prev,
-         MondayDay = if firstDow = 0 then 1 else prevLen - (firstDow - 1),
-         PrevMonthName = timef "%b" (timeOfMonth prev),
-         ThisMonthName = timef "%b" (timeOfMonth this),
-         NextMonthName = timef "%b" (timeOfMonth next)}
-    end
-fun monthInfo this = return (monthInfo' this)
+val format = TogglePanel.defaultFormat 
+                 --#OpenCtl -- #CloseCtl
+                 ++ {OpenCtl = fn behaviour => <xml><button value="Choose" onclick={behaviour}/></xml>,
+                     CloseCtl = fn behaviour => <xml><button value="Hide" onclick={behaviour}/></xml>}
 fun create tm =
-    year <- return (readError (timef "%Y" tm));
-    month <- return (readError (timef "%m" tm));
-    minf <- source (monthInfo' {Month = month, Year = year});
-    day <- return (readError (timef "%d" tm));
-    day <- source {Year = year, Month = month, Day = day};
-    hide <- source True;
-    return {Month = minf, Day = day, Hide = hide}
+    cal <- Calendar.create tm;
+    panel <- TogglePanel.create format cal False;
-fun render' action t =
-    minf <- signal t.Month;
-    let
-        fun rows year month day =
-            let
-                fun row year month day weekday =
-                    if weekday >= 7 then
-                        <xml/>
-                    else
-                        <xml>
-                          <dyn signal={let
-                                           val thisDate = {Year = year,
-                                                           Month = case month of
-                                                                       Prev => if minf.ThisMonth = 1 then 12 else minf.ThisMonth - 1
-                                                                     | This => minf.ThisMonth
-                                                                     | Next => if minf.ThisMonth = 12 then 1 else minf.ThisMonth + 1,
-                                                           Day = day}
-                                       in
-                                           cday <- signal t.Day;
-                                           return (if Record.equal thisDate cday then
-                                                       <xml><td class={selday}>{[day]}</td></xml>
-                                                   else case month of
-                                                            This => <xml><td class={curday}
-                                                                                       onclick={action thisDate; set t.Day thisDate}>{[day]}</td></xml>
-                                                          | _ => <xml><td class={otherday}>{[day]}</td></xml>)
-                                       end}/>
-                            {let
-                                 val (year, month, day) =
-                                     case month of
-                                         Prev => if day = minf.PrevMonthLength then
-                                                     (if minf.ThisMonth = 1 then year + 1 else year, This, 1)
-                                                 else
-                                                     (year, Prev, day+1)
-                                       | This => if day = minf.ThisMonthLength then
-                                                     (if minf.ThisMonth = 12 then year + 1 else year, Next, 1)
-                                                 else
-                                                     (year, This, day+1)
-                                       | Next => (year, Next, day+1)
-                             in
-                                 row year month day (weekday+1)
-                             end}
-                          </xml>
-            in
-                case month of
-                    Next => <xml/>
-                  | _ =>
-                    <xml>
-                      <tr>{row year month day 0}</tr>
-                      {let
-                           val next =
-                               case month of
-                                   Prev => Some (if minf.ThisMonth = 1 then year + 1 else year, This, day + 7 - minf.PrevMonthLength)
-                                 | This =>
-                                   Some (if day + 7 > minf.ThisMonthLength then
-                                             (if minf.ThisMonth = 12 then year + 1 else year, Next, day + 7 - minf.ThisMonthLength)
-                                         else
-                                             (year, This, day + 7))
-                                 | Next => None
-                       in
-                           case next of
-                               None => <xml/>
-                             | Some (year, month, day) => rows year month day
-                       end}
-                    </xml>
-            end
-    in
-        return <xml>
-          <table class={calendar}>
-            <tr>
-              <th class={prev} colspan={2}
-                                           onclick={minf <- rpc (monthInfo (if minf.ThisMonth = 1 then
-                                                                                {Month = 12, Year = minf.Year - 1}
-                                                                            else
-                                                                                {Month = minf.ThisMonth - 1, Year = minf.Year}));
-                                                    set t.Month minf}>&lt;&lt; {[minf.PrevMonthName]}</th>
-                                           <th class={this} colspan={3}>{[minf.ThisMonthName]} {[minf.Year]}</th>
-                                           <th class={next} colspan={2}
-                                                                        onclick={minf <- rpc (monthInfo (if minf.ThisMonth = 12 then
-                                                                                                             {Month = 1, Year = minf.Year + 1}
-                                                                                                         else
-                                                                                                             {Month = minf.ThisMonth + 1, Year = minf.Year}));
-                                                                                 set t.Month minf}>{[minf.NextMonthName]} >></th>
-            </tr>
-            <tr class={weekday}> <th>M</th> <th>Tu</th> <th>W</th> <th>Th</th> <th>F</th> <th>Sa</th> <th>Su</th> </tr>
-            {rows (if minf.ThisMonth = 1 && (case minf.MondayMonth of This => False | _ => True) then
-                       minf.Year - 1
-                   else
-                       minf.Year) minf.MondayMonth minf.MondayDay}
-          </table>
-        </xml>
-    end
+    return {Cal = cal,
+            Panel = panel}
-fun render t = <xml>
-  <dyn signal={date <- signal t.Day;
-               return <xml>{[date.Year]}-{[date.Month]}-{[date.Day]}</xml>}/>
-  <dyn signal={hd <- signal t.Hide;
-               if hd then
-                   return <xml><button value="Choose" onclick={set t.Hide False}/></xml>
-               else
-                   main <- render' (fn _ => return ()) (t -- #Hide);
-                   return <xml><button value="Hide" onclick={set t.Hide True}/><br/>{main}</xml>}/>
+fun addListener f db =
+    Calendar.addListener f db.Cal
-type calendarCtl = $cal
+fun set db day =
+    Calendar.set db.Cal day
-fun givesDates_calendarCtl x = x.Day
+fun value db = Calendar.value db.Cal
-fun createCalendarCtl tm =
-    year <- return (readError (timef "%Y" tm));
-    month <- return (readError (timef "%m" tm));
-    minf <- source (monthInfo' {Month = month, Year = year});
-    day <- return (readError (timef "%d" tm));
-    day <- source {Year = year, Month = month, Day = day};
-    return {Month = minf, Day = day}
-fun renderCalendarCtl action ctl =
+fun render db = 
-      <dyn signal={render' action ctl}/>
+      <dyn signal={date <- Calendar.value db.Cal;
+                   return <xml>{[date.Year]}-{[date.Month]}-{[date.Day]}</xml>}/>
+      {Gui.toXml db.Panel}
-fun setCalendarCtl action ctl day =
-    minf <- rpc (monthInfo (day -- #Day));
-    action day;
-    set ctl.Month minf;
-    set ctl.Day day
-fun value [t ::: Type] (gd : givesDates t) t = signal (gd t)
--- a/datebox.urs	Thu Jul 28 11:51:10 2011 -0430
+++ b/datebox.urs	Fri Aug 05 18:55:24 2011 -0430
@@ -1,30 +1,26 @@
-class givesDates
 type t
-type calendarCtl
-val givesDates_t : givesDates t
-val givesDates_calendarCtl : givesDates calendarCtl
+(* The type of dateboxes, which are input elements
+ * allowing the user to select a date from a popup
+ * calendar. *)
 type date = {Year : int, Month : int, Day : int}
+val date_eq : eq date
 val date_ord : ord date
 val time : date -> time
 val date : time -> date
+(* Type of dates and some useful utility functions. *)
 val create : time -> transaction t
+(* Get a datebox initially set to the given time. *)
+val addListener : (date -> transaction unit) -> t -> transaction unit
+(* Add an action to be run when the date changes. *)
+val set : t -> date -> transaction unit
+(* Call this to change the selected date. *)
+val value : t -> signal date
+(* Extract the current date value. *)
 val render : t -> xbody
-val createCalendarCtl : time -> transaction calendarCtl
-val renderCalendarCtl : (date -> transaction unit) -> calendarCtl -> xbody
-val setCalendarCtl : (date -> transaction unit) -> calendarCtl -> date -> transaction unit
-val value : t ::: Type -> givesDates t -> t -> signal date
-style calendar
-style prev
-style this
-style next
-style weekday
-style curday
-style otherday
-style selday
+(* Draws the datebox as a piece of xml. *)
--- a/examples/datebox.ur	Thu Jul 28 11:51:10 2011 -0430
+++ b/examples/datebox.ur	Fri Aug 05 18:55:24 2011 -0430
@@ -2,12 +2,14 @@
 tm <- now;
-dayCtl <- Datebox.createCalendarCtl tm;
+dayCtl <- Datebox.create tm;
+load <- return (Datebox.addListener (fn d => alert (show d.Day)) dayCtl);
       <head><title>Datebox Example</title></head>
-      <body>
-        {Datebox.renderCalendarCtl (fn (d : => alert (show d.Year)) dayCtl}
+      <body onload={load}>
+        {Datebox.render dayCtl}
--- a/lib.urp	Thu Jul 28 11:51:10 2011 -0430
+++ b/lib.urp	Fri Aug 05 18:55:24 2011 -0430
@@ -7,9 +7,11 @@