diff ckeditorFfi.urs @ 34:2d195bee1efa

CKeditor wrapper
author Adam Chlipala <adam@chlipala.net>
date Thu, 21 Nov 2013 18:19:02 -0500
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/ckeditorFfi.urs	Thu Nov 21 18:19:02 2013 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+datatype size =
+         DefaultSize
+       | Pixels of int
+       | Percent of int
+datatype button =
+         Separator
+       | Source
+       | Save
+       | NewPage
+       | DocProps
+       | Preview
+       | Print
+       | Templates
+       | Document
+       | Cut
+       | Copy
+       | Paste
+       | PasteText
+       | PasteFromWord
+       | Undo
+       | Redo
+       | Find
+       | Replace
+       | SelectAll
+       | Scayt
+       | Form
+       | Checkbox
+       | Radio
+       | TextField
+       | Textarea
+       | Select
+       | Button
+       | ImageButton
+       | HiddenField
+       | Bold
+       | Italic
+       | Underline
+       | Strike
+       | Subscript
+       | Superscript
+       | RemoveFormat
+       | NumberedList
+       | BulletedList
+       | Outdent
+       | Indent
+       | Blockquote
+       | CreateDiv
+       | JustifyLeft
+       | JustifyCenter
+       | JustifyRight
+       | JustifyBlock
+       | BidiLtr
+       | BidiRtl
+       | Link
+       | Unlink
+       | Anchor
+       | CreatePlaceholder
+       | Image
+       | Flash
+       | Table
+       | HorizontalRule
+       | Smiley
+       | SpecialChar
+       | PageBreak
+       | Iframe
+       | InsertPre
+       | Styles
+       | Format
+       | Font
+       | FontSize
+       | TextColor
+       | BGColor
+       | UIColor
+       | Maximize
+       | ShowBlocks
+       | Button1
+       | Button2
+       | Button3
+       | Oembed
+       | MediaEmbed
+       | About
+datatype toolbar =
+         Newline
+       | Bar of { Nam : option string, Buttons : list button }
+datatype toolbar_set =
+         DefaultToolbarSet
+       | Custom of list toolbar
+type editor
+val editor : {Width : size,
+              Height : size,
+              ToolbarSet : toolbar_set}
+             -> transaction editor
+val replace : editor -> id -> transaction unit
+val content : editor -> transaction string